RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (Full Version)

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majesticstar3800 -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 17:39:13)

Yaay, majesticstar3800, Welcome back ^^
Moglin or 10 MOGLINS!?
*never ending Number* Moglins :D
And each moglin has a heart, <3

Do you like anime? If so, which one?
Well.. I kinda doo like it, but I don't watch any.. the only I've watched was Hunter x Hunter. I loved it, so awesome <33
Why did you pick DragonUltraMaster for your name if you wanted to be a Moglin? xD
Well.. Someone asked something familiar and I said that I joined the forum before I started to love those cute moglins ^^ and since then, I've kept what I'm known as.. DragonUltraMaster or in short, D.U.M
Monster!!!!! HaHa made you look!!
Awww, thought you said Moglin D:... both starts with "Mo"
cjei43fmi2m3rlevksfmfvjnfi cnquhvt4r89qfeni wactlwbaq3
Oh yeaaah!!! That's what I'm talking about :D
If you said what to that, you just killed your best friend O.o
I'm nevet saying "what" to anything... I just keep on saying somthing D.U.M and then THEY'LL go "huh" >:D
Bay for now, ima return with moAR Q'S!
Yaaay ^^ thanks for yout second coming ^^

See you later :D
PS: I felt in love with yout pink color above, si I used it ^^


Ashari -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 21:04:57)

Woah I missed a lot this weekend! D.U.M. is an AK! Wooooooooh!
Hiyas, Ashari ^^ :D
Yeah, looks like it :33 hehehe

Big Congrats! You totally deserve this!
Thanks alot ^^
BUt really, don't YOU deserve to be an AK too soon? :P

<Obligatory "saw this coming!"> =P
Oo, you saw a Dragon? cake? MOGLIN? :D
Keep on being awesome. <3
Nuhuh... I'll keep beign D.U.M ;P xD <3 ^^
Have fun!
Yeah, thanks ^^ I'll try ^^ XD

PS: I thought the red color was so nice, I'll keep using it :P


G Man -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/24/2011 22:04:52)

Woah. first time on AQ Q&A and guess what D.U.M is an AK.
Gratz !
Hehe, nice guess and thanks :D ^^

Why are you obssesed with Moglins ?
Becuase they are so small, so cute and just adorable <333
Also, I'm loving them becuase I am protectiong them, since noone else seems to do it :O

Do you like your ak-ness ?
Sure, so far I haven't regret it and the others doesn't seem either ^^
Favorite Video Game ?
Super Mario Bros on the NES. Yup, play around with Geme Geine.. SO awesome :D
You'll never know what will happend ;P

Favourite animal ? (mythological or other ways.)
I like dinosaurs, they're pretty cool... otehr than that.. Hmm, I dunno
Do you miss your Friendly and Constructive - ness ?
Well, I do still have it, it is in my blood.. but I do miss the title D:
I had it for so long time <33 R.I.P Friendly and Constructive! D;

You totally deserve this!
hehe, thanks .. I think :P
Noone has really said WHY I deserve it, so I only think :P

[sm=dewlok.gif][sm=kab_smilie.gif][sm=zorb_smilie.gif]<-------- Pick your fave of these ebil moglins. ^_^
Aww, not this again D: /me picks the amm <3
Oh and just a not.. Only Zorbak is Ebil, Dewlok and Kabroz aren't ebil.

See you around.
<--- PS: ops, deleted that [ /color] ... is that good :o

Thanks alot :D Please visit again, if you'd like ^^


SMGS -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 6:59:23)

I haz returned, yet again!
Woooh, awesome to see you again, SMGS :D
Moar questions! XD You must be getting tired of this.
Naah, but too many posts = agreed xD
So, what do you like moglins so much?
WHAT I like moglins so much? you mean WHY do I like them so much?
Becuase they are so small, so cute and just adorable <333
Also, I'm loving them becuase I am protectiong them, since noone else seems to do it :O

What's your favorite moglin?
I don't have any favorite. I love them all the same much <33
Don't you dare say Twilly! D:
He is included :P
Zorbak is the best! :D
He is also included :P
What's your favorite sport?
I have a favorite movie? That's more than I knew XD
So... Dragon Ultra Master - you're a master of dragons?
Sure, that's pretty much what I thought when I came up with the name :P ^^
What's the name of your dragon?
I don't have any dragons D: if I'd have one...hmm, depends what it would look like. Can't think of any names atm
Anyway, see you around (maybe if I think of more questions, I'll post again. :D)
Awesome ^^ Well, you may come as much as you want too :P

