Guardian Nova Knight Broadsword (Full Version)

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Koree -> Guardian Nova Knight Broadsword (7/24/2010 12:52:07)

Guardian Nova Knight Broadsword

Also see other Nova Knight set items:
  • Weapons: Machete Z, Cleaver, Machete, Guardian Broadsword, Kilij, Falchion
  • Armors: Hauberk Z, Cuirass, Hauberk, Guardian Mail, Light Plate, Plate
  • Shields: Shield Z, Buckler, Shield, Guardian Heater Shield, Ward, Aegis
  • Misc: Bascinet Z, Sallet, Bascinet, Guardian Armet, Helm, Great Helm

    Level: 70
    Power Level: 73
    Price: 55,000 5,235
    Sellback: 27,500 2,617
    Location: The Nova Knight

    Type: Melee
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 8-33
    BTH: 9

    Hits: 2
    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 463% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 216% Lucky Strike damage
    BTH: +29
      If you are in the full Nova Knight set (weapon/armor/shield/misc), then if at least one hit connects, then the Special attempt to Burn* the monster for five rounds. Fire-Element monsters** are immune to the Burn. The monster takes -10 to its save*** (if both hits connects) or +4 to its save (if only one connects).

        Level: [Power Level] vs MonsterLevel
        Major: [Major] vs MonsterDEX
        Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      For [Power Level], you use the Power Level of whichever Nova Knight item you have equipped with the lowest Power Level. [Major] is based on [Power Level]:
      Level	10	40	0Z	70G	100	130
      PLvl	10	40	40	73	100	130
      Major	30	95	95	165	200	200
      Dmg	1-4	3-18	3-18	7-44	10-68	14-90
      Example: If you have the Nova Knight Kilij (PLvl 100), Nova Knight Plate (PLvl 130), Nova Knight Ward (PLvl 100), and Nova Knight Sallet (PLvl 10) equipped, then the [Power Level] is 10, since the Sallet has the lowest Power Level.
    Rate: 20%

    *The pillars of flame catch your foe on fire!
    **Fire monsters cannot be set on fire.
    ***Your foe puts out the fire before it spreads.

    This is the weapon of a Nova Knight, an order from Lore's future sworn to defend endangered creatures! This one is patterned after the cor-dem blade Randor found in the future.


    Numbers from JMill and In Media Res. Image from balubamboto. Special type from johnnyquest.aqrocks. Description from AVA. Write-up thanks to devbhargava.

    The Special starts out as 904% Base/Random and 421% Stats damage, with +31 BTH. The damage is split evenly over the two hits. Each hit takes -2 BTH, and deals *85/83 damage.

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