RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (Full Version)

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OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 14:20:47)

Ello, I'm BACK!!!!!!
Hey, welcome back! :D

Well i forgot to Congratulate you on your new position.
No worries- thanks. =P

Also i want you to replace this post with a future post of my choosing, removing this line in the process.

I hope you can actually do it

anyways good luck and have fun
Thanks, bye!

~AK 94 The From The Future Not So AK

Sam041 -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 14:28:08)

Hi New Guy.
Hi. :D

Bye New Guy. :3
Bye. D:

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 15:36:16)

Heya Cguy! ;)
Hey! :D

No questions, just congratulations on the promotion, good luck with tis MtAK (Your gonna need it :P) and most important,
Have a great time Aking!
Hehe, thanks. I will do. =P

Cya around the board ;)
Sure- thanks, later!

Birdboy -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 16:23:51)

Greetings to you good sir... or ma'm, this is the internet and rule 29 is something too live by in today's world.
Ha- I AM a guy. =P

What is the square root of doom? I was told it was Desu.
If doom = Friday 13th

and Friday = 5

then 5 + 13 = 18

Square root of 18 = 4.24....

Alternatively: Evil * Evil = Doom. :D

What is the power level of a Raven using sawfish as a lancer (gears of war)
I sir, have not the faintest clue.

How much are you willing to bet I will say something random?
With my power to read directly below what I am typing....100 cookies!

Chicken monkey snicker doodle!!!
Cookies be mine! >:D

Your brain is still intact after that?
Very much so, but after those cookies I now feel full up. =P

To survive this long makes you a harden worrier.. I'd enjoy to see you in the ranks of the Bird Empire. How about you join my army? And we will rule the world with burritos!
Never! D:

Last question/stupid comment, Do you like birds?
Why yes, yes I do. :D Thanks, bye!

Trogar the Boss -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 16:49:30)

Hey there Cguy!
Hi there! :D

C is my Favourite Letter,

For to Quoth the Cookie Monster;

"#C is for Cookie, and Cookie is for Meeee!#"
Very wise words *nodnod*.

*Ahem* ....Sometimes, you need to Regain your Childhood, Y'kno?
Oh yes, indeed. :D

Also, Conangrats! I say Conan for that is my Name in Rea- Oh no, my cover is blown!

I hear Sirens!?! >.> , <.<
Neeeeee-naaaaaaw neeeee-naaaaw woo-hoo-woo-hoo *beep beep beep*. *cough* Sorry, I thought I should do the sound effects. =P

Gah, their here! Run, Cguy, Run for Cover!
Ahh! Ahh!

You saw Nothing! *Ka-Poof!*

Teehee. Byebye! :3
Hehe. Thanks, bye!

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 16:55:30)

Zhukai! :D One of my favourite vegetables! *cough* =P

How's the GD?
Not too bad, thanks. =P

Would you like another robot avatar?

I made another one but this time it's red.
:o Sounds interesting...

Do you like zucchinis?
Yes, yes I do! :D

Or are you a cucumber fan!?
Well actually, I like cucumber as well. =P

Either way good luck.

Yay! Thanks very much, see you around! :D

sunflash357 -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 17:01:45)

Hey! Welcome!
Hey, thanks!

Is the massive amounts of information on the internet scary to you?
I don't try to read it all, so no. :D

What about the massive numbers of posts we make on these forums?
*cough* Well, it's certainly busy. =P

Do you like cookies?
Yes yes yes! :D

If so, what's your favorite?
Good ol' chocolate chip.

How many questions do you expect to answer before everyone is tired of asking questions?'ll probably be in the hundreds..maybe I'll even reach 1000...

Have fun answering every one else's questions after this, 'cuz I've got no more!
Thanks very much, bye!

The Legendary d4 -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 17:08:36)

Uhhhh Mtaks [:)][:)] i like them lol even if i don't ask question.
Hehe, indeed. :)

allos guy ^^,
Hi. :D

pew pew
Nuu, don't shoot!

Congrats to your new job ^^
Thanks. :D

I was thinking of a question before i post but i think i lost it <.<
Feel free to post again if you remember. :D

ohw look a spammer

Eeep! Thanks, bye! :D

Burning Skies -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 17:08:58)

Ah, hello, and congrats.
Heya, thanks!

1) So, how do you like my signature? A new one is in the works ^.^
Very nice. =P

2) How do you feel about food recalls?
I really wouldn't know.

3) How do you feel about America as a whole?
Overall it's pretty cool. :D Lots of good things have come from there.

