RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (Full Version)

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BlizzChill -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 0:46:21)

Hi Muh Name Is BlizzChill. Call me Blizzy.
Hey Blizzy. =P

Have fun with your AK powa's
Hehe, thanks.

What do you like to do as a AK Lock thread be apart of O&A or something?
I just like to get rid of some of the spam so the forums are cleaner. :D

Can I haz Hugz? Plox
*me huggles*

1337 Leet FTW?
If you say so. =P Thanks, bye!

Aguila -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 1:30:20)


Nice colour.

Ice Kweam?
Yummy. :D


no wait!


Hai der o:

Okay now I have to go o:

Hehe, okay. Thanks, bye!

Jonzee Boy -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 2:08:06)

Heya C!

I'm home from school.
Cool. =P

First of all congratulations are in order on your new promotion! Congratulations.
Thanks! :D

It's excellent to see another AK added to the pit of doom and flame wars General Discussion.
I haven't seen you on IRC in ages :(
:( Query me on IRC if you like.

Question time

1.) Do you come on IRC much anymore :| ?
I do, just gimme a poke.

2.) I put chewing gum on my friends pant's know a good way to get gum off of pants?
o.o Can't say that I do.

3.) Do you have 25 other brother and sisters? =P

4.) Is 2Guy your cousin or something?
Not anymore.... >:D

5.) Are my puns really lame?
I've heard worse. =P

6.) Is my history homework worth doing?
Most definately!

7.) Will my nonsense ever stop?
One day maybe it will...

8.) Are you reading this in a dramatic voice like I am D:<?
I am now. :D

9.) Will this rain of nonsense ever end?
See question 7. =P

Find on the next page of.... Cguy's MtAK.

Yeah I'm cool like that.

:o Dun dun duuuuun! Thanks, later!

rockbrains -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 2:21:09)

1)Can you screw the rules and if so why? (Yu-gi-oh Abriged Refrence)

2)If you look and count to 10 look down count to 3 then back to the computer how many white object did you see?
There's quite a few papers on my a lot. xD

3)Good job with the promotion(this should be 1)
Hehe, thanks.

1)Good job with the... Wait, I allready used one. Dang.

5)Where 4?
I eated it?

6)You are locked in a staving room and you cant get out, on the other side there is all the food you like. You can have one thing other than food, what is it?

7)Cat im a kitty cat, and I dance, dance, dance and dance, dance, dance!

8)Pirates or Ninja's
Yaar, I be a mighty pirate, cap'n!

Ok im done
Thanks, bye!

The Forgotten -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 3:03:27)

Cguy! ^_^
Heya TF! :D

Congrats on the new forum! :D
Thanks. :D

Brave enough to take on AQW GD, eh?
Brave..or foolish. It could easily be the latter. xD

Well, I'm certain you've got your hands full, so that's it for me. Good luck!
Hehe, yeah. *looks busy* =P Thanks, later!

Dragoney -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 3:19:19)


ok ready for this

How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
If a woodchuck could chuck wood then a woodchuck would chuck much wood.

o well bye bye /waves
Thanks, bye!

Joulz -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 5:33:52)

Hai Cguy :D!!!
Hey there! :D

Congratz on the promotion!!!!
Thanks very much!

I have no questions for now -.-"
Feel free to post again if you think of any. =P

Anyway Congratz again
Thanks again!

*Gives Ice Cream* :D
Yay! :D Thanks, bye!

Addi -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 6:21:20)

*Tries to sing and fails*

Hello friend
Hey. :D

Hello thar!

Have you ever seen the movie Class of Titanic?

Major correction, I meant Avatar.
Yes. :D

Why, hello.

How you doing?
Good thanks! :D

A bottle.
Does it have a message inside?

<.< >.>

How you doing?
Great...still. =P Thanks, bye!


Undead zerker -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 7:02:16)

Hey cguy!
Hey there! :D

Meet ma friend dguy

IS your dad Gman?
Maybe. <.< >.>

Rock paper scissorz <-----spelling fail?
I thought that was how you spelt "scissorz". o.o

I choose rock
I choose..paper!

Rock beats paper
AHH! I have been defeated! D:

ahahaha I win


Anyway have a nice time AKing!

Hehe. Thanks, bye!

Beowolve -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 7:33:14)

Haha! I return!
:o You do indeed!

This time I brought cookies! *hands one to Cguy*
Yay! :D *me noms*

Do you like DF or AQW more?
AQW, because it's multiplayer.

Why return to this forum?
I <3 AQW. :D

What is your avatar a picture of?
Me as a robot.

Favorite part of the AE forums?
Hmm. At the moment, just here. =P

I will return! on the next page....
:o Thanks, later!


Omega Jr -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 11:37:16)

Haha! I hadn't been on the Forums for a while and I was like "who is he?"
Hehe, hi there.

