Calimehtar -> RE: MtAK: DragonUltraMaster = as DUM as he is D.U.M? (1/28/2011 8:25:47)
Hej och grattis! :D Hallå och man tackar, Calimehtar ^^ I hope I translated that correctly. My Swedish isn't as good as it should be. [>:] Mehhe, but if you're not from sweden, then you shouldn't really speak it? :P I don't know wehere you're from, but it was perfect swedish :3 It's nice to see you as an AK, because if anyone deserves it it's a fellow Scandinavian You. Heh, thanks, I think :P I think there is better forum member around here compared to me.. I'm just D.U.M, remember :P If Everest knew me IRL, I wouldn't ever get this position :3 Didn't really come here to ask you anything, just wanted to congratulate you :D Ahh, well that's good enough ^^ So, I'm going a place, where you're not going for a while... Outside! Zomg, In my NES :O Thanks for your time and thanks fomr coming ^^ See you later :p //D.U.M