RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (Full Version)

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voidance -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/3/2011 22:16:28)

The only reason they think they should get something is because Alpha did, but for those of you that do not know, alpha got their items during that phase and not after, so since beta is over and the freeloaders didnt get anything special(other then a achievement) what makes you think you will now?

Shadronica -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/3/2011 22:37:47)

^Voidance. Your still here beating the same drum?

Why is this of so much importance to you?

If the game developers wish to give us a little surprise then fine. If they don't then they don't. Simple.

voidance -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/3/2011 23:02:12)

1. Why would i change my mind?
2. Doesnt have to be important, i post to a topic because this is a forums and thats what you do.
3. Your totaly right

If the game developers wish to give us a little surprise then fine. If they don't then they don't. Simple.
so quit begging for it.

Did i miss anything Pumpkin?

TankMage -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/3/2011 23:33:04)


Did you know that we had to pay for them? Some people can't, you have to understand.

This game used to be good, because not every battle depended on how much cash you had. In fact, you could win without touching a single cent, most people were nice, most things were balanced. Until they turned ED into a money making machine.

Not nightwraith and titans fault you can't pay. But seriously they need an income so stop whining and just play the game. You expect them to make a game without them having a salary to live on? If it was up to non-variums nightwraith & titan wouldn't be allowed to eat because you want every item to be free or you want extras for just testing a phase. (Beta & Alpha Weapons are bonuses, They didn't have to add them. Even though beta weapons cost cash they're still an achievement of the really loyal players willing to pay to play this game.)

Edit: Agree with voiddance. STOP begging beta is over .... so get over it.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/3/2011 23:37:05)

The devs can easily give beta gamma testers credits. credits are important in game and they do not waste any time money or effort by giving beta gamma players credits. i do hope they give all gamma players something because the devs did not give beta player much that is why they are complaining now. i dun want this to repeat when gamma ends.

@ below

ops typed wrongly.

TankMage -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/3/2011 23:39:52)


Betas over.

highnoonnoob -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/3/2011 23:42:25)

I agree with voiddance 100% and disagree with what this forum suggests

Shadronica -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/3/2011 23:59:59)

Nobody is begging anyone for anything in this thread. Its purely a suggestion. If you don't like the idea of the game developers giving anyone a surprise for being a loyal customer then go blow your trumpet elsewhere.
Why don't you start your own thread voidance and TankMage telling Titan and Nightwraith to not give you two guys anything? ;) Thar ya go ... great idea.

voidance -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 1:23:56) basicly your saying agree with me or go away? This isnt a Dictatorship Pumpkin.

Oh and if this is a suggestion why is it in General Discussion?

Shadronica -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 1:41:16)

I am only saying that you have already voiced your opinion about this thread several times voidance. I am just surprised your still beating this drum.

Back on topic. Viva la Beta/Founders/Alpha/Elites!

OhMyGoshness -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 2:07:59)

This is basically a beta players vs nonbeta players/people who don't want others to have fun*ahem*voidance*ahem*/people so scared that they need to flame other people so the supremacy of varium will prevail.. Im a not a beta player but i agree with this topic.. the beta players deserve something more than ratings

K.Raza -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 3:01:55)

@Voidance!: I'm not sure if any players except Buffy & Angels & you will agree with your signature pal! The admins do theyre best, I won't be surprised if you lead the game to CHAOS . The admins need money to run the game!

On topic: This is a good idea although I don't get it about Non vars, Maybe Beta Testers with Beta items should get something diffrent & non vars should get something not too big or not to small.

voidance -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 3:30:39)

Lol first of all this isnt my first account, its just my most prized account. Second its the Non-Varuims that are mainly hoping for something so for you to say that Varuim wont prevail is stupid considering the fact that any Non-Varuim item they were to give a beta tester(if any) isnt gonna be God-like. So in the end them getting something isnt gonna help them get less wrecked every fight, its that thing most of us call a brain.

