RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (Full Version)

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DigDog -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/14/2011 12:36:06)


Is it Easter that weekend? 'Cause if that's the case, I probably won't be able to participate. Awh.
Well, maybe on Sunday after dinner. But that's a big maybe.

Good point, maybe we should do this on the weekend after the Easter weekend.

BWNocturne -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/14/2011 13:36:17)

All my points are good. Except for the not-so-good ones.

Anyway, I vote for Diggy's idea.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/14/2011 16:24:07)

Yes indeed. I didn't know that it was Easter that weekend. Very well, let's go with Dig's idea.

@Theonesia: You sure aren't easy to accept things introduced here.


...Not to mention that "chaos" n "unity' r NOT even clans.

They aren't clans indeed, but all clans are involved in either Chaos or Unity, unless they are neutral. People attack, people defend, people supports Unity, other attacks it, whatever in which clan they are in. We're not talking about a clan contest. Your idea was unlikely to work because it involved helping only two clans, and, as you should know by now, a lot of people isn't happy helping another clan, so they are left out. However,in this contest, practically every players have a stand either for Unity or Chaos.


How exactly is this gonna be a "contest" between Paxia clans?

WHICH Clan n HOW will be announced as a winner this time?

As I said, this isn't a contest between the clans. However, Chaos and Unity are mainly focused in Paxia, the only place where there is a battleground and numbers. So there will be no winning clan, only Chaos or Unity. Let's say that's it's playing between two factions.


Should we just go with a "chaos/unity won" at the end of it? Would that really mean anything to anyone?

I mean what will be the AWARD n to WHOM,by the end of it?

It means as much to Unity Defenders and Chaos Attackers as much as those who fought previously in the tournament to be champions. if you didn't cared about the previous tournament, you won't be much interested in this battle either, unless you favor Unity more than your own clan. Like the tournament, Chaos/Unity will be awarded with something nice, surely designed by DigDog, in the end, depending on the winner.

Seriously, stop questionning everything that we try so hard to think of to get activity rolling in here. At least try thinking by yourself what we're trying to do when we announce an event. It's not much different from the other tournament, except that it involves both clans and clanless members at once in a single event.

137ben -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/14/2011 16:53:32)

I have to admit, Sig does have a point. Unity and chaos are only two groups. Still, I suppose there were some people who didn't care about their clan but do care about unity/chaos...though this is probably a much smaller group of people. Still, this match would be over in one weekend, so even if it involves a smaller group of people, it also takes a lot less time (and it probably involves more than two clans worth of people).

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/14/2011 22:40:25)

I don't see why it would be a smaller group of people. I'm Nocturan, and I'll be one of those who'll attack Unity, as well as many others that I spoke with, who belongs in other clans as well, like Dynami. Being in a clan doesn't forbid you to be for Unity or Chaos. We're talking of the members of the 8 clans and clanless people who can participate, since most of those people have a stand for either Unity or Chaos, being in a clan or not. Even if it's only two groups, practically the whole of Paxia is part of these two groups.

BWNocturne -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/15/2011 7:18:29)

This only involves two factions, that's true, but unlike the other suggestion this won't influence the clan scores. Even those who don't actually care about chaos or unity can still participate without it having either a negative effect on their own clan's score or a positive effect on another clan's score.


Should we just go with a "chaos/unity won" at the end of it? Would that really mean anything to anyone?

We would likely go with chaos/unity won. That might or might not mean anything to anyone. It doesn't have to, as long as they enjoy some activity by the community.


Unless of course this is a contest about INDIVIDUAL players but even so,there should be a way that proves how n in what degree these players participated,No?

It's not about individual players, it's about chaos and unity. Players are bound to either one of them however on an individual scale, as chaos/unity is separate from clan alignment. It's a person's own choice, which can't be dictated by the clan. Some way of proving that someone participated in a certain degree would be wonderful, but the fact is that we can't check it. Even if we check AQstats and see someone as hit his/her caps, we can't actually be sure if they hit their caps in Paxia or in the war event or whatever. We'll just have to trust people on their word that they were supporting unity or chaos.

If unity has an increase in points, it'll mean unity defended more than chaos could attack and they would be announced the winner.
If unity has a decrease in points, it'll mean unity defended less than chaos could attack, meaning chaos would be announced the winner.
Simple as that, really.