Why did the Chicken Cross the road?
To get to the other side? :o

He was dared >:O
Oh noes!

Ah nevermind that I stink at jokes :D

Anyway Congratzulationzzz...[>:][:(]
Thanks, bye!


yanxy -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 12:50:51)

LOl u gat so many achievements ! *,* i admire u :) how u manage?? lol
Hehe, thanks. Just from playing AQW since it started. =P Thanks, bye!

Xeru -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 15:47:07)

hellow person i've never c'n (stupid pun [:@])
=P Hey there!

i wish i could haz ur voltaire's hat :[


thats teh sword im gonna suggest for the arcanegrove release. (bad spelling, meh just click the picture of the sword at the bottom >.<)
Nice artz you've got there. ;)

im taking a better picture so its more clear. ill show you if you want. (uploading it as im typing)

if i gave you a cookie would you trade me ur cell for my cage? (its cramped in here :/)

Hmm, I'd need a lot more than 1 if I were to swap. :D

im gonna make an armor based mainly off this dude. would you wear it if it got ingame? :o
More than likely I'd try it out. :D Good luck.

im done for now.

Okay then. Thanks, bye!

Toy -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 16:01:18)

Helo CGuy
Hey there! :)

Do you get Cs? :0
Maybe. :o

You like bunnys?
Of course!

Then were going to have fun tonight
Uh huh?

Wanna play Nuts on The Table?
No thanks. =P

I do not have rabies.
Well, that's good.

I prevent Trog here.

Bai now
Thanks, bye!

Solestial -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 16:37:54)

Helo and congrats!!
Hey there, thanks! :D

1. Whats better, member or buying ac's?
Personally I prefer membership.

2. Do you like Defender or Guardian better?
I haven't really tried the new Guardian much yet, so I couldn't really judge..

3.Pleazzzzzzzzzzze telll me you like the dracomancer class.
Maybe. :o

4. Enjoy being an AK im sure youll be great
Hehe, thanks very much. :D Thanks, bye!


Lord_Shtaivaan -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 16:45:59)

Hey there! :D

Thanks. :)

How does it feel to be a mod?
Well, I'm not a mod, just an AK. =P Other than that, good thanks. :D

What does the "C" in Cguy stand for?
The first letter of my real name, or "cookies" if you prefer. =P

What's the answer to this question?
This answer. :o

What's the answer to this question?
This answer.

What's the answer to this answer?
What's the question to this question.

How much wood would Chuck Norris chuck if he could do roundhouse kicks?
A lot. o.o

How much wood would you chuck if you could chuck wood?
Errrm.. not much. :D

Bai now! See you yesterday!
Hello! Nice to imagine you! Thanks, bye! :D

Axilmeus -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 17:52:38)

Ohai. Thanks for the bold tags. =P

Congratulations on the extended ArchKnightship!
Thanks very much! :D

Uh... what color exactly do you use? It looks similar to Green's... I need to know, so I can post tags next time.
I use #006600. :D And thanks. =P

Do you like bears?
Bears are cool. But don't try to give one a bear hug.

Which subspecies of the Brown Bear is the biggest?
I'm not sure. D:

In which hemisphere do Polar Bears live?
Near the North Pole?

Meet Herman, my friend bear.
Hey. :D Rawr.

He will be napping in your cell until this MtAK ends!
*gulp* Does he bite?

Come on, you can't say no to this eyes! *Herman makes puppy eyes.*
Aww, well then....

See you, until next time I post here!
Okay- thanks, later!


Denuvous -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 19:02:24)

I think I remember you, but just where...
:o Hey there.

Oh oh, I know... you were the one that jumped off of that mountain while sky diving, bouncing off of the cesna and landing on your feet without deploying your chute!!!
Boy, was that an interesting day, huh?

No that was Chuck Norris... Umm, hey weren't you the one in Best Buy buying up all the AE game cards???!!
That's what you think. <.< >.>

Oh no (*blushes*), that was ME lol... OH yea, I remember you now... YOU were the one that cut off my tail when I turned into a Super Sayian [:@] [:@] [:@]...

No, that couldn't have been you (although the energy blast WAS shaped like a giant "C") >.> That's right, I saw you in my "UFO captured on tape" video... YOU were the pilot of that cigar shaped disc thingy chasing the glowing whatchacallim!!!
I was?

I'm glad we got that sorted out... Good luck at AK (that stands for Awsomesause Kriptonite right?)... and I really hate to ask this on such short notice (we hardly know each other after all), but could you give me a ride back to my own planet when you get a chance??
Well, actually it stands for...actually, yeah. =P Um..lemme just go get my spaceship.. *runs* Thanks, bye!

Vanquish Wolf 27 -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 19:49:42)

Hey there! :D

Congratz On YOur Akship!
Thanks. :)

I am watching you!

