RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (Full Version)

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Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 3:13:35)

1. You totally got Glaceons right.
2. To late.
4.I zoned out of earth when I played White. Lol.
5. Meow. Woof.

1. You liekz pie?
Cake >>>>>> Pie
2.How much times should I say congrats? 10 times? OK!
Thanks! *out of breath*
Thanks! *faints*
3.You finds dat annoying?
Just a little bit.
4.Would It be scary if im going to knock on your door right now?
I'm in a car right now going 40 mph... so I'd be more impressed actually! xD
Told ya I was, scary huh? O:
Bais again. O:

Wind -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 4:24:18)

Sup Ashari
Heya wind24!
lol awsome another great AK born
Thanks! That means a lot to me.
lol i thought you were already an AK before [&:] lol but awsome work!
Nope, just had a fancy title. :3
Good luck in the future
I'll try my best.

P.S I still need to kill u in game no, pressure [;)]
You can try! ;)

Illuminator -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 4:25:50)

I'm baaaaaaack!
I'm ready for round two!
1. Did you take the hobbits to isengard?
Nope... I dropped 'em off somewhere in Fangorn forest... I hope their alright! :3
2. Have you ever been as far as decided to even go as without?
*pulls out the crazy dictionary... gives up... hits Illuminator with said dictionary*
3. unicorn+whale=?
4. *shows Ashari the door* now what?
*punts Illuminator out*
5. mans best friend? (hint: not a domesticated animal)
Global warming. XD
6. What is this?
A question.
7. What is √5³+5π²-7≥25?
You do realize you left nothing to be solved here? :P
8. 23?
I don't think so.
9. Pink Fluffy _________ Dancing on Rainbows?
10. At what point is the weather considered to be "partly cloudy" rather than "partly sunny"?
At the point
11. Why is it that hydrogen and oxygen when separate are great at starting fires but when put together are great for putting fires out?
I blame science... if real world physics follow video game physics hydrogen + oxygen would create an awesome explosion. ^.^
12. Why does pi ≈ 3.14?
Because next Monday is an awesome time to celebrate Pi day!
13. What is pi(e)?
8.539... and not as tasty as cake! :P
14. Can you answer this question without using any vowels (including y), numbers, or soft consonants?
GG (you win)
15. You have 5, I have 5, Wiseman has 7, Dax has 6, and the universe has ∞. Considering the constant rotation of the earth and the gravitational pull of Saturn coupled with the weight of the oceans when altered by the density of salt and the spacial resonance of the celestial bodies; what is it that you and I have 5 of?
Stars! :) *feels smart*

Well that's all from me, have fun!
Will do!

Wyonna -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 4:52:27)

ASH! It's about time!
Ana! Heya.
I was talking to Xheroh.. and he mentioned it. I was like.. ZOMG! Wasn't that all our reactions? xP
I know! I was so 'OMG'ing too! :P
Good luck and keep on chasin' that chez. ;D
Thanks again! We should play again soon! :3

button33 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 7:23:13)

Round 5
Are we planning a full 10 rounds? I think I'm gonna knock myself out before then!
Your boss is getting mad for slow replies.

What is your favorite subject?
How many people live in this world?
Way too many.
Who is your favorite friend in this game?
Umm ... Button33... *grins*
^If you don't answer Button33, Im afraid I might have to fire you.
Hey now! Look up!
Who just got fired?
Not me!
Service here is too slow.
This isn't a fast food joint!
Link me to your character page.
Nothing special:
Say "Im a hacker and im pround of it." Was I supposed to say that out loud? Opps.

^Ignore what I said above. That was a lie.

~Still Sane (for now)
How many questions should I ask next time?

Shadow Serpent -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 9:39:47)

Nothin to say, just congratz and always knew you would make it. [;)]
But i thought you would get AQW, then ED AK'ship. Oh well, thats life.
Well, surprises are always nice! ^.^
Congratz again and cya on the forums!
Thanks again and cya!

PlungerMistress -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 11:34:20)

I'M BACK [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]
Welcome back!
Chocolate or cookies?
Chocolate cookies! That way I can have my (cookie) cake... and eat it too!
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Not sure, but it would have to be an awful lot of wood to make chucking wood profitable!
Is your editing colour the colour of Nelliel Tu's hair?
I wasn't thinking about it... but it actually is!

Peachii -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 12:06:29)

Hi Ashari!
Hey Peachii!
Congrats for being an AK~ :)
Thankies! Appreciate it. :)
No questions for you as I'm busy for the release.
Oh I'm busy today too! Have fun with the new release.
Enjoy your post, and have a nice day! ^_^
You too! Cya.

