RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (Full Version)

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SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 16:00:48)

Oh ya right all do one Reduce the amount of winners and i think this is Page 4!! OMG it is :)

Contest is still merging Into victory! enterys Place them in soon

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 17:21:48)

wow this thread grew fast...
nice to see that this place is turning out so well

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 17:47:09)

Ya just two plushie request to finish!And im getting new banner soon. right now my bro who makes siggys/banners is making a skygaurd siggy and look what he made 2 days ago......
[image][/image] Any buddy can use it.

G Man -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 17:59:13)

siggy/banner: Siggy
Render: My Chatacter Found Here
Render placement: Right, facing left , obv.
Text: G Man
Text colour: Blood Red
Font: VTC Bad English One
background: Hypreium (The outside)
other effects: Have J6' Shotgun go through "G Man" Hope this pic will help with that
PM when done: Yes please

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 19:12:50)

Ok let me get on ur request!

D1F3Forum -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 20:39:01)

^ I thought you had some plushies to get to...
But that's can take this...

*Working on banner* *Mumbles something about 10 stupid plushie renders*


SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 20:40:40)

Lol im not doing the siggy my brother is going to lol sorry about the plushies

D1F3Forum -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 20:45:01) problem...its just SO MANY!!! lol
I have a feeling that it will either be down tomorrow or NEVER early wendesday...maybe...
I just have to render everything and find a good background...then everything is easy!!!

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 20:52:20)

OMG i was just about done but then some glicthed happan and it took me long to render ur character ill get it done by tommorow

D1F3Forum -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 22:31:11)

Banner Render List:

Artix Finished!!!
Rolith Finished!!!
Cysero Finished!!!

Dragonmaster Frostscythe

This totals 10 plushies...5 good and 5 bad...
You might be getting a little idea of what I am imagining the banner to look like...

Background Search-
*Found it*

Look at the PM I sent you for the looks...tell me if you like or if you want it changed to something...else

Spectre -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/4/2011 23:09:46)

Armor: Silver gunsmith
sword(in back): Silver smithed Gun blade
hairstyle/helm[link]: Silver smith helm
need it right away?: i can wait
Pm when done: yes

Also can you make the box black with shiny silver letters?

Dusk Kid -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/5/2011 9:45:51)

i Need a siggy With my Char From aqw in With the Label The Dark Void Order then under it Have Join! i just want a cool background with like my Current siggy

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/5/2011 16:20:25)

@G man finished and my anvil was gone and evloved into a finished request!
[image][/image] -
Thanks for shoping at plushie-fied workshop!

@dusk kid Finished!!!
Siggy MUNCHED :O - Picture not found! ~Skywee955
Thanks for shoping at plushie-fied workshop!

Dusk Kid -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/6/2011 9:07:18)

I also need a plushie of my Char if you can Thanks!

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/6/2011 19:50:12)

@Dusk kid Finished!
[image][/image] -
Image quality higher but still is 40.7 KB in size the text is easier to see now :)

Thanks for shopping at Plushie-Fied workshop!
@Dusk kid Ur plushie order was a delay for about a 3 week delay ill get to urs next then...
@Avior then Ur request then @Fish's request then the plushie order thing is going to be back in and people may be aloud to order again!

Dusk Kid -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/6/2011 20:39:10)

Thanks again lol

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/8/2011 17:03:50)

Dear readers,
(dont worry im not gonna close) The plushie orders will be done tomorrow sorry about the delay i just wanted to post Ur plushie requests in one so ill be posting it to this shop tomorrow im just adding final touches to Avior's request!
illl be adding minifigures to the shop soon but i got to try it first! ill shop you my success soon (Custom minifigures pick any armor sword cape helm/hair and see what it will turn out to ill further ado the final touches to plushies go on!

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/8/2011 18:45:06)

wow close one you read my mind i SO thought that the "Dear readers" ment you where closing

OmilliYo -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/9/2011 12:29:11)

Sorry to ask this of you D1F3 but my old banner got munched because it was 207.31 KB (212,283 bytes) over 200 :'(, is there any way to lower the quality of the banner? Thank you man... i owe you a bunch :)

prince valkdoorr -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/9/2011 14:57:36)

Request: sig
Render: tsukune
Render Placement: left of the sig
Text: rosario+vampire
tsukune ghoul form
Text Font [ or other]: bullet in your head
Text Color: blood red
Background: this

also plushie request

Armor: laken formal suit
sword(in back): gia's primal brawlers
hairstyle/helm[link]: silver gunsmith helm
need it right away?: no
Pm when done: yes plz

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/9/2011 15:13:16)

@Valk Ok on the text do you want it to say "rosario+vampire'' them changes into "tsukune ghoul form"

prince valkdoorr -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/9/2011 16:16:28)

like this :
Rosario+Vampire (hit enter)
tsukune ghoul form (underneath)

SKYWEE955 -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/9/2011 16:27:55)

@Valk my brother just finished Here Ya go [:D]

Thanks for shopping at Pluhsie-fied workshop!
As for the plushie request..............

prince valkdoorr -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/9/2011 17:34:33)

omg i love it ^^ cant wait to use it on my schools anime club site

hows the plushie coming?

D1F3Forum -> RE: [paint][flash]Plushie-fied workshop[banners][siggys][plushies][I.Ds] (4/9/2011 20:12:51)

@AnimeYo: I'll see what I can do...

Edit: Here you go...I changed the quality and now it's at 180KB...perfect!!!

Here is your NEW banner --> [image][/image]


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