Thanks for your time ^^


SamsonTheGreat -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 14:16:48)

YAY page 4 2 ^.^
Nope, it is page 4 ;)
pink is such a wonderfull color isnt it..
Yeaaah, just look at my youtube channel :P XD Beleen would love it :P
so theres a whole..3 ft by 2ft by 8 ft, how much dirt is in the hole?
I don't know how much a feet is, so I'll just say 42 :D
well..i think im done..baiz and gratz again on the upgrade...
Thanks ^^
wich is true of me? (pick 2)
/me bolded it



thats a moglin barrier.
Oh wow... I just LOVE that moglin que :DDD <333
anyways..baiz for now

Thanks for coming :D please come again ^^
PS: Me changed your color since it was the same as me *as I beleive was on purpose xD* also, poked your signature :P


Pyronix15 -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 15:01:38)

Bet you it takes another 2 years to make mod. XD

Heh, yeah I have actually said the same thing ^^
But if that ever will happend, I really don't know if I'll accept it... depends EXTREMLY much on how diffrent it will be :o

Thanks for your post :)


necrolich66 -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 15:07:36)

grats on being an AK :D
Thanks ^^
evil or good? moglin doesn't count
Aww, but I am a good moglin D:
favorite AE game?
AdventureQuest Worlds ^^
favorite non AE game?
MexhQuest.. yeah, Sorry,but that's just the truth
did you ever expect to be an AK
Nope. it was pretty very unexpected. I've kidna had it in my minds before, but it was pretty long time ago and that everyone went like "Wow, you're the latest AK.. you'll be an AK .. AK, that's you" and so on. so like... well, others expected me to be one, when I didn't :P
it was sertainly a surprise for you?
Sure, and espicilly when he like asked on IRC "Do you have a minute or two", so he pretty much spoiled it already there XD
what happeed before you became an AK?
Nothing really.. I was posting on the forum like normal, was active on IRC when suddenly a wild Everest appeared later that night :o
/killsHeals a moglin and leaves :D
Hrrm.. >:|
Glad for you I didn't see that word... if I'd do, you wouldn't exist anylonger.

Thanks for your coming :D Please come again ^^


Tha Killa -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 17:04:41)

I cant break rules now with U on my case :)
Oh yes you can :P
but I'll tell you: it's not a good thing ;P SO better foolow the rules. ^^

Thanks for yout post ^^
/me pokes signature :p


Feragho -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 17:37:17)

Hey D.U.M!
Hiyas, Feragho ^^
How do you feel about...squirrels?
They are cute ^^
Do you like to eat...potatoes?
They taste good. Nothing bad with them :P
How do you feel about...Giraffes?
Hmm, they're cool, tall and yellow :D
Do you know half of us half as well as you'd like and like less than half of us half as well as we deserve?
Sure. You can have a moglin too ^^
Oo, where :D... hey wait, why do you crawl :o
and so ends my interrogation Questionnaire
*Runs off*
Nooo, what did I do wrong D:

Well, time to thanks you for your time and thanks for your post :D
Please return :)


jrobot2 -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 17:41:43)

I'm back moglin buddeh! :D
Hurray :D /moglinish is back ^^
I'm going to ask this for people that don't know, how did you get started on collecting moglin items?
It began with me and Eiro at Mogloween back in the year 2008. Eiro said "Buy Undead Moglin xD" *he said so just becuase he thought it didn't look good, he was only joking* but I bought it anyway with the helmet *I'd bought the Red Moglin helm a few days before he told me to buy Undead Moglin set* and used it. He was like "O.O.. you really bought it" and I like "Yeah!! ^_^" and sued it for the rest of the day, while using it, I actually had plans to sell it *can you beleive THAT :O*, but for some reason I never did. I did also noitce that it was REALLY bad to use in battle, but I still made it to rank 10 and we only got 50 REP per defeat in the game, so it took a while ;) I even made some mods go "Oh wow, you're rank 7 with UNDEAD MOGLIN..Just wow.." XD good old memories :)
When Mogloween left, I had gotten more moglins, the year went over to 2009 and suddely I got to think "hmm... how many moglins do I have in total?" That was the first time as I ever counted them and looked up in the Encyklopedia and realised that I have every so far realesed moglins.. I went like "oo, nice.. :D" Sooooo... I kept on collecting and buy them ^^and here I am today, with 86+ moglins ^^ .... and how many do I not have? well... the bad new IS that I don't have one moglin, a moglin as I couldn't EVER get, it would have been just waay to expensive. I understnad that having a special pet as bonus if you got there. I don't say it is bad that it was a moglin.... but that SO MANY COULDN'T GET TO THAT MetroCon IS the unfair part. so many couldn't get it. So, well, that's pretty much my story with moglins ^^