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 13:25:15)

Hai :o
how are you? :3
Great! I'm just enjoying AQW's release while I wait. :)
congratz on AK-ness
Hope you have fun with you're other AK pal's torturing congratulating you :o
Oh they're torturing me alright! :P *picks up her baseball bat and runs back in the mob*
no questionzzz, im not really a question guy ._.
That's great, 'cause I'm not really an answer person! :P
Bye bye!

button33 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 13:47:39)

You again! *evil glare*
Grate again
Thanks again!
What round is this?
The last round... ;)
I think this is my last post.
I thought so too... then I scrolled down!
Considering all my posts, you should change this tread to BtAK.
Beat the AK? *hides*
What is your favorite soda?
I don't really like any Sodas... but if I had to choose, I'd go with Sierra Mist.
Who do you want to figt ingame?
You! Come fight me! ;)
Do you like Justin bieber?
Nooooooooooo. I am NOT a Belieber.
Favorite movie?
This year it was Black Swan.
What is your major in college?
Biomed and Philosophy (yep, I'm a double major nerd :P)
Wanna give me your ban hammer since you have a ban duck?
Nope! I plan on regifting it for Christmas.
What time it is?
Almost midnight. I'm getting tired now! :(
Staying up too late. Gotta go to bed.
Same here.
I lied. I'm gonna post more later.


Tiago X -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 16:21:37)

Guess who's baack :D . I'll give ya a hint. It ain't the 200 hp build. Remenber that battle? ROFL.
Hey, welcome back!
You just broke my heart. YOU DONT KNOW 30 SECONDS TO MARS D: </3
You'll have to introduce me to their music! :3
I'll give you another chance: You liek Linkin Park?
Oh, that one I do like!
If yes, you'll get a peanut butter jelly cookie with a vanilla ice cream, and that marriage cake *drools*
*takes the cookie and the cake* Awesome!
If not, just click the DEFEATED button.
Will I get warned many times?
Btw , I gotta ask this ( Ima sound real immature):
-With snuggling, you mean snuggling like Homer n' Marge? ;]
I mean snuggling like a friendly hug. :)

2046808 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 17:27:38)

Herro their! Cungratz Shari!! Yoo deserves eet!
Hey 20468084325468049620249246248! Thanks a bunch! :3
I got tired of reading the first page, so sorry if I repeat any questions.

[1] What is your favoritest animal?
Glaceon (yes it's an animal!)
[2] Can you fly?
Wish I could.
[4] Favorite number?.. :)
2046808 ;)
[5] Rather have tacos or cake?
Cake! Sweets beat all other foods.
[6] Favorite holiday?
Halloween. There's nothing like eating 3 months of candy in one night!
[7] How'z DSX? I misses eet.
It's doing great! You should come back!
[8] Yes?

[2046808] Coke or Pepsi? OR Dr.P <<[:D]
Can't really stand soda! But If I had to pick, I'll take Dr. Pepper.
That should be enough questions. Anyways congratz one again, hope you haz fun.
Thanks again!

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 17:40:24)

Congratulations Ashari! I knew you'd get promoted eventually.
Thanks Giras!
Question time!

You meet three gnomes. The first one always tells the truth. He tells you the second one always lies. The second one say the third gnome never tells the truth. The third gnome says the second gnome is correct. Is the third gnome lying or not?
The third gnome is telling the truth. The second gnome is lying because the third gnome sometimes tells the truth.
If a genie gave you three wishes, what would they be?
Peace, love and cake!
Who's your favorite music artist?
This is a toughie! My tastes change constantly, but right now I'm lovin' the Gorillaz.
Now that you're a mod type, tell me exactly when the next ten updates will be and what they will contain. Because mods know that, right?
My crystal ball says sometime between now and the end of the year and they'll contain "stuff" and "features".
Do you play any other games besides Epicduel? If so, your favorite?
Yep. From AE I play DF and AQW. I'm also addicted to Transformice! :P
Snuggles? :3
Have a great day.
You too!

SonicTbear -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 17:49:09)

Congratz Ashari! :3
Just one question...

What would you do for a Klondike bar? :)
I've never actually had a Klondike bar! :o ...
Before you leave, read the spoiler below. ('Tis interesting) ;)
Will do!

You just wasted one second of your life reading this. ;3

Nooooo.... give it back!
Ok, bye!
/me leaves a box of (Insert favorite cookie flavor here) for Ashari.
*opens a box of peanutbutter dough chocolate chip cookies with oreo chunks* I like my cookies with cookies on top!

Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 18:26:02)

What Am I?
A confused alligator?
Never would've guess.
Did you know I'm eating your car?
That's not edible!
*not scared*
*Chews on Arm* ....What? I ish part zombie <_>
*beats back Tribal_bob with a broom*
Thanks again!

button33 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 20:18:54)

I lied. Here's one more post.
*evil glare*
*eviler glare*
How are you?
Tired... I'm going to bed!
More comming.
*evilest glare*

luop70 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 20:37:19)

My post of random questions....

Tech Mage, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary?
Bounty Hunter
Favorite Color
Favorite Achievement
Lore Master! ;)
Best Part of Game
My friends
Funniest Part of Game
Bio Hazards speech... "Meow"!
Max Damage You Have Ever Done
82 (Massacre Crit)... weak I know!

drinde -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 22:10:36)

One more.
Why do you need 2 Founder Armors?
One is my level 12 armor. It's a nice boost to my rarity score. ;)
How many rooms does the Bazaar have? (If you know)
No clue, but it sounds like a big place.
How would you color your own vendbot if you had one?
It would look like I do, a beautiful rainbow! :P

Vitodawn -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 22:38:31)

Why hello. I'm Valkyrie Dawn ingame. Nice to see you promoted.
Heya Valkyrie Dawn! Thanks a lot.
In the space warrior vs founder war, who do YOU support?
Founders. All the Space Warriors are going to lose from being so fat! :P
In a zombie invasion, what would you defend yourself with?(Ill take a FAMAS)
A tank.
Would you replace the founder armor skulls with shields?
I think the skulls look great. :)

If you had to play one 360 game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Portal. :)

Shadow Jester -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 23:10:52)

Round three :D
Ooh I'm ready for this! You guys really are givin' me a workout! ^^

OJ or AJ?
Oranges! :)
Peanut Butter Or Grape Jam?
Peanut Butter
Handmade or Naturally?
Beta Fish or Gold fish?
Gold fish.
Coke Or PEPSI?
Neither! I can't stand soda. [:'(]
Love or Lah?

ORDER -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/11/2011 23:27:19)

Congrates ;)
Thanks ORDER!
Thats all...
Short and sweet! I appreciate you posting! ^^

K.Raza -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/12/2011 0:08:47)

Congratz on AK!
Thankies! =)
Have you met me in game, my current name is .Raza. but what was my old one?
I probably have! I don't remember your old name tho! :(
Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a suspected murderer. They don't know what he looks like but they know his name is John and that he is inside the house. The police bust in on a carpenter, a lorry driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they immediately arrest the fireman. How do they know they've got their man?
[Hint]:The police only know two things, that the criminal's name is John and that he is in a particular house.
The other two are women! :P
A man lives in the penthouse of an apartment building. Every morning he takes the elevator down to the lobby and leaves the building. Upon his return, however, he can only travel halfway up in the lift and has to walk the rest of the way - unless it's raining. What is the explanation for this?
[Hint]:He is very proud, so refuses to ever ask for help.
I have no idea... does the building flood when it rains? :P

Favorite color?
Cookies or Cake?
Cake topped with cookies!
Have fun as a AK.
Will do!
K Bye!
Cya Raza! Hope to see you in-game!

Tiago X -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/12/2011 6:31:17)

*wrecks door* May I come in?
Sure, come right in! We're still open for a bit! =)
What's the answer to the Big Bang.
I blame Chuck Norris.
Why did species evolve.
The leveled up of course!
Why are Pokemon so small?
I don't 'bout that! Snorlax is pretty huge.
Why did Yu-Gi-Doh had the GX season?
The heart of the cards did it!
Why ain't I doing anything better.
I don't why aren't ya? :P
Why can't I have a custumized avvy .-. That skeleton makes me want to call artix.
Wut u think of my sig :3 It was hearfelt ;]
It's so true!
Oh noes! *hides*

Nebula -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/12/2011 6:47:38)

Doo doo doo doo...
Thanks for the drumroll.
That's quite a Cool Awesome Title
I thought so too! =P
Congrats on becoming an AK.
Thanks a lot!
I don't really have any questions. Meep.
Meep meep! *disappears*
Oh wait... wait....... WAIT!
*rushes back* Oh I'm still here! :)
Nope... false alarm... Oh wait. What's your favourite generation of pokemon? :D
1st gen. It's the only gen I actually know!

button33 -> RE: =MtAK= Snuggle a Shari! (3/12/2011 9:29:17)

100 post.
Wow... I'm popular! o.O
Button! >.>
Remember me?
Who're you again?
BtAK is Bug the AK.
That makes more sense now! *takes off helmet*
I keep this one short, or will I?
Looks short to me! See ya later button!

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