Truphma Saga 1 - Battleon has a School?!? (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Truphma Saga 1 - Battleon has a School?!? (12/16/2010 0:29:44)

Battleon has a School?!?

Location: Battleon » Robina's Shop » Truphma Saga » 1: Introductions » Battleon Has A School?!?

«Scene: A library, where Master Archanius sits at a desk in front of bookshelves.»

Master Archanius: Ahhhhh, «You», you've come! I trust your journey from Lore went well. You look as if you are in one piece, at least.
Master Archanius: I had been worried that you wouldn't make it. Travel to my library is a precarious and oftentimes... misdirected adventure.
Master Archanius: I can't tell you how many times the last person had to be redirected to get here. Poor guy...
«You»: Traveling via your portal wasn't a basket of roses. But... redirected, sir?
Master Archanius: Oh yes, I believe he said that appearing on his homeworld 2000 years ago was something of a rude awakening. He complained about being dropped in the middle of a beast war of some kind.
Master Archanius: Anyway, I am Master Archanius Presbyter, but you may address me using my first name. I need this letter taken to my apprentice, Eukara Vox.
Master Archanius: It is vitally important that you get this to her as soon as possible. Much is at stake.
«You»: Master Archanius, Eukara Vox?
Master Archanius: Yes, yes, Eukara Vox. You have no idea who I am talking about?
«You»: Um, no, not really.
Master Archanius: Interesting. Seems my apprentice has gotten better at blending in. She's a teacher on Lore... I believe the town is Battleon. Been there for a couple of years at least--
«You»: Teacher? In Battleon? We... have a school in Battleon?
Master Archanius: Hmmm, seems she has done a better job than she intended... Anyway, she needs this letter and needs it now.
«You»: Yes, sir. Now to find the school that I had no idea existed...
  • Go!

    «A portal opens behinds you and takes you away. The scene then zooms in on Archanius.»

    Master Archanius: Hmmmmmmm...........

    «Scene: Greenguard Forest»

    «You»: You know, I am starting wonder about my sanity. I keep coming across the strangest people.
    «You»: And... Seriously? We have a school?!
    «You»: I mean, I always wondered where all the children were in Battleon, but... how did I miss a school?
    ???: Grrrrr...
    «You»: Figures. It doesn't pay to be the messenger...

    Forest Demon: Give me the letter!
    «You»: What? What letter? I have no idea what you are talking about.
    Forest Demon: Lies, Lorian. You just said not a few minutes ago that it didn't pay to be the messenger.
    «You»: Ahhh, you heard that, did you? Well, maybe I have the message in my head.
    Forest Demon: I doubt that, since I can see the letter.
    «You»: Oh, this? This isn't a letter... It's... my grocery list. Let's see, 4 healing potions, 2 mana potions, food for my pet, 1 dozen left socks...
    Forest Demon: .............
    «You»: Not buying it, eh?
    Forest Demon: No.
    «You»: Darn.
  • Fight!

    «Scene: Battleon»

    «You»: Aria! Just the young lady I needed to see. You were a kid once, right?
    Aria: ... I would hope so!
    «You»: Well, yes. Anyway, is it true Battleon has a school?
    Aria: Of course it does! Where do you think the kids are all day long? Doing chores or fighting baby monsters?
    «You»: Well... Actually, yes. That's kind of exactly what I thought.
    Aria: *thought: Do all adventurers have a one-track mind?*
    Aria: Anyway, the school is on the edge of the forest. It's a one room schoolhouse and class is in session, so please do not interrupt unless it is vitally important.
    «You»: Well, it is actually. I have to deliver a letter.
    Aria: Since when did you become a postman?
    «You»: Since I was teleported to an unknown region of space, and-
    Aria: Nevermind.

    «Scene: At the edge of the Forest, outside of the schoolhouse»

    «You»: Well, look at that. There IS a school here!
  • Go in!

    «Red, blinking eyes are shown in the bushes.»

