Fighter Ship (Full Version)

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moneybags -> Fighter Ship (2/20/2011 0:23:20)

Fighter Ship

Location: Leviathan!

Melee: 42
Ranged: 42
Magic: 42

Fire: 59%
Water: 59%
Wind: 59%
Ice: 59%
Earth: 59%
Energy: 59%
Light: 59%
Darkness: 59%

Hits: 2
Type: Ranged
Element: «As Weapon»
Damage: round(1.09*(100+(3*Plvl)))% Base and Random plus round(1.09*(100+ (4.4*Plvl)))% Stats (for both hits)
BTH: + (round((0.125*Plvl) -0.5), cannot be less than 0) plus stats
Note: This skill is currently bugged and deals 7000 damage for both hits at all times.


    Hits: 1
    Type: Melee
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: round(1.09*(100+(3*Plvl)))% Base and Random plus round(1.09*(100+ (4.4*Plvl)))% Stats
    BTH: + (round((0.125*Plvl) -0.5), cannot be less than 0)% plus Stats
    Note: This skill is currently bugged and deals 7000 damage and freezes the game at all times.

    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: ((round((1.09*(100+(3*Plvl))) / 100) * 85) /75)% Base and Random plus ((round((1.09*(100+ (4.4*Plvl))) /100) *85) /75)% Stats
    BTH: + (round((0.125*Plvl) -0.5), cannot be less than 0) - 10% plus Stats
    Note: This skill is currently bugged and deals 7000 damage and freezes the game at all times.

Your Fighter Ship is equipped with laser cannons and the ability to channel electricity through its hull!

When you equip this BattleSuit:
  • Your Race becomes "WarpForce Tech."
  • Your Class becomes "WarpForce Fighter Ship."
  • Your Clan becomes "WarpForce."
  • Your Level becomes 100.
  • Your Gold and Tokens are set to 0.
  • Your Experience becomes un-viewable.
  • Your Attributes become STR: 175, DEX: 125, INT: 50, END: 100, CHA: 0, LUK: 50.
  • Your Weapons are replaced with Geo-Crystek, Thermo-Flare, Hydro-Geyser, Hiemal-Frost, Aero-Cyclonic, Dynamo-Static, Lumino-Phos, and Adumbradiation Matrices.
  • Your Items (including Potions), Gauntlets, Pets, Guests, and all other BattleSuits are removed.
  • Your Skills & Techs are replaced with Repair Droid and Overclocked Repair Droid.
  • Your HP/MP become 1200/900.


    Thanks to ArchMagus Orodolf. Numbers thanks to Scakk.


    Total damage for LASER TURRETS, RAMMING SPEED, and Normal Attacks:
    Level        Base/Random        Stats        BTH
    5            125%               133%         +0
    10           142%               157%         +1
    15           158%               181%         +1
    20           174%               205%         +2
    25           191%               229%         +3
    30           207%               253%         +3
    35           223%               277%         +4
    40           240%               301%         +5
    45           256%               325%         +5
    50           273%               349%         +6
    55           289%               373%         +6
    60           305%               397%         +7
    65           322%               421%         +8
    70           338%               445%         +8
    75           354%               469%         +9
    80           371%               493%         +10
    85           387%               517%         +10
    90           403%               541%         +11
    95           420%               565%         +11
    100          436%               589%         +12

    Total damage for PLASMA CANNON and ION DISCHARGE:
    Level        Base/Random        Stats        BTH
    5            141.67%            150.73%      -10
    10           160.93%            177.93%      -9
    15           179.07%            205.13%      -9
    20           197.20%            232.33%      -8
    25           216.47%            259.53%      -7
    30           234.60%            286.73%      -7
    35           252.73%            313.93%      -6
    40           272.00%            341.13%      -5
    45           290.13%            368.33%      -5
    50           309.40%            395.53%      -4
    55           327.53%            422.73%      -4
    60           345.67%            449.93%      -3
    65           364.93%            477.13%      -2
    70           383.07%            504.33%      -2
    75           401.20%            531.53%      -1
    80           420.47%            558.73%      +0
    85           438.60%            585.93%      +0
    90           456.73%            613.13%      +1
    95           476.00%            640.33%      +1
    100          494.13%            667.53%      +2

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