Demon Tooth Axe (Full Version)

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Koree -> Demon Tooth Axe (9/3/2010 5:19:28)

Demon Tooth Axe

Also see Guardian Demon Tooth Axe and Demon Tooth Axe Z.

Level: 65
Power Level: 65
Price: 26,800 3117
Sellback: 13,400 1558
Location: Infernal Inferno

Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 8-21
BTH: 8

Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 452% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 146% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +18 each
Rate: 15%

This weapon was formerly wielded by a troublesome demon from Heck, one of Stragath's minions.


Numbers from The Legendary Hero. Image thanks to balubamboto. Write-up by Dev.


A standard 15%-rate special (1196/1196/0; 386% SLS), with +28 BTH. The damage is split evenly over the three hits. Each hit takes -10 BTH, and deals *85/75 damage.

Koree -> RE: Demon Tooth Axe (9/3/2010 5:19:53)

Demon Tooth Axe

Also see Guardian Demon Tooth Axe and Demon Tooth Axe Z.

Level: 90
Power Level: 90
Price: 122,700 42016
Sellback: 61,350 21008
Location: Infernal Inferno

Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 10-26
BTH: 11

Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 587% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 187% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +28 each
Rate: 15%

This weapon was formerly wielded by a troublesome demon from Heck, one of Stragath's minions.


Numbers from The Legendary Hero. Image thanks to balubamboto. Write-up by Devbhargava.


A standard 15%-rate special (1553/1553/0; 496% SLS), with +38 BTH. The damage is split evenly over the three hits. Each hit takes -10 BTH, and deals *85/75 damage.

Koree -> RE: Demon Tooth Axe (9/3/2010 5:20:11)

Demon Tooth Axe

Also see Guardian Demon Tooth Axe and Demon Tooth Axe Z.

Level: 115
Power Level: 115
Price: 411,300 570,467
Sellback: 205,650 285,233
Location: Infernal Inferno

Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 11-29
BTH: 14

Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 706% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 229% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +38 each
Rate: 15%

This weapon was formerly wielded by a troublesome demon from Heck, one of Stragath's minions.


Numbers from The Legendary Hero. Image thanks to balubamboto. Write-up by Devbhargava.


A standard 15%-rate special (1870/1870/0; 606% SLS), with +48 BTH. The damage is split evenly over the three hits. Each hit takes -10 BTH, and deals *85/75 damage.

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