RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (Full Version)

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PD -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/9/2011 21:57:50)

I only have one question to ask...
Perfect! I only have one answer to give.
What is your favorite kind of SOUP? (That is not meant for consumption)
But...but... what good is SOUP for if you can't drink it?

Ronin -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/9/2011 23:42:36)

D: Went to page 3 before I could post in 2.


1) When do you think hovercars will be made?
'bout three years ago.
2) Will AE make another non-MMO game in the next 5 years?
I think it's very likely!
3) Technology or Magic?
4) Jumps or hops?
5) Drawing or writing?
6) Pink or Blue?
7) RTS games or FPS games?
Puzzle games.
8) MMORPGs or non-MMOs?
Aww... you made this one tough! non-MMO RPGs are usually more fun to play though.
9) 'Fast Reply' or 'Post a Reply'? (:3)
10) Which form of exercise do you prefer? Sports or calisthenics?
Running away from a bear.
11) Are you slim or fat?
I'm pretty skinny.
12) Tall or short?
:( I'm only 5'4''
13) How do you think I will be? ;o (Won't take any offence whatsoever)
I think you're a shining adonis. :3
14) Did you have a handful with these questions?
Yep, it's been a lot of fun.
15) What do you th...
Maybe you sho...
What? You said 14.5 didn't you?
Hey... this counts as a question! /bad Ronin

Again <3:-


Shadow Jester -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/9/2011 23:48:52)

Hi :)
Heya Zach!
I been noticing that when u get to chose your OWN photo, the next stage u get to be is an AK .. is it true?
Not always the case. Not all Helpful/Constructive/Friendly are AKed. I'm sure there's probably been a few AKs that weren't titled before as well.
:3333 Can u give me a build for my level 30?
Sure, I'll help out! I'll PM you in just a little bit.
Are u willing to give up alot more time in ur personal life n stuff ( I thought ur a nurse aren't u busy ALOT? )
True, I'm busy, but I was already pretty active on the forums, so this shouldn't take up any extra time. ^^

Joe10112 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/9/2011 23:50:15)

Ashari? I see you? An AK?
Yep! You're not hallucinating. ^.^
First Second AK friend on my list! (Well, digital x too)
Glad I have such awesome friends! :)
I still remember when you were farming for Undead Champ, and I helped! Ima feel so pround *sniff sniff cry*
Thanks a bunch btw. You got me into the soul-consuming past-time of Dage farming! :P
Have a cookie!
Oooh *noms on cookie*
You better tell me how "Sonia" didnt explain to me (you said it was a long story)
It's actually the name of the character in my twitter avatar.
See you around AQW!
Sounds good. Cya 'round.

Tiago X -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 3:06:19)

I just read that you speak Portuguese. Funny thing is, I'm Portuguse and wold like to test that.
Hey Tiago! ^^ Sounds good to me.
Tudo bem?
Cor preferida?
Verde-azulada . E por isso que escrevo em verde-azulada .
Gostas de tacos?
E de burritos?
Tacos sim! Embora eu nao gosto de burritos.

Lool. See you soon.
That was fun! Haven't written in Portuguese in the longest time! Cya 'round

button33 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 7:27:37)

Round 3.

What is my favorite color?
It's green now! *mindcontrol*
What came first the chicken or the egg?
You never specified what type of egg, so I'm going to say the egg.
What would you do if I pulled out a hammer?
I would pull out a sword!
Did you unwrap your hammer yet?
Do you want me to? ;)
Still don't remember when I crashed the wiki?
You're trying awfulyl hard to get me to remember this. Are you sure you want me to remember? ;)
What is your favorite weapon? A ban hammer?
A ban duck is much better. Yes, a duck as a weapon! *looks out for PETA*
Looks like I got a promotion. Guess who's your new boss?
I want a cookie cake now.
*starts baking* It'll be ready sooooon. I might just eat it all before you get back though!
What's your favorite song?
Right now it's 'Stylo' by Gorillaz. But that changes often.
Cya in a bit! *looks 11 posts down*
Get ready for round 4

Practel -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 9:35:18)

Yo Shari
Hey Practel!
I know soooooo many things about you...
Yayishness? o.O
I seen you!
*scared now*
Sharfax shall play ze Minecraft with me later tonight.
Maybe tomorrow. :)
I touched the moon
Must've been a long reach... was it swiss or provalone? :P
If 4 out of 5 people dislike diaheria does the 5th one like it?
This is the third time I'm getting this... I didn't realize diarrhea was such a big problem!
I didnt get the pun of your title till I read whites post. I get it now!
My puns will get much worse... I mean absolutely terrible. Trust me! :3
Can you sign your name under my thing like this... ~Ashari, Practel is my best friend
Quote= "One Winged Angel" Is Practel really your number 1 fan?
He thinks so! :P

I dont think so, I know so.

