RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (Full Version)

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King Helios -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (4/30/2012 10:37:44)

Did you notice that the Legion symbol is engraved in the Dark Star gun?

VIX -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/1/2012 1:31:25)

Did Anyone Notice that i'm a Legend now :D?

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/1/2012 1:46:32)

Did you notice that I got my Charfade's Cruiser after 5 restocks?

DOOMdeath -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/2/2012 12:58:37)

Did you notice that bunny borg has tail?

I haven't checked last..too many posts, so I hope that i'm not duplicating[;)]

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/2/2012 13:01:10)

you are duplicating ^^

and yes I noticed it has a tail back when it launched, bob tail and massive feet.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/2/2012 13:11:05)

With Bunny Borg Armor, it seems the ancient ancestor was the amazing Jack Rabbit.

Frost Snake -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/2/2012 18:33:31)

did you notice i got permanantly banned for no apparent reason ._.

King Helios -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/2/2012 19:41:57)

O_O wow. How strong was the account?

Frost Snake -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/2/2012 20:28:16)

Level 32 ch full varium with bionic battlegear/dark var blaster/cattapiler bugzooka/ deltaknight/bioborg. and it was also a gamma

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/2/2012 23:50:29)

Whoo hoo, thought I should tell you guys, just came back from a Bryan Adams concert.


Zeoth -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/3/2012 0:01:09)

Frosty noooo D; explains why you aren't on at your usual hours.

Mdmarvel -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/3/2012 1:23:08)

Did you notice there's a new guy in the forums? His comments....... amuses me...

Frost Snake -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/3/2012 3:53:50)

Yeah thats why zeoth :c and i had just baught 20 enhanchments and dark var blaster/cattapiler bugzooka

Zeoth -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/3/2012 4:17:28)

Figures, my alt misses you D:

Frost Snake -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/3/2012 7:20:26)

yeah well i spend $200 and then i get banned. yup such a nice comunity ._.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/3/2012 10:48:18)

Did you notice.....Delta armor, in what's new page, used the face that Lycus(Rainaka) used always, when he was Rainaka

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/3/2012 11:07:02)

Frost Snake- I PMed you. Please continue any discussion of in-game matters with me there.

Wind -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/3/2012 20:34:16)

Did you notice that the old Champion rank symbol, looks very similar to the Elite achievement badge?

The only difference is that Elite has a star!

Rayman -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/4/2012 0:35:34)

Did u noticed that to equip a weapon u dnt need to unequip it first to equip the other one (aux,gun,primary,armor,robot,bike) but u have to unequip a booster so u can equip the boost u want.
Just saying this cuz some vids i c i can seethe people unequiping the wep so they can equip the other wep but u dnt need to do that.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/4/2012 16:03:08)

when I am doing my enhancements or retraining, I always notice that when you click your primary, gun or aux to check the stats
or requirements, when you click your armour, it doesn't change to the option you chose for those 3 above ^^ anyone know why?

Arion -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/4/2012 16:03:48)

Did u notice that they took away world 7 from epic? O.o

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/4/2012 16:04:57)

@Arion: it reappears as the server gets filled up.

Arion -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/4/2012 16:06:44)

oh srry never knew

Rarest -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/4/2012 16:13:05)

Did you notice - I'm new! :3

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/4/2012 22:09:21)

did you notice NPCs can now deflect ranged attacks.

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