RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (Full Version)

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Goony -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (1/19/2011 0:25:22)

What is going on with the daily war?

3 days in a row Exile win the war and 3 days in a row they get reinforcements!

I'm pretty sure it's not working the way it should and some adjustments really need to be taken immediately...

Their is no reason to fight in battles, all you need is some cash, buy some varium and to do war kills. Let me put it this way; I can fight all day for 24 hours non stop in 1v1 and do somewhere between 800-1000 kills and then someone can fire the faction satellite weapon and erase all that work in less than 5 seconds... So why do the war kill weapons do so much damage, is it purely to justify the varium cost because I cannot see how it is even remotely relevant to the structure of the game.

Titan has never released details of how the Daily War works other than to say the reinforcements are not based just on 1 days play. How are we as players in a game that is in Gamma testing stage supposed to be able to determine if it is working correctly when no-one knows how it works or can even remotely fathom what is going on. I have a reasonable understanding of mathematics but, am currently stunned to see the continual reinforcements.

Two questions?:

1. Are the reinforcements based on the total kills in the daily war or are they based on the daily war kills?
2. What determines if an alignment get reinforcements, is it based on the alignment wins vs opposing alignment wins or is purely based on the total difference between the two alignments daily kills that reduces/increases by a set %?

I really just don't get it and would like an explanation so that we could actually plan, you know the strategy part of online games, working as a team, coordination etc... How are we meant to do anything with this totally erratic, failure of a system that rewards Varium players who do war kills over the players who participate in the actual game.

To take a quote from a politician: "PLEASE EXPLAIN"

Dax -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (1/19/2011 0:33:28)

This is how the reinforcement system functions:

Let's say for the sake of explanation that the reinforcements are 0 for day 1. Exile wins that day by 20,000 war kills. At the start of the day 2, legion receives reinforcements equivalent to 1/2 of Exile's margin of victory, in this case 10,000 war kills. Let's say Legion wins day 2 by 16,000 war kills. At the start of day 3, the reinforcements that were received at the start of day 2 are altered by 1/2 the margin of victory, in this case 10,000-((1/2)(16,000))=Legion receives 2,000 war kills at the start of day 3.

As I recall the past 3 days went like this.
Exile received 10,000 reinforcements. Legion won the next day by 80,000 war kills. This enormous margin of victory added 40,000 reinforcements to exile giving it 50,000 for the next day.

Exile won the next day by 40,000 reducing it's reinforcements to 30,000. Exile won the next day by 30,000, reducing it's reinforcements to 15,000 at the start of today. As long as exile keeps winning, it's reinforcements will be diminished by 1/2 its margin of victory. If legion wins, it will receive fewer reinforcements equivalent to 1/2 its margin of victory.

Goony -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (1/19/2011 1:02:29)

Thanks for the explanation Dax. I must have missed the day where Legion won by 80k. Nice little bonus for DSX easy WD's and I guess congrats are in order as you have overtaken Legit. Total Domination!

There is no way to track the daily outcomes, it makes it hard to determine what is happening in the game and it still does not even come close to being a fair system with the Varium involved it is way to easy to manipulate.

Does anyone know what the Legion wins are since the daily war was implemented, Exile has 50

Nevermind, I asked Angels, Legion has 38 wins, so that is over 20% difference between alignment victories!

And I will still stand by my comment that the daily war is seriously flawed when the over riding factor is Varium...

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (2/5/2011 17:10:12)

The daily war kills caused by George Lowe and the faction turrets are affecting it WAY TOO MUCH.

Gree -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (2/5/2011 17:19:40)

I agree that the system is exremely confusing. Im not even sure what the tangible benefit is of a world domination for an alignment. Bragging rights maybe? if thats the case you can switch form one to the other in a matter af minutes.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (2/10/2011 20:36:22)

WD is seriously messed up.
IMO varium should not be the over riding factor.
it should be wins.
for example
all players that are in legion factions whatever wins they get for that day it all adds up.
maybe 50k wins from legion factions.
and all wins from players that are in exile faction for that day.
and whoever isn't in a faction. TOOBAD.
2 vs 2 wins will count as 2 points and 1 vs 1 will count as 1.
this system would work better.

altho seeing as how 90% of the 2 vs 2 factions are exile. it still be messed up for legion.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (2/11/2011 3:35:13)

Thing Is With The 'So Called Faction Wars' (MONEY WARS)...Being Redone.

Then The Greedy Game Designers Would Not Make Money Off War Kills And World Dominations.

That's Their Intent, For Players To Spend Real Life Money On Varium...Daily.

They Use All The Means Necessary To Accomplish This Fact...

War Kills For Faction World Doms, War Kills Leaderbaord, Rares Leaderboard, Enhancements, New "Balance" Features That Promote Constant Class Changes...Is All That Matters To Them.

Meanwhile, FREE Features Such As Faction Founder Step Down/Take Over, New Battle Modes, Etc...Go Undone For Months After Being Promised.

Extreme Varium Players Get Stronger, Non Varium Players Get Weaker.

The Players Who Spend The Most Win The Most....

Anyone Notice What Is Going On Here? Here's A Hint... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Aren't We All Tired Of The Excuses?

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (2/11/2011 14:35:07)

I turn off the faction war bar because I honestly don't care and the wins I get don't make a difference on that leader board because of cannons.

The cannons have nothing to do with the pvp element of this game. All they do is let players pay varium to make normally earned wins insignificant. And you get a cutesy little achievement. Yipee!

Cannons were a waste of programming because they're irrelevant to the focus of the game and pointless in the end. But to our eternal shame, the gimmick worked.

There are people who I daren't express my opinion of on these forums on those leaderboards now with 400,000 to 600,000 war kills which translates to literally thousands of dollars of varium.

That just shows the devs that making lazy pointless features is just as profitable as real features.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (2/14/2011 7:19:53)

i seen people SPENd over $50+ on ED in a single day for the stupid warlord achievement which only gives a measly crappy 1.2k
i believe xendran spent $68 for it. (as he said he did on a video)
ED staff are basicaly ripping people off of those who wants to be seen on the leaderboards.
*cough* 204, dragonwawa, firewawa*cough*

voidance -> RE: =ED= Faction Wars Discussion (3/7/2011 15:58:36)

Isnt the idea of any business to make money?

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