RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (Full Version)

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majesticstar3800 -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/27/2011 9:57:31)

I AM BACK WITH ZE 3rd post xD
Zomg, I'm bax to edit your post for a third time? wuut :P
Now, i need some Q'S to think of.... *brainsotrms*
Ahh, I can see my house from here.... oh wait, nvm x3
*/me dreams of killing every moglin in Lore*
Don't wounder why your room would be messed up when you wake up tommorow

What's your favorite armor in AQ?
Chronomancer and Chimeran :P
What's your best battle evar?
It's stilly, buy what did you expect? :P

Thanks for a third time.. Time to stop now, maybe?


Drakeh -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/27/2011 14:00:21)

Hiyas and thanks, algimantas2
Couldn't miss opurtunity to miss chance to torture someone.
Oo, yay, I knew you loved me :D
Umm.. You were lost in the forum, you found a D.U.M thread and desided to click on it and ask where you were :o

Do you have any idea what I could make aq video about?
Sure.. Just about ANYTHING, like I do :P Most of the time I only upload stuff that's just wasting your life time XD
But that's me :P

Congrats again
-Drakeh aka Ancienking
Kiitos ^^

Thanks for you post and time :P
Please come agian :3


P3nnyw1se -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/27/2011 14:23:34)

D.u.m you will be happy to know that in most scandinavian countries..
D.u.m directly translated means stupid

Yes, I know. I live there. [;)]


Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/27/2011 15:50:38)

Congratz D.U.M! :D
Thanks, Apocalyptic Silence ^^
I just noticed you were an AK! xD
Hehe, seems like not everyone has noitced it yet :3
We'll have fun, I am sure you will do a splendid job! ;)
So far, so good :33 I don't think I've made anyone angry yet :3 hehehe

Thanks and see you later ^^


pmk138 -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/28/2011 7:40:00)

ZOmg, It's PMK, haven't seeyou for a long time :O
So many questions so little... wait I have all the time I need :D
And so do I ;)
Question 2 and 5.1 = Sure, but how can you add meh again? :O
Want to add meh second char too in AQW? :P

Nuu, you can't be what you already are :O
questions 5.2 = yesh eysh yessssh... I givez UP. U winz.... but wait, you're already added!!!
7. I should stop that before this gets deleted as spam I think lol
there is worse spam :P so don't worry :P
9. If Zorbak and Twilly fought would the world end?
Nope. it would be draw. They did so in AQ, Twilly vs Zorbak :P
If you play AQ, go check it out ;P

3. If Zorbak and Twilly asked you to be their partner in crime/hugging would you say yes?
I'd start hugging them before answering their questions x33
And you know what? that's what I am doing right now too ^^ /hug Twilly and Zorbak IRL <33
Gotta love those plushies :P

2. Be my hug partner? <3
Of coarse!!! U moglinz, I hug moglins!! <33
Come to papa >:D /hug monster attack

We've been bestestestestestest *<-- Did I really say that O.o* friends for a long time. /moglin Wuv ^^
10. I don't know how many questions I was allowed to ask nor how many I did so it's your job to count them now :D.
I think 2 and a half questions when 10 was teh max, so no orries :P
/me wuvs his moglin brothaah <33

Thanks for coming ^^ please return if you'd like :3
PS: I poked your signature ;P


Calimehtar -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/28/2011 8:25:47)

Hej och grattis! :D
Hallå och man tackar, Calimehtar ^^
I hope I translated that correctly. My Swedish isn't as good as it should be. [>:]
Mehhe, but if you're not from sweden, then you shouldn't really speak it? :P
I don't know wehere you're from, but it was perfect swedish :3

It's nice to see you as an AK, because if anyone deserves it it's a fellow Scandinavian You.
Heh, thanks, I think :P
I think there is better forum member around here compared to me.. I'm just D.U.M, remember :P
If Everest knew me IRL, I wouldn't ever get this position :3

Didn't really come here to ask you anything, just wanted to congratulate you :D
Ahh, well that's good enough ^^
So, I'm going a place, where you're not going for a while... Outside!
Zomg, In my NES :O

Thanks for your time and thanks fomr coming ^^
See you later :p


1stClassGenesis -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/28/2011 9:48:15)

Where am I?
You are safe with me :DD
*plans that do do with you, hmm...*

How did I ended up here?
Hmm, I'd like to know myself. Wait here, I'll try to figure it out
*/me activates the giant mashine*

Why did Cysero take my left sock? :o
Becuase he is said he didn't have his own.. I've heard from other the same hting, I think he is lying. But what choice do we have?
*eats a cookie while reading my masterplans*

Are you still Friendly and Constructive?
Sure, why wouldn't I? *Uses puppy eyes* ;3
Wait.. Who are you in the first place?
I am CYSEROO.. no wait, I'm just D.U.M, someone you're glad over you didn't know IRL :P
Biyas and thanks for a second/third/fourth/whatev coming ^^


dr jo -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/28/2011 11:55:21)

Well done glad you made it to AK, just one quick question.
Your favourite AK member just curious.
Hmm.. I don't know to be honest :P
There is AK's as I haven't even spoken with yet or even seen :P
I don't really favorite anyone either, better be friends with them all. A friend as friend ^^

All the best D.U.M
Thanks and you too :)

Thanks for the post, Dr Jo ^^


Dariex -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/28/2011 11:58:35)

