RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (Full Version)

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I Love you 123 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/4/2012 22:10:48)

Hello , I am new to forums , I want To know how to use it ,Any help?[8D]

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/5/2012 2:31:37)


did you notice NPCs can now deflect ranged attacks.

Nope because my tech is high. Those are bad news tho.

Did you notice that update change infos lack alot communication from the devs ?

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/5/2012 5:25:56)


Did you notice that update change infos lack alot communication from the devs ?

Agreed, they always tell it, when all players starts to complain about it.....and then some Dev or AKA comes and tells ......its a new update /facepalm

I think they should post the new changes in the DN or Ashari or some other AKA should post a thread in forum, telling about this weeks changes/update.

i like bounty hunter -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/5/2012 5:33:46)

Did You Notice That Reflex Boost Gives Energy Back Like Reroute?[8|][8|][8|]

midnight santa -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/5/2012 10:32:44)

ya i notice it cus i know how to read it say "give 15% energy" [8|]

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/5/2012 21:40:14)

Did you notice the messages from FB on your character page are gone?

i like bounty hunter -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/6/2012 3:32:27)

Did you notice the new ranks?

Legend, Epic Legend, Eternal Legend, Demigod

Removed caps and excessive "?" from post. ~TG

Rayman -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/6/2012 3:37:25)

Yea I noticed them like 4-5 months ago.

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/6/2012 3:47:59)


I never knew that. I wonder if anyone will ever get Demigod. The artwork alone is worth getting it for.

Rarest -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/6/2012 15:28:59)

Did you notice, I spelt Mist wrong. :o

Rayman -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/6/2012 15:31:53)

8x: did u noticed that u have +11 supp right now?

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/6/2012 23:00:47)

did you notice that majority of 34 blood mages in 2v2 are changing [back] to Cyber Hunter?

I'm now facing more CH than the other classes combined and fights have become very dull.

charwelly -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/7/2012 3:29:18)

Did you notice I was away for a long time

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/17/2012 6:22:38)

did you notice that machine with an orb that has a smaller orb rotating it? [same screen as lepus and tamaril]
I do not remember seeing it before.

Jekyll -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/17/2012 7:14:07)

Oh come on, anton. Mods do what they do for a reason. Jzaanu is possibly the nicest person around ED (with many others!), maybe you should take a look at *yourself*.

rayniedays56 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/17/2012 16:43:19)

Did you notice that Jzaanu and the Mods who ban people have a REASON for banning people?

As the great Fay Beee has said

"Scammers and bad people beware, this bee has a stinger now!"

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/25/2012 18:15:17)

Can you spot the difference?

What is this?

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/25/2012 18:24:33)

hehe got it quick if it's just the one difference ^^ nice

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (5/25/2012 18:30:38)


Thanks. [8D]

I had no idea that EpicDuel had crabs.


Hatsuka -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (7/14/2012 2:26:43)

Did you notice, That Grenades is on "Consumable" Only button ? xDD

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (7/14/2012 2:29:27)

Swallow the grenade and sprint to the vault. [;)]

Hatsuka -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (7/14/2012 2:31:38)

Suicide bombers, Lol

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (7/14/2012 7:06:42)

Did you notice that Epic has less than 100 player while Exile(server) has more than 800?

That is not common.

charwelly -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (7/14/2012 7:20:46)

Did you notice that the vault now has some very powerful and new attcks

Demon Emperor -> RE: =ED= Did you notice? I (7/14/2012 13:25:59)

^ Ya, kind of hard not to. :) I like the one where stalactites fall on your head XD.

Has anybody noticed that they're criting the vault more after the update or is it just me?

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