~Ashari... RAWR!

od -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 9:36:54)

Congrats ashari! You've helped me with so much!
Thanks! I'm glad I'll be able to help out more now. ^.^
What is your favorite avatar that you've had?
It has to be Yachiru. She's just adorable! XD
Will the world end in 2012?
I hope not!
I haven't snuggled a Shari here in Canada before. Is it too cold up here? :)
Maybe I'll visit in the summer. I don't want to freeze during those chilly Canadian winters.
What ED armor looks the nicest?
Tech Mage Founder armor.
What armor looks the Worst?
Space Warrior armor just makes me look fat! :(
What type of cookie do you like most?
Peanut butter dough with marshmellows and and KitKats!

Red -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 9:49:21)

Hi, Ashari.
Heya Red!
Grats on your promotion.
Thanks! I'll do my best around here. :)


Digital X -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 9:55:50)

Gratz on the promotion Ashari!
Thanks Digi!
Any meaning to the name Ashari?
I'd be lying if I said there was. It's just something that sounded cool. ^^
Play Pokemon at all?
Nope, not at all! *scurries away with her Nintendo DS while no one watches*
First video game console?
Gameboy Pocket.
Coke or Pepsi?
Soda... yuck! I'll take anything over soda.
Laptops or Desktops?
Laptops! I love taking my computer in bed or on the couch with me!
Can your remember the day you started ED? :P
Yep! It was a boring day during winter break then I saw that AE had announced a new game, so I just jumped right in!
That's all now, cya around!
Alright. Bye Digi! Thanks for posting. :)

MERCY88 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 10:26:52)

OH why hell there Ashari :3
Heya Mercy!
Congratz, HUGE GRATZ in AEF :P So I'm guessing AEF Achievement done? ;] *Become an AK*
Yep! Feels almost as good as when I beat Big Tuna! =P
Anyway mah questions ;o

Wuhts your favorite class? x]
Tech Mage will always be closest to my heart... even when I'm betraying you guys as a BH. :P
Wuht is better? ;o That new Valentine Blade, or Frostbane?
Azrael's Bane! Nothing beats +5% to crit.
Wuhts your favorite food? :P
Lemon meringuepie!
How long had you been in AEF?
A little over 2 years... it says I joined in October 2008.
And that is all x]
*HUGE hug for the new AK* -Hug- ;D
Good luck now! ;]

enjoibro4 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 11:13:32)

Thank you!
You like AKship?
It's been a lot to take in, but I'm getting the hang of it! I think it'll be a wild ride. :)
Long time no Umm, talk and see? :P
You can always poke my twitter! I haven't had time for AQW lately. :(
You had your title forever!
Didn't feel that long actually! Time flies by I guess.
I think you totally deserve this AK!
Thanks! I guess this means I was doing something right. ^.^
Gratz again!
Thanks again.
/A big panda appears, then little ones, then a panda takes enjoi's spot and /ninja vanish.
O.O *impressed*

Light Stridr -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 12:41:01)

Hi Ashari!
Hiya Light Stridr! *pounce*
Congratz on your AKship
*Gives cookie*
Yum! I was just getting hungry too.
I'll post later if i think of any questions.
Sounds good.
Ok Bye!

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 14:56:10)

Hiyaz again! ;o
Hey again!
In regards to my last post, Shari is my mothers name if that was unclear....
Nice coincidence! :P
Still couldn't think of a pun.....
You've got a few more days to come up with a good one.
Can you think of one?
I already did...! *points to thread title*
*gives cake* (well being a cookie sponsor isn't good nuff)
Ooh thankies!
So apparently I'm your first edit?? (Color text, etc.)
Yep, you're the lucky one! :)
Gotta love the title (ish blinding awesomeness)
Thank Illuminator for the idea! :P
Me want snugglez D:

~Prince of Shadows

enjoibro4 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 15:12:03)

Hi again!
Nice to see you again enjoi!
I ish back!
Welcome back!
/me Gives a panda moglin to ashari
Cute! *snuggles*
/me Gives ashari a cookie with moglin.
A moglin cookie or a moglin with a cookie? Either way... *noms them both*
/ninja vanish.
*still confused*

Drago9999 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 15:48:41)