It is thanks to Eiro that I do have all those moglins :) I'm thakning him everyday ^^
At that time, btw, I did collect Dragon items ^^ but I'm glad I went over to moglins. I would have missed so many more dragon items than moglins :P

Do you love moglins as much as meh? :D
I love them 3217 times more than you do >:)
Moglins give great hugs...just saying >.>
Moglins gives so much more than only hugs, they give so much love, they give so much cutness... and yet, they don't know it :D
Time for me to go. Bye moglin buddeh. ^^__^^

Heh, too bad, I was enjoying this ^^

Thanks for your second coming ^^ <33
Please come again :P
PS: Me pokes your color and signature :P


RedLeaf_Channel -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 17:56:28)

Hello and Congratulations!
Hiyas, AK RedLeaf_Channel :D
I'm going to be brief with just 1 question~
Heh, sure, bring it on ;P
If you could have 1 super power, and it could be either flight or invisibility, which would you choose?
I'd like to teleport :) Go anywhere I wanted without paying ^^
But, if I hav to choose between Flying and Invisibility, I'd sya flying :P That would been so cool to be able to do ^^

Good luck and have fun! ^^
Thanks alot and good luck with yout AKness aswell :D
Please come again whenever you've got some minutes to share :D


helloguy -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 19:38:34)

Took you long enough huh
Umm.. we could say since the day I joined or just no time at all. I mean, I never really planned to be an AK, so either everything or nothing :P

I wonder why there is So many awesome forumites turning into Ak
Well, it could be that those that are getting AKed do show that they can. Sorry if you might take it something bad, but really I didn't
Please forgive me if I did :o I didn't mean it that way.

Da na nuh nuh na nuh na na nu nuh du nu nu nu nu da nuh dun dun dun Nuh nuh nuh nuh da dun dun dAn (hint game show waiting song) ?
:o Teh turmeena7or?
Isn't it batman? or whatever...xD Naaaah, it's titanic for sure :D

Moglin :D

Moglins, oh yeaah!!!! <3

Whoaaa, 3 moglins in a row <3333

Cya laters
yay a fourth Mog... oh wait, no moglin? D:
Anyway, thanks for coming :D ^^


Dragonnightwolf -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 21:59:56)

Oh my gods. The pink. IT BURNS!
Pink? Where, show me!! :D
No pink? D:
okay all better now.
Mr. Dum.
No u dum
Do you believe in magic?
Hmm.. maybe :3 Dunno really ^^
Is magic science?
It's mystery :o
Is science wonderful?
Yeaaah, it can be :P
Can you say Lim's catchphrase correctly?
"Happy new year :D" .. oh, you didn't mean Lim in AQW? He maybe didn't even say that x33
Can you repeat after me? "Sweet Holy mackerals!"
Sweey... hollll......Moglins :D yay
Answer: nope xD

Lastly, Do you have any interest in the following?
Tekken, Soul Caliber, Super mario brothers, Zelda, Metroid, Time Crisis, Mortal kombat or Marvel vs (capcom, x-men, capcom 2 etc)
Tekken, nope
Soul, nope
Mario/zedla/Metroid = yeaah :D Nintendo ftw ^^
TIme/mortal/marvel = Nopes

Thanks for your post and welcome back :D


Sam041 -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/25/2011 23:11:54)

*Heart* ^^
Ohi DragonUltraMastah!
Ohaiiiiiiyas Sam*zeroh*41 :D
Amg, look! A wild moglin has appeared. Catch it before it runs away!
Oh yeaaah!!! Moglins :o /me picks up an UltraBall... *I dont' have Master Ball yet*
*the moglin has fled*
NOooooooo.... That... was my only chance to get Samurai Moglin D:
This is a sad say for the Moglin history book

I'm not mad... Just so saaad D:
Well, I'll lend you one of mines if you can find its secret hiding spot.

