Tagging is dying? (Full Version)

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Alpha Atom -> Tagging is dying? (11/30/2010 17:47:58)

Amirite? I was just thinking, literally nobody tags anymore, at all. You've got a few decent GFX sites out there, basically all of them are dying anyway. I honestly can't find anywhere to go, all the places are either full of people who are actually good, dead, or full of people who don't know what they're on about. And then even here, we've got only like 5-6 taggers now, and then when narrow that down to people who actually do it regularly, there's only like 1 or 2. What do you reckon, you agree?

coolboypai -> RE: Tagging is dying? (11/30/2010 18:01:09)

not as many taggers as there used to be
its now mostly bigger projects people do nowadays

I do a few myself, but not as much as i would like
but hopefully i'll learn more things about the art of tagging

Thano9 -> RE: Tagging is dying? (11/30/2010 19:02:55)

I agree, but for the record I would tag more if I actually got a request in my shop xD

Nexolous -> RE: Tagging is dying? (11/30/2010 19:06:48)

I've been thinking the same thing for the past few months tbh. Honestly its a dying breed these days, not just on here but everywhere. There are a few sites that have a bunch of good people, but they are all stuck up and think that they are the best. Then there are the sites, that aren't as great and just look up to anyone a little better than them and praises them. Finally there are the dead sites, that were good communities at one time and just lost there flame. I want tagging to be back though. I keep my tagging up, its just hard to keep doing it knowing that I either get put down, looked up to, or not commented on at all. It's just really hard.

Thano9 -> RE: Tagging is dying? (11/30/2010 19:17:35)

I didn't say much in my previouse post better add on. Ya like I left the forum's for like a year and before I left I was on my second tag request shop. I was overflowing with requests it was hard to keep up with, and that was when I was using Adobe Firework, which is a very horriable image program. Now I come back and i'd say an amateur at photoshop, not really good, not really bad, somewhere in the middle. My tag's are way better than before. I make a new tag request shop. Only 1 single request scince I made the thread, and I made it about 5 month's ago! Ya I guess people are moving to other thing's. Like recently I talked to a friend who used to make tag's. Now he does not anymore because he though it was "boring" and another friend moved on from making tag's and now makesGFX for a website, which is a Club Penguin Army site........What I am trying to say is we are lossing alot of people due toother type's of digital artwork.

Tormenter -> RE: Tagging is dying? (11/30/2010 22:18:29)

The private forums are the best ones for tagging.

@ Nexolous

The reason why we banned you from ex01 was because you thought you could post there like you post on other forums.

Also, the people on the private forums ARE the best. Pretty much people that started tagging in 2004-2005 are on there, but noone here has been on there.

Crump -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/1/2010 18:23:18)

Well yeah, tagging may be dying but it's still existent. Realistically, though, tagging isn't really a form of artwork where you can get a really composed piece. You can make one hell of a singleton, but on a professional level tagging very rarely works. I know that many good taggers move on to different, usually larger, art projects and leave tagging behind in the process. Remember, just because tagging is dying, doesn't mean great art is dying.

Tormenter -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/1/2010 20:10:40)

But on a note related to the topic again

The older more popular siggie makers have upgraded to LPs, check us out @ cosmosys

_Depression -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/1/2010 23:58:46)

Tags used to be big because of forums like these where people would wear sigs and such. Granted, people still do, but the need to have a good-looking one has died away.

Like Tormenter said, most of the better artists have, by this point, grown up and gotten jobs in different fields of design, gone in an entirely different direction in life, or are holed up in the serious art forums. There has almost been a new system of rankings at this point:

The system we know, Novice - Pro, is what we use and work by on forums like this, PlanetRenders, etc. But above that is a different league entirely, they're the ones that take the concepts of digital art and use them in different ways. Take a look at the work on Cosmosys - particularly, let me point out this thread: http://www.cosmosys.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=1015. One glance and you can tell that the person is an amazing artist - but their art is also so far above the Pros of NSL and PR that it's not even worth trying to compare.

Also, Tormenter, every time you mention that the best artists online nowadays started around 04-05, it reminds me just how slowly I've progressed. xD Makes me feel like the bum of graphics.

Skystrife -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/15/2010 13:03:21)

I don't actually think the tagging scene is dead, it's just gotten segregated to the point where private forums are still active whereas the bigger public forums appear to be "dying". The tagging scene used to be accepting for new people, but now it's so exclusive that new people will almost never put in the effort to improve, and even if they do there will be no one to comment/show them how to get better. Honestly, it's a shame that the tagging scene has gone the direction it has. Even though I have been in a few private forums here and there, the best times I ever had tagging were at GameRenders and NSL, I'll be the first to tell everyone that =).