Do you like wolves?
Indeed. *Hoooooooooooowwwwwwwl*

Are cookies reallly the new sandwichs?
Yes, most definately! :D

Did you know some guy in Sweden made the first lightsaber?!
I had no idea.

Red Dead Redemption is the best game ever!
I'll take your word for it, never played. =P

Do you likez western movies?! :O
I do enjoy 'em occassionally. Thanks, bye!

Alaina -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 20:04:33)

Hey Cguy!
Hey Alaina! :D

No questions from me. Just wanted to say congrats and good luck! ^^
Hehe. Thanks very much, later!

mrguyman -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 21:06:40)

Hi CGuy! Congratulations on becoming an AK! Too bad I have no idea who you are XP Let's fix that...
Hey there! =P

1)Do you like kitteh's?
I <3 cute little kittehs. *nodnod*

2)What would your favorite color be if colors weren't invented yet?, I suppose. Since that's just a lack of any light. =P

3)What's your favorite type of bacon: Cysero brand, or normal brand?
Cysero brand! :o

4)Are you smart?
Well, probably no more than most people. =P

5)The sentence below is false
The sentence above is true
Why must you torture me with this horrible paradox! D:

6)Did I screw you up with question five?
*me is crying in the corner* Whhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy!?

7)can i haz cookie nao?
Eh, sure. =P *hands over cookie* Thanks, bye! :D

wiseman111 -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 21:21:44)

Yo whats up :P
Hey there. :D

which anime is better Naruto or One Piece
'fraid I haven't seen them. :|

even if u dont watch anime who would win in a fight naruto or luffy{u can tell who would win buy the name as well}
Errr.. naruto?

Luffy is a bit like fluffy, and I don't associate fluffy things with fighting well. =P

if a tree falls in a forest and you heard it what color would the leaves be
Brown, green, orange or red, depending on the season. :D

ooops how rude i forgot to congratulate u on being a AK so ........................ Congrats XD
Hehe, thanks!

why are some roses white and some are blue is it the enivirment or somthing else
I have no idea. =P

if you hade a chocolate cookie would u give me one
If I had lots of them I would. xD

my name is wiseman why do u think that is
Are you a wise man by any chance?

well goodbye and good luck
Hehe, thanks. Later!

Wootz -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 21:33:46)

AHH! I mean, hey. =P


Would you mind making me a sandwhich?(Without the spiky thingy in it :P)

Can I meet you in-game(BOOOOOO!)
Sure. My AQW name is Slasher.

Whats my user name <---- 1234speedy ? =P

Whats ur Mb/S(Honestly a lot of people i know,don't know theirs :O(Mynes 100 :P))
I'm a lot of people then, not sure. =P

Naow...make me one more sandwhich!!
Aww, but...

Ohh,and add chickedcow meat in it,Mmmhhh...chichencows meat*Drulls all over the place*

I g2g naow(Nope,i don't,just 9th question,i think...?!?

Cya on the other page :D
Hehe, okay. Thanks, bye!

fire woven -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 21:52:00)

Congratulations my fellow human (I hope)
Hey! Hehe, thanks!

Question 1: If you where any AE created creature, which would you be?
Hmm... probably some form of light dragon.

Question 2: Will you explain your answer from question one for me?
Sure- I'd want to be a "good" creature, but also with some intelligence as well as just power.

Question 3: How many fingers am I holding up as I type this question?
Err.. *looks at question number*... 3?

Question 4: May I have a cookie please?
Of course. :D *hands over a cookie*

Question 5: How often do you play AQW?
Pretty much every day, actually.

Question 6: If a tree falls in a forest and only a deaf guy is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
o.o I think so...

Question 7: Do you enjoy Pokemon games?
Only really played one, that was pretty good.

Question 8: Do you have a pet chicken in your basement?
I don't have a basement, so no. =P

Question 9: Do you know which game the company "Vault-Tec" is from?
Nope. =P

Question 10: Do you leik the mudkipz?
:o Maybe...

Thank you for reading this post (If you did not then you are not thanked)
Thanks, later! :D

Itsuku -> RE: =MtAK= New Guy in AQW GD (8/16/2010 21:53:53)

hello congrats on becoming an AK
Hi, and thanks!

1.) your top 3 favorite anime?
Don't watch/read any. :|

2.)your top 3 favorite manga?
See above.

3.) do you speak any other languages?
I speak a tiny bit of Greek, but not much.

4.) does this qualify as a question?
Yes! :D

5.) would you die for the one you loved?

6.) have you ever been convicted of any crimes?
o.o Most certainly not.

7.)do you like to fight outside of the game?

8.) if yes could you beat me?
See above. =P

9.) can i think of anymore questions?
Yes...but they're not suitable? :D

i give up thinking is hard.(during the summer)
Hehe, indeed. Thanks, bye!

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