It's in D.U.M's pants! :O

*Sniff* you mean you've hidden Samurai Moglin in my..... But I've already checked there, no moglins D:
Thats it for now. Have fun being an AK! :D

Thanks and thanbks for you post ^^
PLease return if you like ^^


Wyonna -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 1:24:37)

D.U.M! :3
Ana :D
I'm Anastaysiya. :P
I'm DragonUltraMaster xD
Just a congratulations and good luck from me! :D
Thanks and thanks for taking your time ^^
See you later, maybe in AQW ^^


sir lane -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 1:47:19)

im back... and wich moglin... twig OR zorbak
If I'm only allowed to pick one of them I'll say OR to make it neutral between them.
in my quest to become an AK i must be nice and helpfull riiiight?
for a long time, yeah :P
I'd say there much more than only THAT, but the basics is following the rules, that you behave and that you're active..

b----eeeeee heeeelpfffffulllll in Q/As and suggestions right?
I will as much as I can in Q&A, but Suggestions? I'm not AK there :P
moglin cake or moglinc icecweem
Never tasted any of them before, but Moglin cake sounds pretty good
pink or moar pink..
MOAR pink :D
pink zorbak or blue twillies
MOAR pink Both :D .. that would have been so cute ^^
pink terror raiment or blue bunny jammies
Coffee in a cup Pink Terror Raiment would be alot more cool than blue Bunny Jammies
and would give cake to other AK increase my chances of gettin into AK-om? XD just incase you didnt know im joking about the AK-om cake thing ._.
If it would been that easy, huh? XD
pink, more pink or MOAR PINK!
This is as pink as it can go :O
i backs l8ter MR dragon summoner :O

Okaaaay, thanks for coming :DD Please come again if you want ^^


NehemiahTheVampire -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 2:40:49)

DUM! :3
Congratulations on AK.
Thank you ^^
And you'll get that Sam Moglin one day.
I really wish so too ._.
I want to be complete D: Haven't had that feeling since it got rare D:

Thanks for coming :D Please retunr if you'd like ^^


Ubear -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 4:47:23)

Haven't got much time so I can't ask questions. I just want to say congratulations DragonUltraMaster, always knew you would be an AK someday :)
^^ Thanks :)
For some reason, EVERYONE knew that [:D]

Thanks for coming ^^


stratuscone -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 14:52:56)

congratulations on making it to AK!!! hope to see you more in the forums!
Hiyas and thanks, stratuscone . I'm sure that we will :P
anyways, i have these questions:
is the grim set worth buying now that i have fujin and DoN?
is the chimera pet worth it?
I'd say go get the Chimeran aswell.. Arrsome armor and great special abilities ;P
Hm, dunno what DoN is, The DragonLeather armor, from Dragon's Secret?

how does it feel being the newest AK???
It felt alittle wierd the first 2-3 days.. now I am a gettting alittle more used to it :P
Thanks for coming ^^


afterlifex -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 15:08:15)

Well I don't usually post in these but I will be dumb..I mean DUM....umm...D.U.M
You can't be D.U.M ... I'm the one and nly D.U.M
Well first off congratulations.
Thaaanks, Afterlifex ^^
As for questions...umm....
1) What's your favorite flavor of dragon?
Flavor? I don't eat dragons :o
2) How have you been?
pretty much tierd and I've been tierd for a long time too.. Other than that, I'm fine :P
3) Ya...I have no more questions...,how about you ask one of yourself?
Hmm, don't think I can get up with any questions, heh.. :P

Thanks for coming ^^


Pink -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 16:06:26)

About time D.U.M. becomes an AK...
*Do I have to comment that? I mean.. I didn't really deside itmyself :P*
Well anyways, questions!
That's not my color you're using, is it? >:O
Nope it wasn't, but I still changed it. It would have been too hard to see otherwise
Glad to hear that.
Well...ARE you as DUM as you are D.U.M.?
Oh yeaah I am >:3 If you only knew me IRL ;P
In the title, you wrote "D.U.M?" But that shows the M is not an abbreviation, but an actual letter. How does that work?
I dunno what "abberviation" means.. but that's just the way I desided to be.. don't try to correct me, I won't correct it > :P I'm D.U.M and D.U.M I'll be!
At how many pages does a MtAK get locked?
There is no limit.. The AK desides for himself for how long the thread should be opened and stay. I haven't said any limit yet, but eventually I'll lock it and move it :P
If it's in the GD, as a tagged thread, won't this have 30 pages until locking?
no one has ever gotten that far, so I can't really give any comment about this actually, but I think it is 30 pages as max. ALso, if it reaches that many pages, I think it pretty much that you don't need to create a second one XD :P
Well, cya in the Q&A!
Yeah, and in AQW GD/Q&A, AQ GD and OOC aswell :P