4) So. Is my avatar awesome or not?
I'll say awesome. :D

5) What is your stance on childhood obesity?
Not good.

6) Why do you think the American economy is failing?
Not sure I've thought about it closely enough. =P

7) How do you think people have changed over the last century? Good? Bad?
I think the world in general has improved overall.

8) Do I frighten you with the pure epic that radiates from me?
Maybe. :o

Or did you?

10) Bye bye.

Good luck! Action; gather data complete. Sending data for collection, complete. Saving to main database; complete. DO-DO-DOOOOO!

Thanks, bye!

G Man -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 17:10:20)

Thanks. :D

Good name
Hehe, you too. =P

Thanks again!


I actually have ZERO questions for you
:o Thanks, bye!

Hollow Knight -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 17:18:19)

Hello Cguy =)
Hey there. :D

Not much from me but heres a cookie *gives him the triple chocolate chip cookie*

But congratulations,good luck and always remember to have fun!
Thanks, will do! Bye!

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 17:25:06)

Cguy :D
Hey Jonzee!

Dude I haven't seen you in ages!
I know!

Missed you :/ Well now your here I'll be seeing you a lot more :D

It's 7:42 Am and I had the worst sleep so just a simple Congratulations for me <3

Aww. Well thanks, bye!

kwicksta -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 17:35:58)

SPAM! Must....delete....

Yes, asdfasdf.

Come to think of it, what does asdf mean?
I actually have no clue at all. =P

I heard ants are near extinction. What do you think? *pats pet Dodo*
I sure hope not. They may be annoying sometimes but they can be fun to watch.

Why am I asking you these questions?
Because you want to hurt me with your horrible torture of doom you're bored? :D

Thanks. :'D
Hehe, just kidding. =P Thanks, bye!


farg -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 17:48:48)

Hi Cguy i would like to express my deep condolences for your eternal and cruel torture of being an AK (i am bored of the congratulations xD)
Why, thank you. But really it is awful so terribly horrible! quite fun. =P

i have some questions for you, its better you get prepared ;)

What in the name of the All Mighty Coders Creator of Lore your avatar is?
Why, it's me in robot form. :o

Whatever your avatar diet is, i warn you, is not working (i expect that isn’t a too realistic representation of you...) =P

How did the Moglins appear on LORE?
A wizard did it. *cough*

Why do you think Zorbak is Ebil?
Cuddly + doom = EBIL!

Ebil, Good, Chaos or Pink, and Why?
Good- we nearly always win. :D Erm.. well, to get rid of evil!

And final question… tam tam tam taaaaaaam..... (hehe i think i did this better than George Lowe :D):
:o Don't let him hear you say that! Or read your typing...

How do you manage to answer several pages of interrogatory and keep your sanity?
Sanity!? What IS That!? AAHAHAHAHA!!!!! quiet...they're all watching us...

Well you are free of MY interrogatory...for now.
Yay! :D Just kidding- thanks, bye!

Saroisu the Mage -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 18:02:16)

Hey! :D

Whats your favorite AE game?
AQW, due to the multiplayer aspect of it. Thanks, bye!

jrobot2 -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 18:18:00)

Cguy :O
That's me! :D

I hope you like pink cuz there will be a lot of it :D enjoy!
D: Must..not...scream...

can i haz cheezeburger...
note: these 2 lines are one question xD
..WITHOUT the cheese? :D XD
:o I cannot possibly understand this terrible paradox!

2+2=?*answer at the bottom of my post?

Do you make google jealous?
I'm not quite that awesome...YET! >:D

Does google envy you?
See above.

Does google want to be you? :O
I doubt it. =P

*counts the questions* Hey only 2 :D :O!

Are you feeling the burn of PINK yet? :O

Quibble pwns huh?
Maybe. :o

Well I'm going to go and attempt to pinkruppt the AQW GD >.>

*hands cguy a chocolate adventure coin :3* that's candy not real money :/
Aww, I wanna nom it. :(

P.S 2+2=FISH cuz if you tip over one of the 2s it looks like a fish :D

That's new on me. =P Thanks, bye!

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 18:26:54)

Hey Cguy!
Hey Shawn! :D

No questions from me....
Just a congratulations. :D
See you around. =)
Hehe, thanks. :) Later!

Addi -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 19:13:51)


Where? :o

Goncratz on the Membership
Heh, thanks.

I don´t know who you are, stay away from me.

Why are you still here? My mom told me to never talk to strangers.