Oh and for those of you that have less understanding in what i mean, i'm saying that if its gonna be a free item to thank Beta testers its not gonna be worth having because do you ever see Alpha testers using their weapons at lvl 32?

TankMage -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 5:19:53)

@ Shad

Why don't you start your own thread voidance and TankMage telling Titan and Nightwraith to not give you two guys anything? ;) Thar ya go ... great idea.

Whatevs I took advantage of beta when it was here, i got the beta weapons.

-You don't deserve anything NOW... sure maybe something in beta, but not 9 months later ... I think its just funny your still beating this drum (Oh btw ... worse saying ever.)

OhMyGoshness -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 6:25:36)

@voidance First,No wonder you dont want beta testers to have something your super duper mega precious account can't have.. And we all know how important this game is to you*giggles*;D.. Second How do you know the item they give wont be as you call it "GodLike"? Oh yeah your a Dev... Wait, your not? Oh..

TankMage -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 6:28:57)

^ You realize beta ended 9 months ago? P.S. Work on your grammar, I can hardly understand what your saying lol. (Yes i know your using terrible sarcasm)

STOP BEGGING - Beta is over ... were 9 months into gamma ... just forget about beta seriously.

FearRipper -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 6:45:35)

voidance and ED_TankMage,

You guys have already made your point so just stop flaming.


So in the end them getting something isnt gonna help them get less wrecked every fight, its that thing most of us call a brain.

So why do you care if we get something anyways?


STOP BEGGING - Beta is over ... were 9 months into gamma ... just forget about beta seriously.

No one was begging.

It's just that you guys don't want to give people a chance to express their needs. Seriously I have a feeling that this thread is going to be locked soon if you don't stop flaming.

DeathGuard -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 10:50:19)

@voidance and Ed_TankMage, come on guys both of you are varium as I do but I support nonvarium betaplayers and varium too, no beta item its ok but at least a gamma item since we are on gamma so what you think and thanks luna for your fantastic idea [:D].You can't complain into that :P.

Dragon Immortal -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 11:22:25)

@voidance Hey don't talk to him like that! That is not very nice I was like him as well and after Beta was over I was 26 myself but when the dragon weapons came i strove to lvl up but only made it to 30 and hey when there are 30s and 31s around in beta against a 26 was really difficult for me so you can't tell him that he quit because it is hard to lvl up because if you fight someone your lvl or lower you only get 12 and divide that by how much exp u got left till you lvl up well you got alot on your hands so treat everyone the way you want to be treated and they will show you the same respect.

PumKing -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 11:32:04)

despite what you players keep saying, voidance does have a point (though I do agree, that his flaming of this post is rather obsessive), you have to realize that, beta is over, and if the ED team was going to give us something, they would have done it alreay, quite franly it is rather childish how this post keeps going on. you serl need to stop ur belly achin'. Yes, I agree that it would be nice to have gotten something, I played beta myself, and had I started playing just a few months earlier, I could have gotten founder armor, but it's in the past. And as for getting anything out of gamma, especially anything free, the only thing you should look forward to is the gamma achievement, if beta wasn't important enough to give out free creds, neither will gamma (and YES it would be nice, but so would getting $1 million, but it doesnt mean i8t will happen).

Voidance, for all his caustic remarks, always brings out, in my experience, a very harsh a blinding light of cold hard logic, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean that he isn't right (this however is not to say he or she, I don't know which, is infalible),

however, @voidance

I might suggest putting in slightly more tact into what you say, not everyone is on your intelectual level, and may not be mature enough to take to view points into consideration

voidance -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 13:05:38)

@Everyone That @Me
Lol I'm not even gonna reply anymore because all ima get is 10 more @'s at me which is just gonna murder this already pathetic attempt of a suggestion thread.