Thanks for yout post, please come again ^^
PS: Using your color as color trap and I poked your signature


1stClassGenesis -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 17:07:48)

I'm back with.. No questions?
Pff lies, I see questions >:P
Favourite Moglin?
*sigh* This has been asked so much before.. are you teasing me? XD
Well anyway.. I don't pick any favorite Moglin. I Love them all the same much. To pick a favorite would just make me feel I'm leaveing the others behind, as I don't want to D:

Why is your first word Dragon and not Moglin?
I wanted to have something with "Dragon" back in the days. I didn't really like the moglin as much as I do today.
I wouldn't change the name, even if I'd get a chance to do it. I'm known as DragonUltraMaster, why change that? I'ts awesome :P
The only possibility I could change it, would be if I change Master to Moglin and still have the D.U.M nickname. But as I said, I won't change it.

ZerueI > DragonUltraMaster (:
Maybe so, but not here. I can edit your post, do whatever I want with it. You can't with mine xD ;P
Where's my left sock?
Cysero took it :o
Do you like your PINK-y finger?
It's pink? Niiiice :P You gotta show me that some day, please ^^
Let me hug you?
/me hugs ^^
Don't steal my color, please?
I promise. I have my own colors. Don't worry about it ^^ :P

Can I choose not to re-appear in the next page please? (:
Sure, you're welmcome with another post ^^ .... If there will be a fifth page, of course :P

Thanks for your second coming, see you in the next page ^^


Arachnid -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 17:18:50)

ish back nao =D
Yaay, Arachnid, you made it ^^
so wats up? *say teh cieling liek i do and u ish a copymoglin <w<*
Umm o.o" okay:
teh cieling liek i do and u ish a copymoglin <w<*

i can haz a twilly?
Sure. The yare available at Only costs you 10.00$ :D XD
y u no haz samurai moglin? D=
I no haz him, cuz they made it impossible for meh to get him ._.
t would have been too expensive for me to travel to USA just becuase of one item.. sure it's a moglin... but I just didn't haev the money back then D:

runnin out of questions...
i can haz a nomz? (does that count as a question? <.>)
Aww, don't leave already :o
/me hands over a cookie, with ice cream and sugar on <3 ^^

/me waves bai to D.U.M. and all hiz moglin friends =D
Hheheheh..I hope your arm is heavily strong trained ;) You'll have to stand there and wave forever, if you want to wave to ALL of my moglins ;P


EDIT: btw, ima follow u on next page <w<

Razen -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/26/2011 17:21:21)

I'm back in midnight blue?
Wb, Shinobi Shadowmaster ^^
Cluck Cluck...Moo?
Oo, ChickenCow. :D
Such a crazyness creature :P

You're all insane. That is all.
Nope. Just D.U.M ;)
Need I repeat?
Need I moglin?
Kaaay, biyas :D
See you in another page? :P

PS: Your color is nao activated. BOOM, color trap went BOOM!


TheDominus -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/27/2011 9:52:57)

Zomg, You are :o
on that note, I think I just got post no. 100! Yay for a D.U.M thread getting lots of posts!
Yeah you did :p and lol.. D.U.M thread XD
Exactly, you've starting to think like me ;)

Do you have any pets?
Yeah, 2 cats and 1 dog. They like to move dust from outside to inside. The problably do it on purpose x3
Are you as awesome as you are D.U.M?
I can't really tell you that. It depends on other players/members opinions, really :P
I can say that I am the perfect D.U.M person ever, but I could also say I'm the D.U.Mest ever created in this world. It's what other players/members opinions that counts on this.
I'm pretty sure that I do have a good reputation around the forum/world/AQW.

Can you make me big again?
If I can make you big? you mean known or famous as everybody likes to call it :P
You could try to make friends with the members around the forum and you'll get mentioned if your lucky ^^
Try to be uniqe on a way that is difffrent from others. In my case it is Moglins :P

Did you have to go to my previous post to see what I ment in that last question?
Nope. :P
Do you ever take breaks from AQ/AQW or do you go on every day?
I do play daily AQW, but something has happend, so I play AQ bewteen every second-fourth day.
I might come back later!
Heh, sure, see you in the fifth page? :P
See ya!
Thanks for another coming, please come again :3

PS: using your wrong color as colortrap.
/me locks the fourth page >:3


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