=ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (Full Version)

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Ashari -> =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 18:41:03)


March 25, 2011
Mission Possible!
Be Famous!

This week we decided to give everyone their 15kb of fame. With our new and improved character pages, you can search, view win records, and increase the fame of different players. You can vote for as many characters as you like, once per day. We've even added an in-game leaderboard to list the most famous, and infamous, players!


Are you more famous than me? Probably.

Grad Your Popcorn!

To make EpicDuel more cinematic and create a more immersive experience for new players, we have implemented a short intro cutscene leading up to your first confrontation with a new and improved City Guard!


The new and improved City Guard would like to assert that his lawn is not an acceptible venue.

You can also click on Oz in Central Station to view the EpicDuel Trailer. It's pertinent to the story, and it's been off the site for awhile, so we decided it was time to bring it back in-game.


There goes the property values!

New Missions!

While you're at Oz, you might want to try his latest missions, including our very first PvP mission! You'll need to win 12 challenge matches to prevail and win Oz's respect. Can you do it? We plan to add a new mission type each update until EpicDuel has a mission system to rival any other AE RPG!

Server Lock!

Anyone's who's played in the wee hours of the night may have seen very low player numbers on Doom or Legion. Few players means few matches, making EpicDuel especially frustrating for new players who don't know to log into more populated servers. Low population servers will now automatically lock if the number drops below a certain point, encouraging dense servers with quick matches. As an added bonus, it will make practices like dummying and piloting much more difficult.

Where's Titan?!

Titan and Nightwraith have been relocated to other parts of Delta V. We're starting a big renovation of Central Station to make it more streamlined and accessible. Also prettier. Much prettier.

Ongoing Engine Improvement!

We're still working to update the Engine to the new standard. Titan tells me it could be finished as soon as next week!

Tags: Nightwraith

Arcanis -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 18:46:44)

Trailer is nice.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 18:51:34)

Arcade has gone from mirvs room, probably to reduce the amount of people saving their home to his room :)

vliegs -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 18:51:58)

Question, what unlocks the lesser used servers? Obviously not gaining more players since you can't access them. Is there a time limit on the locks? Just wondering as those are used for tournaments and 2vs2 matches between friends, frienemies, factions and the like.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 18:53:06)

I don't agree with locking servers until a certain capacity is filled. Social playing will now be undermined as well as playing the game with tad of privacy. On the design notes, this was designed to deal with dummying and piloting. I thought there already procedures aiding to reduce this.

In regard to Piloting, as long as the game focuses on how many and how fast, anyone can pilot accounts. I am not sure how this will deal with piloting.

It is a form of compression I don't find appealing at all. Not all people who play this game privately are dummying. To deal with one situation, the game cuts another's freedom.

SMGS -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 19:18:04)

Must... try.. new missions... :D
The release looks good, will watch the trailer as well. ^_^

8x -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 19:23:04)

I just noticed that devs forgot to put 1.1.4b on the log in screen. lol

Epic Pwnser -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 19:36:46)

Well, there goes the frostbane vs Azrael's Bane Tourney.
Still no 2 vs 1.
Like the trailer though. Very nice.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 19:40:52)

I Do Not Like This Update To Say The Least.

The Server Lock Is Very Bad Idea.

And The New "Missions" Only Reward Credits...No Small Amounts Of Varium...No Achievements. Sigh.

<snip> Please no foul language even in acronym form. Scakk

This Update = EPIC FAIL

Larcell -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 20:16:46)

^ In the future, I'm sure there will be better rewards. The server lock has its pros and cons. Pro: Faster starting battle due to more people. Con: No longer can go to DOOM to 2v2 4 friends.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 20:20:05)

To add on to Buffy.
The missions are just cut and dry, once completed, never again can you do it over again.
I understand this, but why can't the missions be able to be done over and over again?

Server Lock is a bad idea, there should be at least one server with very low population for contests/tournaments and such.

Let's compare what "fame" is to our society.
It's what teenagers try to rank themselves up at high school, so that they are perceived as the most popular.
Maybe a bad comparison, but you get the gist.
And when you carry that over into the internet, it's just a little competition that has nothing to proceed/advance epicduel with.
I think us a whole want new modes of battles, like 2 vs 1 boss battles, instead of fame and server lock.

Pro: Missions are a great idea.

Goony -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 20:29:42)

More content, more features, great character pages, less lag, faster battles, more balance... Keep up the good work :)

@Buffy, there are a lot of others who have supported the game and they are in the main nowhere near as negative as you. If you think that the game exists on the basis of one individual player then you are sorely mistaken... The server locks are there to help new players, if it means that some of the players who just NPC are disadvantaged, big deal, they don't bring much to the game anyway!


Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 20:36:53)

I Could Easily Get 100 'Paying' Players To Petition Nythera (ABOVE NW & Titan BTW) In Protest Of This Update And Many Other Things...

Such As No Varium Buy Back, No New Battle Modes, No Faction Founder Step Down, Overpriced Items, Etc...