Hey there. :)
Hey Drago!
Finally, a friend who likes to play Pokemon. :D
Yup! The new pokemon game is way too addicting! >.<
It seems you like Glaceon. Good choice. ;) Out of all Eevee's evolutions, I like Glaceon too.
I think it's the cutest!
Do you agree that all pokemon have human forms but they don't know how to unlock them?
Haven't heard of that... but I want a pokemon form now! :3
If you have the time, send me your friend code of HG/SS. ;)
Wish I could, but I don't have HG or SS. :(
Eevee has many colorful evolutions..
It's an awesome pokemon... almost as awesome as me! =P
Since I don't feel like throwing more questions at you. I won't post again. :P
Aww alright! Well it was fun talking to you!
Well congratulations on being the chibi Archknight and hope seeing you in ED. :) *Calls a air drop of cookies to Ashari*
Ooh, I like that title! Thanks Drago! I'll cya in ED. *gets squished by the airdrop crate*
*Vanishes into the wind*

button33 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 19:14:25)

Ready for round 4?
You're giving my thumbs quite a workout!
Here it goes.
I'm ready!
Have you ever met anyone named button?
Nope, but I've named my buttons before! :P
Wanna take a dare?
No way!
I need 100 bucks from you.
I need 100 bucks too! *is broke*
What is 100!?
One more than 99.
Go ban whitetiger on the wiki. I wanna see what happens.
Impossible! Actually, I can, but he can just unban himself! :P
Where's my cookie cake?
*whistles innocently*
I bought you a ban duck. I confiscated it from rabies.
I knew he would have one lying around!
*hands over ban duck*
*assembles the Quack-Hammer!*
Enjoy you new present.
Thanks! :)
When are you locking this thread up?
Probably around Saturday or Sunday.
See you soon. Again.

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 19:59:37)

1) Heyyyyyyyyyy!
2) exaggerated salutations ftw? o_0
Yep! ^^
3) congrats!
4) just one question: Do you chew gum? and what is favorite flavor?
A little bit. It's usually spearmint.
That all for me! You really deserved being an archknight as you are one of the most active, nice, and helpful people on the forums! Keep up the good work!
I appreciate it! I'll do my best.

Gold -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 20:05:28)

Ohai Ashari ^_^ *snuggles*
Hai Gold! *snugglepounce*
Nothing to say but congrats ^_^ *snuggles again*
Thanks a bunch! ^.^

Serpeants -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 20:57:05)

Hey Ashari
Hi Serpeants!
Congrats to be an AK in Epic Duel. Wow you finally become an AK in Epic duel. :)
No much question. Btw how is it going?
Pretty good. Can't complain about anything right now.
I see from being Especially Helpful to an AK.
I already miss my old title! :(
Have a Nice day.[;)]
You too! Cya.

Nightly -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 20:57:39)

/me snuggles Ashari <3
Nightly! *snugglepounce*
So I said I was going to do 100 questions, buttt it is rather late so I think I'll stick with an obnoxiously long snuggle-congrats and numerous pouncings on IRC :D
Haha, I'll be ready for 'em! :)
So, without further ado:

/me snugglewugglecuddlesomgpunces with teh joy of a bunch of snugglywuddlycuddly cute things :P
You're so fluffy I could die! XD

Shadow Jester -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/10/2011 22:53:51)

Do you want a zorua? I will trade u it if YOU TRAIN it and give me a egg :33333333
Ooh, I might take you up on that offer! :P
-.- I wanna become an AK :DDDDDD
No no no... you want to keep your soul! Trust meh. ;)
Well.... I don't want to get hated

=/ I hope you can quit Dax's Faction and join a DIFFERENT FACTION ( legit :DDDD )
I'm having too much in in DSX!
Do you like playing ED without complainers?
ED wouldn't be the same without complainers.

drinde -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 1:48:11)

Hi drinde!
Gratz, your AK-ness.
Here are some Questions.

What does an hour taste like?
Tastes like chicken... :P
How many fishes can you throw in an hour?
An hours worth of fish of course!
How many fishes can you stuff in an hourglass?
Half a carp... I know, weak attempt! :(

Egoraptor -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 3:00:31)

Hi Ashariii!! :3
Hey Egoraptor!
I wanna ask you something.
How come we have never met each other in game or have I just forgotten?
I think we met before! Anyways, I'll be at Oz 7 today. :)
btw, Im always at world 7 Oz.
I'll cya there!
I like Butter Fingers... Mhhmmmm Yummy... :3
Double stuff oreos are much better! =)

Tiago X -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 3:06:39)

*Ding* Round 3 starts.
So since your a slave AK now, do you still have feelings?
'course I do! *twitch*... Destroy all humans! *beep*
You're still going to do the A-Z helms in DF right? We need it.
Yep, if I'm needed I can still do it.
Do you like 30 Seconds to Venus Mars? My fav band <3
I don't think I've heard of them! :3
Tell me wold you kill to save a life...
Depends on who I'm saving.
Ok I can't really sing.
Oh me neither!
Wich is best: Tomix or Lep Tomix?
Leprechaun Tomix is just awesome! ^^
Ok all for now. Beijos, ate ja <3
Bye bye! ^.^

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