Hey D.U.M.
Hiyas, Dariex :P
About time you became an AK. I actually thought you already were.
Hehehe, naah, I've only been an AK for 8 days now ^^ .. The Friendly and Constructive! was just another title for Member. I've been a normal member till the day I became an AK. ^^
Well...i don't really have and questions, so good luck!
No need to ask, it's enough that you comes here and posts ^^ Makes me happy anyway :D

Thanks for coming ^^
See you later,


Ryuyasha -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/29/2011 15:56:28)

Hey D.U.M
Hiyas, Ryuyasha ^^
Congrats on AK
Thank you ^^
I heard you like Moglins
Nuhuh, then you've heared wrong. I love moglins :D
Whose your favorite Moglin?
Hmm, really don't pick any favorite, really. I prefer to just love them all at the same time <33
I don't use only one moglin pet eitehr. I'm trying to use them all the same much, but it's hard when you have like, 30+ moglin pets :P

Well thats all for now.
ahh, okay. Thanks for this post :D
See you later ^^


Ranloth -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/29/2011 16:19:31)

Hiya D.U.M. ^_^
Hiyas, Trans ^^
Thought I won't post here at all?
Lol, I welcome anyone to post here :) So I don't really plan which members that should post here. ;)
If so, you won't get a cookie!
Ooo, but in that case :D COOOKIIEEEE ^^
I still hate the fact that most people I talk to on IRC are becoming AKs ¬_¬
Meh, that's not our fault, is it D:
Isn't that great, btw? Having AK's as friends? :P

But you still love my avvy, don't you? :3
yeaaah, I love cool moglins ;) I love all moglins, cool as hot ;) XD
Watch out, I'll come back *someday* ;)
Oo, now that seems to be intresting :D /me wish you'll get back :D

Thanks alot for posting, see you later ^^ <3
PS: Using your color as colortrap ;)


Nebula -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/29/2011 16:32:04)

Dragon Ultra AK?!
DragonUltra|AK? hmm, nice nick name you got there, Nebula :P
Hmm. I don't think I've visited this part of the forum before. *looks around*
RLY? rofl, wow, this place seems to be pretty dead then :P
Don't really have any question for ya, D.u.m. ( Perhaps you'd prefer it that way? d= )
Naah, I see both ways awesome ^^ I prefer moglins, though XD ;)
PS: added the dots above in your D.U.M

Congrats. I don't play AQ so you won't see me, which I'm sure you'll be happy to hear/see on your computer screen.
Thanks and awww, don't say that D:
Almost makes me sad "/

*Ichimaru Gin voice* Bye bye! =D
Thanks for coming and see you later ^^


*Nova* -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/30/2011 12:47:41)

Hey D.U.M.!
Hiyas, *Nova* ^^
I only just found out you were an AK in an AQW thread
Hehehe, RLY? :P
guess I haven't shown myself that much since I became one ^^ :P

I was so used to seeing the "Friendly" under your name
Yeah, same. I stll have to get used to my new title *as I can change whenever I want now, btw*. I pretty much miss my Friendly and Constructive! title :o
I hope those moglins aren't totally spacing you out
They were actually. I had to sell alot of rares just for them ^^ <3
But that's okay with me anyway, it was rares ad I really didn't care about :P
I do still have those rares as I cares the most about ^^

Just saying, but this is not a Fools joke, is it? :O
What is? Moglins? no waiii, that's the most important in AQW. If they wouldn't exists then... what would I collect intstead :O
ANd what could I protect instead? Dragons are in most cases powerful creatures and aren't as cute either :P

That's all I have, Congratz on AK-ship!
Thank you alot for coming and posting ^^ I'd like to see you in the game, like everyone else ^^ :D :P
PS: using your color as colortrap :P


Jason -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/30/2011 12:55:14)

D.U.M<3 Just found out you had this thread :D
Hrrm... changed it to D.U.M
Heh, cool :P
I've been thinking on locking this thread, so you're just in time ^^

Grats on AK<3
Thanks ^^
j00 want Moglin in real now?
I'd really, really loved that <33
There are those plushies, but I wish they were alive ^^ <3 They are as close as I can get to have moglins IRL :P

*Hands D.U.M Moglin*
/Cry. I wish I'd really got one now :o

Thanks for coming ^^
See you in the game ^^ <3


Dauth -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/31/2011 16:09:49)

Hey D.U.M. how are you today?

How was the transformation from Forumite to Archknight?

What is your favorite color Moglin?

If you could name a Moglin what would you name it?

Do you have Moglins that follow you around in real life?

If you had a Moglin Suit in real life how often would you wear it?

If you were a moglin what would your class as a moglin be?

What kind of flavor do you think moglinberry juice taste like in real life?

Do you think Dragon's like the taste of Moglins?


`~Ser Mordrid Kerow`

child of satan -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (2/1/2011 7:22:46)

1. Hey D.U.M. :)
2. Like everyone else has said, congrats on AK, must be a great honour
3. How long have you been on these forums?
4. What is your favourite food ever?
5. Do you like cheese?

I guess that is all for now :)

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (2/1/2011 7:23:36)

I pretty much don't think I'll get so manu more posts now, so I'll lock this thread now and edit the very last posts.
I'll let this be here till friday, then I'll move it.

Many thanks to all of you :D


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