    «Scene: Inside the schoolhouse, where Eukara is teaching at the board and five children sit at desks, listening.»

    ???: Yesterday, we began discussing a very big moment in our history. We discussed Ashenvale and the first major victory in the Great Fire War.

    ««You» enters.»

    ???: The people of Lore united to fight this first battle, proving that we were a force to be reckoned with. What was the significance of Moonra?
    Billy: Moonra was where the dragon was slain. It was a close battle, as we defeated the forces of Drakonnan just in time.
    ???: Very good. Yes, this dragon led a group of fire creatures in the attack and defeating him was key in the progression of the war.
    ???: It gave us confidence and helped us move forward as Drakonnan's forces bore down on us, although he was still far from done with us. Who can recall the dungeon.
    Susy: Shortly after Moonra, our forces entered a dungeon and were forced to battle countless fire monsters.
    Susy: There was fear that all wouldn't make it out alive. But, in the end, we discovered the Flame Guardian armor that Yulgar's ancestor created. That helped our side greatly.
    ???: I am really impressed. I say, if I get this much attention during the next session, extra playtime for everyone!
    Kids: YAAYYYY!!!!
    ???: Alright, if no one has any questions, let's continue on to one of Darkonnan's greatest moves against us. A mysterious display of lights and static drew our attention to the Eastern Hills.
    ???: We headed there, confident and were met with an enormous fire monster army. They were guarding an odd chasm--
    «You»: Excuse me, ma'am?
    ???: Oh look, an Adventurer, boys and girls. Adventurer, since you are interrupting our lesson, tell me you name and inform my students of the information I was about to relay to them.
    «You»: My apologies ma'am, but...
    ???: Name and what happened next.
    «You»: *sigh* My name is «You».

  • Drakonnan gains access to the Kayda Gems, using them to enhance his efforts to ruin Battleon.
  • Drakonnan summons a brood of Plasma Dragons to aid him in his efforts at destroying everything.
  • Drakonnan equips his army with death rollers, strengthening them exponentially.
  • Drakkonan summons the Groglurk to lead his army against the strength of the Adventurer Army.


    Correct answer: Drakonnan summons a brood of Plasma Dragons to aid him in his efforts at destroying everything.

      «If you answer correctly, you are tossed one Mana Potion and one Health Potion and the following dialogue occurs:»

      Kids: YAAYYYY!!!!

      «Dialogue continues below.»

      «If you answer incorrectly, the following dialogue occurs:»

      Kids: Hehehehe...

      «Eukara facepalms.»

      ???: What ACTUALLY happened was that Drakonnan summoned a brood of Plasma Dragons to aid him in his efforts at destroying everything.

      «Dialogue continues below.»

    «You»: As much as I would love to continue participating in your lesson, I need to talk to a woman named Eukara Vox. I presume that is you.
    Eukara Vox: That is correct. I am Eukara Vox. Why would an Adventurer seek me out?
    «You»: Well, I have this let--

    «The wall on the right breaks.»

    Kids: AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
    «You»: Of course. WHY would this continue any other way? You monsters never learn, so it's time to take you to school!

    Eukara Vox: So THIS is your letter? Hmmmm...
    Eukara Vox: What is this about, «You»?
    «You»: I don't know, Ms. Vox. All Master Archanius said is it is of utmost importance.
    Eukara Vox: Master Archanius? You spoke to my mentor?
    «You»: If that is what he is to you, then yes, I spoke to your mentor. Either way, he said you must have this letter. He said "much is at stake."
    «You»: And, um, did you notice something strange about the monsters?
    Eukara Vox: No...
    «You»: Ms. Vox?
    Eukara Vox: Thank you. You went through much to get this to me. Let me reward you for your efforts.
  • Continued!
    Battleon's School!

  • Teacher's Collector Z
  • Teacher's Helper
  • Teacher's Collector
  • Teacher's Errand Girl
  • Teacher's Guardian Pet
  • Teacher's Snitch

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Entry by Archmagus Orodalf. Alternate quest location by ZerueI.

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