137ben -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/15/2011 8:24:54)


I don't see why it would be a smaller group of people. I'm Nocturan, and I'll be one of those who'll attack Unity, as well as many others that I spoke with, who belongs in other clans as well, like Dynami. Being in a clan doesn't forbid you to be for Unity or Chaos. We're talking of the members of the 8 clans and clanless people who can participate, since most of those people have a stand for either Unity or Chaos, being in a clan or not. Even if it's only two groups, practically the whole of Paxia is part of these two groups.

Being in a clan does not automatically mean you care about unity/chaos though. Of course, as BWN said, you could still participate, there's just less reason to do so.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/15/2011 10:47:39)

There's a reason why I didn't used the words "all" and "every" and used "most" and "practiacally". I'm well aware that some people are Neutral towards Chaos or Unity, I've been like that before. But I'm pretty sure a lot of people do have a stand for either the two, and will do even just a few rounds of battle to support their side. Still, that's not explaining why there would be less people participating in this rather than defending two clans.

theosenia -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/15/2011 12:15:20)

Thank you all for taking the time to answer me.


We're not talking about a clan contest.

Well,that's why I asked. It just seemed to me too that it isn't,so I wanted to know what it is!

drmonkey22 -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/17/2011 20:15:33)

Ooh Chaos vs Unity I had planned on suggesting this but you guys are way ahead of me. I'm ready to fight for chaos

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/26/2011 23:10:15)

Let me all remind you that the contest Chaos VS. Unity is going to happen this weekend. So ready your gear and prepare yourselves for this one huge battle that will start in 3 days!

KERED -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/27/2011 19:56:37)

Count me in for Unity.
I'll play as much as I can with all my characters.
It only makes sense to fight for unity. [;)]

137ben -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/27/2011 20:29:37)

Given the fact that the in-game paxia activity died at the same time that unity started, I will be fighting for chaos!

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/29/2011 11:11:06)

12 hours left!

(Yes, I'm kind of doing a countdown)

BWNocturne -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/29/2011 13:48:54)

You should add fireworks as well!

Anyway, I'll try to join up tomorrow evening, but I'm still not entirely sure if I'll be at home or at friends. Won't be able to join the contest during daytime, that's for sure.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/29/2011 15:52:36)

Is there even a fireworks smiley 'round here? *Browses smiley list (which is awfully short compared to before)* Nope, nothing.

I might be busy tomorrow too. I'll probably go shopping for a game, and when I'll come back, I'll probably go party with some friends. I might be around fully for Sunday.

Oh, and 8 2 hours remaining.

Just to remind you guys about the rules, it's pretty simple:
-To fight for Chaos, you attack Unity. Use the button "Attack Unity" to do so.
-To fight for Unity, you defend Unity. Use the button "Defend Unity" to do so.
-This battle is ongoing for 2 days, Saturday midnight to Monday midnight, AQ server time.
-The battle will be held in the Adventurer Server, meaning you use the "play free" button on the homepage.
-In the end of the contest, if there's a positive fluctuation of points, the winner is Unity. If it's a negative fluctuation, Chaos wins.

That it all, I think. 1 hour and 30 minutes before the start.

Drew862 -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/29/2011 22:51:08)

About 1 hours remaining. I'm gonna hit my exp cap before it starts and I will be here a little after reset. I might look through some playthroughs on some console games to see how I progress to next level or which I might buy ( can't say which console- game I'm looking at). I know I will be gold capping on sunday.

edit- about half an hour left

edit2- okay it's reset, (even tho i did not exp cap) time to hit my exp cap.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/30/2011 0:02:44)

And here it goes!
Good luck to all participants.

Drew862 -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (4/30/2011 1:04:41)

It's been about 1 hour since the contest started. Once I hit my exp cap, I'm off to bed.

SIGMUND -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (5/1/2011 15:47:49)

With most of the Weekend gone it looks good for a Unity win. 15.1k

I would like to see a proper Reset of all the Numbers to zero.

Then maybe we can hold an official contest again?

I think all the Clans would have appreciated that happening 1 year ago and then six months later.

BWNocturne -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (5/1/2011 16:05:34)

Just got online, which means I'll help Chaos a bit. Until I get bored again, WOOHOO!

SIGMUND -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (5/1/2011 17:33:10)

15.3K for unity so things are still looking good.

BWNocturne -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (5/1/2011 17:59:55)

I didn't make a big impact there, along came a film which I wanted to see.. that was the end of my Chaotic career.

SIGMUND -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (5/1/2011 18:20:17)

Latest news
15450 on the Free Server and the Guardian so Unity is still looking good.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Battle Contest! (5/1/2011 23:16:10)

You don't need to post the progress, Sig. Only the final result matter.

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