First of all thanks, Second im a guy(which doesnt really matter but might aswell answer), third at times i do try to stupid my post up for the slower ones, and lastly i like the Short, Honest, and Blunt approach. Yes at times some of my post are longer then usual but thats only because i got 10 kids flaming me like now.

matteo234 -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 13:18:22)

Looks like this discussion got out of hand and into complaining over others opinions, may i say that you do not have to complain, its their own opinion, so no need to complain at their point of view, its not like it can be a discussion if all the comments are one-sided, and each person has a right on this forum (correct me if im wrong) to express their opinions on this topic without being burned into the ground, then buried under a decent amount of ####. Im sure some decent points have been made here, but not since all the two-sided burnout happened..

In my opinion, if you want something, you're bound to want something extreme, either one of the best weapons in the game or something that you can show, like a bike. However, they aren't going to make you something better or on par with the beta weps, even if they were going to make something, because that would be complained. Free stuff for nothing is what this thread is mainly about. I might (MIGHT) support an alpha/beta shop (possibly accessed by varium peoples as well), under the right conditions, but its doubtful.
But anyways, didnt you play the game at that time to enjoy it? and didnt you enjoy it? and they even made an achievement to remember it by. If you enjoyed beta, thats what you got out of it, if you didn't, why did you bother even playing the game?

BUT this is just my thoughts today, and they may change over time.

Dragon Immortal -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 13:44:23)

@voidance im only protecting the one who started this topic from being cyber bullied which I feel is what you are doing. And FYI I'm almost an adult so I'm not a kid. I personally think we don't need something since those who spent $40 for Founder or after that was over got the beta weps already got something so why need more?! I do agree that a bot or bike would be good to have plus it will help bring up your points on rare item collecting.

TankMage -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 17:39:48)

@ Above

I personally think we don't need something since those who spent $40 for Founder or after that was over got the beta weps already got something so why need more?!


I do agree that a bot or bike would be good to have plus it will help bring up your points on rare item collecting.

Ok your post makes no sense but anyway ....


Tankmage out, This thread is pointless you beggers aren't getting anything, beta finished 9 months ago.

MistaTechMage -> RE: Showing a little love to the Beta testers (4/4/2011 18:31:05)

Lets be honest guys beta weapons bought through the 10k varium during beta *I joined right when founder promotion began or a little sooner* are nice weapons but no longer as adequate for lv32 players I personally have been non varium for the entire game and was
proud of being so but I simply could no longer stand the difference between a non-varium lv32 mage and example being frost-lich, or
trucos possibly two of the best nonvarium tech mages and a varium such as voidance of xendran no matter how good of a build or player
you are without varium weapons you are always at an immediate disadvantage, what do you guys think they would give us beta testers if
they did give us a hypothetical weapon? nothing with stats that could rival a current top notch varium weapons and surely less then their
real varium counterparts, I do however think beta tester badge wasnt something that they should have given us maybe 10k credits or 20k credits would have been better a bike might be pushing it due to non-variums buying them at 30k or winning them at arcade, but the prior could be a posibility which would not affect battle unless bikes were to be implemented into battle later on. One of the reason I considered the badge to not be the coolest thing to recieve is in AQW beta testers could buy the Beta Beserker during its beta test for 100,000 gold doing 120% weapon damage highest until doomknight came along this gave beta testers a nice advantage. Honestly I hate to say this because I'm a beta tester and would gain from this hypothetical situation... but beta is over we once f2p players got nothing and wont get anything it would be unfair to gamma testers as we are no longer in beta, perhaps a credits reward to all gamma players would be a interesting prize. I do believe we deserved something more then a badge but if its weapons similar to the ones f2p alphas got do you guys really want them?

I support the idea of a credit reward to beta's-maybe but most likely no, or gamma's-its a pretty good idea and an incentive to play more often many non-variums never get that many credits until they get serious, and perhaps bike-would be a nice gift an but nd token to remember beta but then again up to the devs but no weapons including bot *a free bot can be won at arcade* it is however it is the developers choice to do what they think is the correct thing to do, and whatever it is they decide it is their game I will comply and be happy with.

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