Noxious Chimeran Squire (Full Version)

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Koree -> Noxious Chimeran Squire (9/24/2010 5:32:00)

Noxious Chimeran Squire

«Mid-Offensive Earth armour. Mastercraft; has two skills.»

Related items:Location: The Chimeran Set
Element: Earth
Level	45
PowLvl	45 MC

Price	1804
Sell	902
Melee	37
Ranged	32
Magic	32
Fire	80
Water	93
Wind	93
Ice	93
Earth	75
Energy	93
Light	80
Dark	93
Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	117.5
Stat%	198.5
  • You receive Armor Lean x1.125.

    SKILL - Fire Breath*
    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    Element: Fire
    Damage	26-78
    Stat%	270.88
    +BTH	11
    SP-Mag	125
    SP-Ran	100
    SKILL - Poison Sting
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    1st Hit
    BR%	235
    Stat%	397
    BTH	5
    SPCost	100
  • This is treated as a normal Player attack. If your weapon's Special occurs, you don't pay any SP.
  • Damage from lucky strikes is halved.
  • The second hit deals 0 damage and the monster makes a save at a -20 penalty††:
      Level: 45 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: 105 vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    ``If it fails, then the monster is Poisoned††† (10 rounds, 1.125/0.7 power). Monster categories "undead", "golem", "robot", "mecha", and "incorporeal" are immune to the poison††††. If the monster is already poisoned, then the old poison is enhanced.

    ****Unleash a powerful blast of Fire! «» SP!
    ***A normal weapon attack followed by the snake tail's poisonous bite! 100 SP!
    **††The monster resists the chimera's poison.
    *†††Your chimera's toxic bite has poisoned your foe!
    ††††Nonliving and incorporeal beings are immune to poison.

    Your tamed Chimera mount can poison the enemy - or bake them with its fire breath!


    Old numbers from JMill. Image from balubamboto. New numbers from In Media Res.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	45
    PowLvl	45
    BR%	235
    Stat%	397
    BTH	5
    With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    Fire Breath skill starts off with:
    Damage	38-115
    Stat%	397
    +BTH	11
    EleComp	1.36463
    The skill receives EleComp to damage as an elemental compensation. With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    Ranged SP cost is 80% of the Magic SP cost.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    August 26, 2010: The armour was released.
    June 8, 2012: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	22000
    Sell	14500
    February 20, 2014: The armour was updated. See revision for previous stats.

  • Koree -> Noxious Chimeran Squire (9/24/2010 5:32:31)

    Noxious Chimeran Squire Z

    «Mid-Offensive Earth armour. Mastercraft; has two skills.»

    Related items:Location: The Chimeran Set
    Element: Earth
    Type	Z
    Level	11
    PowLvl	45 MC
    Price	715
    S <48h	643
      >48h	357
    Melee	37
    Ranged	32
    Magic	32
    Fire	80
    Water	93
    Wind	93
    Ice	93
    Earth	75
    Energy	93
    Light	80
    Dark	93
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    BR%	117.5
    Stat%	198.5
    BTH	5
  • You receive Armor Lean x1.125.

    SKILL - Fire Breath*
    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    Element: Fire
    Damage	26-78
    Stat%	270.88
    +BTH	11
    SP-Mag	103
    SP-Ran	82
    SKILL - Poison Sting
    Hits: 2
    Type: «As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    1st Hit
    BR%	235
    Stat%	397
    BTH	5
    SPCost	82
  • This is treated as a normal Player attack. If your weapon's Special occurs, you don't pay any SP.
  • Damage from lucky strikes is halved.
  • The second hit deals 0 damage and the monster makes a save at a -20 penalty††:
      Level: 45 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: 105 vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    ``If it fails, then the monster is Poisoned††† (10 rounds, 1.125/0.7 power). Monster categories "undead", "golem", "robot", "mecha", and "incorporeal" are immune to the poison††††. If the monster is already poisoned, then the old poison is enhanced.

    ****Unleash a powerful blast of Fire! «» SP!
    ***A normal weapon attack followed by the snake tail's poisonous bite! 82 SP!
    **††The monster resists the chimera's poison.
    *†††Your chimera's toxic bite has poisoned your foe!
    ††††Nonliving and incorporeal beings are immune to poison.

    Your tamed Chimera mount can poison the enemy - or bake them with its fire breath!


    Old numbers from JMill. Image from balubamboto. New numbers from In Media Res.


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Level	11
    PowLvl	45
    BR%	235
    Stat%	397
    BTH	5
    With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    Fire Breath skill starts off with:
    Damage	38-115
    Stat%	397
    +BTH	11
    EleComp	1.36463
    The skill receives EleComp to damage as an elemental compensation. With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    Ranged SP cost is 80% of the Magic SP cost.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    August 26, 2010: The armour was released.
    June 8, 2012: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	700
    S <48h	630
      >48h	350
    February 20, 2014: The armour was updated. See revision for previous stats.

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