Zodiak 15 -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/17/2010 9:05:36)

Another thing is I think that CC isnt what it used to be either. With alot of the big sites going down its tough to get critiqued on your work, at least compared to how it used to be. Also I think getting started now is harder than it was to get started a few years ago. I started in '07. And then tagging was very popular and there were many sites out there and even here the skill level overall was considerably higher. I think people were more willing to help beginners as well. But then the willingness to help gave way to artists with less skill and more ego. The desire to get better and improve isnt there anymore i see people start out then they get frustrated and move on

Alpha Atom -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/17/2010 10:14:06)

I'll agree with both of you there, definitely CnC is lacking these days. "Nice image!" is one of my particular favourites. I just don't see the point in commenting if that's all you're going to say.

Zodiak 15 -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/17/2010 18:38:38)

Exactly. and that goes back to proper CC not being taught. Even though its great that there is no approval process for the gallery anymore there needs to be a way to inform the community so that Everybodys not saying "GREAT JOB!" or "AMAZING!" to everything thats posted. I know that If someone wanted CC bad enough they could seek other forums but id like to see it here as well

Alpha Atom -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/17/2010 18:42:30)

I mean there are some guides to CnC but I guess people just don't read them, there's no way of forcing them to, unless you use an approval process but, as we've seen that lowers activity D: It's sort of a "you can have one or the other situation". D:

_Depression -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/22/2010 20:25:06)

What also contributes to the dying-off of proper critique, is the dying-off of the old breed of forumites. Back when tagging was a big and public thing, it was easy to get a wide variety of people who actually care about tagging, and some of them were bound to be good at voicing their opinions in detailed and effective ways. Nowadays, a lot of the new breed are used to the Facebook and Twitter style of conversations - if you say anything more than 100 characters long, you're saying too much.

It's a bit sad, really, I remember the days when I would post a tag here, or on Charmed-Arts (long live CA) and get a few quality posts. Now, I'm lucky if I get two, and I know that I get more notice than others just because I'm part of that old breed. We need to revive the public tagging scene.

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/22/2010 23:28:48)

see i like concise comments
i neither like to post or read page sized critiques

imo everyone takes this too seriously
it's post tag, get comments, ????, profit
no one's friends, it's all a business

above, with the talk of private forums, and how they still thrive
it's because they're from my generation (or before)
and they keep the fun philosophy
and all know each other
in fact i still talk to most of the people i tagged with back in 06-07

it's all missing that old sense of community
grab the person next to you and sing kumbaya

Ronin -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/24/2010 6:27:28)

What I feel is, we all think tagging is dying because it's mostly in forums where you need to talk to someone to get in. The taggers may fear that their work might be stolen/ripped. What's more, some stop tagging because they just don't get good C&C. That's also the problem with me. Sometimes, if I am in a hurry, I say "Nice weapon! Wonderful shading, creative design. The lineart is just perfect and the colour selection blows me away. The animation looks professional!",etc, etc. But nowadays, it's just "Epic weapon!", "nice. Did you suggest it for AQW?" and such. Anybody else got the same thing? =/

[Aegis] -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/25/2010 23:42:26)

Combining thoughts from TS1 and Ronin

Ya, I believe tagging is dying because we're all making these tags, weapons, or whatever you make, but no one really ever comments on them. I myself am completely guilty of this. I do remember in this past, I tried to give CnC whenever I could, but now I've become a lazy bum. If we all just gave CnC (Real CnC, not the stuff Ronin was talking about at the end of his post) to just ONE tag every other day, I am completely 99.999999% sure that tagging will be reguvinated (spelled right? I think not!) with new life in no time!

I myself am going to do this. There's no reason that any one of us can take 5 minutes out of 3 days a week to give just ONE good CnC to someone. Now join me my fellow forum-goers! Let us bring the water of life to this decaying wasteland! <--Eww, metaphor.

GaurdianX -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/28/2010 20:10:01)

some people have more important things in their life to take care of. Most of the taggers i know are now starting college or have gotten an internship in a career they hope to pursue. More taggers will come, but none of them will be as great as the previous ones.

