Azhura (Full Version)

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ArchMagus Orodalf -> Azhura (8/6/2010 16:44:21)



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Azhura: That I am! It's been centuries since someone sought me out. You. Purple-hair. You're a descendant of mine.
Azhura: Which one are you, now? I've so many, it's hard to keep track.

Azhura: Haha, I like you, little one. You remind me of me at your age.
Azhura: Hmmm... I sense... Void magic inside of you, but muted. They blocked you, didn't they?

Azhura: Oh yes, yes I know of him. Quite the charmer, isn't he?

Azhura: Finish your thought dear. Keeping in mind, of course, that Elucidas and I are old, OLD friends. *smile*

Azhura: Oh my, yes. We'd better teach you how to use it! If we don't, you're apt to destroy yourself.
Azhura: *thinking* May she never endure what I have!
Azhura: The Void is a deadly place, and the element that infuses it is both addictive and powerful.
Azhura: Come here, dear. We will begin without delay!
Azhura: Well! THAT was certainly the way to do it!
Azhura: You've done well. Yes, beyond my expectations.
Azhura: I do believe you're ready to handle the raw stuff of the Void.
Azhura: Your finesse will grow with your experience.
Azhura: I can teach you no more.
Azhura: You are ready to grasp as much of your power as you can hold, my dear.


Thanks to Peachii for banner.

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