Does That Sound Like It Is Only Me Being Negative...Scroll Up A Bit...About HALF This Thread Is "Negative" Reactions Towards The Latest Update.

Why Make Me The Scapegoat?

Seems To Me...You Are Actually More In The Minority Here.

Edited for content. ~Vivi

PivotalDisorder -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 20:46:17)

Let the kids have their 15minutes of fame. i know "fame me" or w/e will become a regular phrase in the community but these are the same players
who rarely have a decent build they can use anyway and dont really offer anything positive to the ED experience regardless, other than free wins.

they say no heal, noob, bb, gg, weak etc all the time, whats one new phrase gonna hurt. its an easy feature to implement unlike some of the features
various members have mentioned should be added to the game instead. the facebook LIKE feature was ridiculed when it launched and its become a
major feature of the facebook community.

also i think their are some positives from this that maybe no one is considering.
players are now visiting each others char profiles alot more, which improves the char profile feature imo. means alot of players who didnt view them
before are doing so now, and that also means they are viewing other players builds on the way. i know alot of players dont view them at all in combat
and make stupid decisions that cost you the match. any feature that MIGHT make them look at it more has to be positive even though it seems lame

i refuse to be down on this 100% until a few months have passed by.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 20:50:59)


How Is Contacting Nythera...Who Is The Head Of Artix Entertainment CUSTOMER SERVICE, breaking my sign up rules?

Did I Sign Some Contract To Not Voice My Opinion As A Customer And/Or Player?

I Don't Need This "Forum" To Organize Such A Thing. That Can Be Done "Outside" This Forum.

Just Becuase You Say The Update Is Good...Does Not Make It So...LOTS Of Players Have Complained So Far...More Than Most Updates Actually.

Telling Us To Be Silent Or Go Away Will Not Solve That.

Providing Good Service and Product Updates Will. As Will "LISTENING" To Customer Feedback, When You Do Things...Wrong.

On Topic ~ If The New Missions Are "Credit" Only...Why Not Have It Be At Least Daily...So People Can Earn Some Extra Credits For The Insanely Overpriced Items.

One And Done...Is Not Good.

Competition -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:02:35)

^ Agree with the daily for quests. Or maybe hourly like NPCs.

Goony -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:05:41)

@Buffy, I Suggest you read term 25, specifically point c.

You may do it as an individual, but petitioning others is not allowed!

Mortarion -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:17:50)

Hey I already battled guard whay before long time this thing was released, is there a way I can see it?, if not could someone, hum record it and the nsent me the klink of the vid

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:33:00)

I remember when I first started playing this game. I went to the lower servers to learn how the game works. As much as this is to improve quicker battle starts, it also will hinder players who are a bit shy or players who do not wish to be around anyone if they need a bit of quiet. Sometimes it is nice to have the option of when to be social and when to be with one's self.

People will do as they done before, nothing will change. Right now the servers are up due to release day. During the week, all will be packed into one server, and three servers locked.

voidance -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:36:04)

Oh yea i am 620 credits wealthier, oh wait i get that every 5-10 minutes.......sigh total fail.

They could have atleast released the Overlord E shotgun.

Off topic:
Goony your cool and everything but just give up...Buffy is a fellow troll and will not stop, its in our blood to argue, argue, and oh yea ARGUE more.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:42:30)

I Strongly Agree With JZaanu.

This Server Lockdown Is Horrible. I Hate Logging On Full Servers. Paying Customers And Long Time Players Should Have The Option Of Some Privacy And Peace If They Choose.

This Is Unacceptable To Many. As JZaanu Stated, Dummying, Etc...Is Just An Excuse...As The Admins Have Stated Several Times That They Have Taken Steps To Lessen And Stop That From Happenning.

Less Servers = Less Bandwith = Less Money To Keep ED Going.

That's The Truth. It's Always About The Money.

Off topic:
"Goony your cool and everything but just give up...Buffy is a fellow troll and will not stop, its in our blood to argue, argue, and oh yea ARGUE more."


OhMyGoshness -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:45:57)

So many killjoys in the world, Instead of complaining, why don't we THANK the Devs for giving us an update.. It's not easy to improve a live MMORPG every week you know..

unQualified -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:52:07)

release had more cons then pros

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:52:18)

If I Promsied You Something...For 1 Year...And Did Not Give It To You...

Would You Thank Me? Especially If You Were Paying Me? With The Assumption That What I Promised Would Be Delivered In A Timely Manner?


voidance -> RE: =ED= Design Notes March 25, 2011: 1.1.4b - Mission Possible (3/25/2011 21:56:18)

Yea when i first started playing i went to the Update archives and read all the updates to see what i missed out on and alot of stuff i seen that was promised is still not here and ive been playing awhile now.

No offense was intended, was just giving Goon the incentive to quit b4 he wasted more time trying to change your thought when we all know that wont happen. But take as you please.

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