Jecht Dracopyre -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/30/2010 22:43:27)


above, with the talk of private forums, and how they still thrive
it's because they're from my generation (or before)
and they keep the fun philosophy
and all know each other
in fact i still talk to most of the people i tagged with back in 06-07

it's all missing that old sense of community
grab the person next to you and sing kumbaya

Dylan hit the nail on the head, when i think about this place I remember the friendships the gift thread was always booming, threads were on fire, mIRC was full of laughter and CnC was good b/c we were close. My generation inherited it from watching Fade,Tar,Broken ect., myself,metal,grafh,aco,steven,mem,tmd,lux ect. (i know i left some names out my apologies i still <3 u) flourished not just as artist but as community leaders we inspired each other and with our talents were constantly pushing each other to the next level and theres no doubt we passed that on to dylan and avery's generation but the current generation failed to pick up on that it's like business now and you see the results tagging isn't dying this community is...u want to fix it do what dylan says :)

Ronin -> RE: Tagging is dying? (12/31/2010 2:04:31)


Combining thoughts from TS1 and Ronin

Ya, I believe tagging is dying because we're all making these tags, weapons, or whatever you make, but no one really ever comments on them. I myself am completely guilty of this. I do remember in this past, I tried to give CnC whenever I could, but now I've become a lazy bum. If we all just gave CnC (Real CnC, not the stuff Ronin was talking about at the end of his post) to just ONE tag every other day, I am completely 99.999999% sure that tagging will be reguvinated (spelled right? I think not!) with new life in no time!

I myself am going to do this. There's no reason that any one of us can take 5 minutes out of 3 days a week to give just ONE good CnC to someone. Now join me my fellow forum-goers! Let us bring the water of life to this decaying wasteland! <--Eww, metaphor.

Exactly. I normally don't give much of C&C to taggers myself, because I am not into the tagging scene. I am just learning at the moment, and now, there are only like, 2 or 3 taggers who update regularly. And reguvinated is wrong :D It's R.E.J.U.N.I.V.A.T.E.D (I think =P)

Hogo -> RE: Tagging is dying? (1/13/2011 19:29:58)

I don't think that tagging is dying, there is just another multitude of creative arts that are starting to join into the mix. Tagging is also something that I feel a person would need to invest a lot of time in which can be difficult. Looking at examples of tags that you guys have I am blown away constantly and I can't even begin to comprehend how difficult it must be to make them and how much talent you really have. On the other hand, if would-be-taggers were to look through the ginormous amounts of guides we have here on the forums then there is no doubt in my mind that alot would be able to become great at making tags.

Another view on this scenario is indeed the CnC. CnC'ing tags is extremely difficult when you aren't a tagger which is probably why there isn't much CnC these days. I try to give CnC to tags but it seems that you are all in a world of your own where I can't use my limited vocabulary to justify what I feel would be CnC. Case in point is a recent feedback where I was presenting my opinions as best I could where after a tagger came and pretty much said the same thing I did but with more technical words. This proves my theory as to why there is less CnC on tags...

You all also raise a good point when you say that there isn't as much life as there was before but I propose that because of True Mortals gallery there is more traffic in the gallery. Since I put up my own gallery there have been at least 5 new galleries created, so I feel as though there is starting to come more and more life here, though perhaps not more taggers until people start to experiment with different media.

So, in my opinion, I believe that tagging is not dying but simply following a cycle which has come full circle and is once again springing to life much as the seasons current.

confury -> RE: Tagging is dying? (2/26/2011 22:21:41)

I love Dylan and Jecht.

TheShadowed1 -> RE: Tagging is dying? (2/26/2011 23:40:26)

see, i won't take this talk that you can't speak our language
(at least most of us) use basic art terms which can be learn in any high school art class :p
and any other questions can be answered here
it just takes a good eye to look at something and say what they like or don't, you don't need to know the lingo
i, as a tagger, can look at an armor or weapon and say: "i like the colors and shapes, but the lines could be cleaned up and the concept could be more pronounced"
you, as a flash artist, could easily do the same (:

and it's definitely not a cycle
it does slow down in the winter, but this is the lowest it's been in six years
and not just the tagging community, all around

PyroPuppy -> RE: Tagging is dying? (2/28/2011 8:35:21)

Heh, art is just don't what it used to be...
When I first joined the gallery section, which was two years ago if I'm not mistaken, there were a lot of taggers (but I don't remember names, I was really new back then).
Now, a lot of people left the forums, and like a lot of people above said the great taggers of the past found something to do with their skills, including other forms of art.
IMO, tagging requires a lot of resources , like textures, C4D renders, stocks, and a bunch of basic knowledge. (Correct me if this is wrong)
Now, you can get that basic knowledge by yourself, but if you don't know where to look, all of the others will be hard to gather.
So if you ask me, tagging is a little bit of stopping until some new people start appear. The problem is that new people can just come, but if nobody will show them the way they will easily get lost and eventually will give up on the journey.
Also, on the vocabulary thing, you can say if you really like the color scheme, or the left side just seems too empty. I don't think you need to use terms you don't know, you can just give a CnC with simple words.

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