*me starts to run away*

*Sparkle sparkle* i r edward cullen <3
:o Sparkle!

Bluh I don´t like Edward. *Pukes*

What´s funnier than a RaceCar? A raCecaR!

What´s funnier than Bob? boB!


c u at the air
Thanks, bye!

~Oh please

shadowdragonshadow -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 19:29:36)


Be careful of the gaint Rancor roaming the cells.

What color are your shackles.
Green. :D

have fun.

Thanks, later! :)

Solo 26 -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 20:03:28)

Am back!
Welcome back! :D

give up your cookies

Maybe just one...

Then il nuke you

Then il send Luke Skywalker

Steals Locks

Awwwwwww You win this time

See you on page 3
Eeep! Thanks, bye!

Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 20:58:31)

A challenger approaches!
:o Hey. =P

How fast can you fly?
If I jump off something I can fall to the ground pretty quick. :D

If you could be any animal which would you be?
Human..wait, that probably doesn't count. =P Maybe... a whale. A big whale.

And if you could.... *sees shiny thing* SHINY! *runs off*
SHINY!? Where!? I want it too! *cough* Thanks, bye!


Deathwalker -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 21:02:03)

My name be Deathwalker, and I shall smite thou withe mine inquiries.
:o My name be Cguy; duty to answer questions. =P

1. Indeed, forsooth be my intent to melt thine brain withe bad grammar and insane questions.
Nooo! Have mercy!

2. Meh. Too annoying to write in Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe.

3. I'm not firin' anything. My teeth got glued together by Milk Duds so I can't open my mouth wide enough to fire lazarz or the like.

4. Coyote turned me into a newt.

6. Hooray for the collapse of civilization! :D
Errm...yay!? =P

7. Dance, Dance, Retribution! *explosions*
*me dances out of the way of explosions*

8. I have a suit made of chainsaws. I also have one made of machetes, but it's harder to move around in. Then again, it doesn't require fuel... Well, with either one I'm ready for the zombie apocalypse. :D (I bet you can't figure out where the chainsaw suit part was from.
o.o I hope you don't wear those inside.

9. If the square of pi is not a number, and the sky is orange, then the concept of space-time is flawed. Therefore, to determine the true laws of physics, several objects were put into a catapult and launched over a field by some yokels. These items included but were not limited to: A broken banjo, a rabid Wombat, a marble bust of some queen, a scale model of Deep Space 9, a sack of venomous snakes, a variable-speed corn muffin, a box of non-venomous snakes, a cell phone from the 80's, and a moose. At which distance will the variable speed corn muffin halt, where will the ace of spades be hidden, and how many times will wild animals burst into song?
OVER 9000 miles; in a pack of cards; 72 times.

10. Did you notice I skipped 5? You owe me an extra question.
You trickster! D:

11. If you are still sane, then I congratulate you in the only way I know how.
You sir, are win.
Why thank you! :D But I'm not sure I've been sane for a looooong while... :D Excuse me a moment, the purple rabbit is trying to tell me something.


Thanks, bye! :D

Tokijin -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 22:20:29)

Ohai Cguy!
Hey there Tokijin!

Thanks! :D

So onward to the questions:

Have you met DGirl?
Maybe... <.< >.>

What would happen if scientists found a way to divide by zero?
The world would explodeth. Or, it'd be something cool. :D

Favorite flavor of ice cream?

Favorite cartoon?
Probably The Simpsons, actually.

Alright, done with the questions :3. Cya around Cguy, happy AKing!
Thanks, bye!

Blue -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 22:25:00)

Hey There!
Hey! :D

Congrats for the Promote!
Thanks very much!

So do you like cookies? :3
Most definately. :o

What kind...if you said yes to the preivous question?
Chocolate chip I'd say.

Do you like to PARTY?!
Party! Woooo!

If yes, Let us PARTY!!!! WOOT!!

if no, well then.....

So i'll see if i have time to go on the next page too :D

~Party on Cguy (Cman? :P)
Ha, will do. =P Thanks, bye!

Hay -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/15/2010 23:42:30)

Hi CGuy :D, that's cruel. =P Hello, Hay.

Congratulations on ze extension ^^
Thanks. :D

Favourite word?
Hmm..maybe... ironic. Has a certain ring to it.

DF may have dragons, but AQW has CGuy now c:
:o I'm not sure I'm as important as a dragon though. =P

... Yes, I'm aware of that.

Nothing else to add so farewell. I'll see you around!
Indeed. Thanks, later!

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