Koree -> Hydromancer's Robe (4/7/2011 5:09:16)
Hydromancer's Robe Also see the Generalist's Robe, and other specialist Robes ( Pyromancer's, Aeromancer's, Cryomancer's, Geomancer's, Dynamancer's, Lumenomancer's, Tenebromancer's) Level: 30 Price: 3,000 426 Sellback: 1,500 213 Location: Wizard Class Shop Element: Water COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: 25 Ranged: 30 Magic: 35 ELEMENTAL MODIFIER Fire: 96% Water: 85% Wind: 93% Ice: 89% Earth: 93% Energy: 100% Light: 96% Darkness: 89% NOTES ClassLevel is your Wizard Class Level SkillLevel is your Skill Level. You can select it by clicking on the "Wizard" icon in the skill menu. PowerLevel is equal to 30+ClassLevel*4 ScaledPowerLevel is equal to 30+SkillLevel*4 EFFECT All of your combat defences increase by round((0.5*PowerLevel-0.5)/3)-5. Your Water resistance decreases by round(1.7*ClassLevel)%. Your Ice and Darkness resistances decrease by round(1.2*ClassLevel)%. Your Wind and Earth resistances decrease by round(0.7*ClassLevel)%. Your Fire and Light resistances decrease by round(0.5*ClassLevel)%. Your Energy resistance decreases by round(0.5*ClassLevel)%. You can remove the hat by clicking it. NORMAL ATTACK Hits: 1 Type: Magic Element: «As weapon» Damage: (100 +3*PowerLevel)*0.8*85/88% Base and Random, plus (100 +6.6*PowerLevel)*0.8*85/88% Stats BTH: +(PowerLevel/8)+3, rounded down, plus StatsNote:- If you're wielding a Melee or Ranged weapon and it converts the weapon to Magic, then the attack does 75% Base and Random damage. The stat bonuses the attack takes are 0.75*INT/8 (possibly +LUK/2) for damage and INT/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20 for BTH, regardless of your weapon type.
- Type or Element switching effects of your weapon are ignored. Other triggers and effects (like what the Blood Crystal Axe has) are still applied.
DESCRIPTION The robes of a Wizard who specializes in Water magic. Get this if you want to learn mighty magical abilities like Deluge and Mana Tide as well as many more. [image]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x22/justeen208/4.png[/image]
SKILLS [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia/Armours/HydromancerSkills.jpg[/image] Title Ability - Flooding Efficiency If your Class Title is "Wizard", your Water spells cost significantly less mana Your Magic Water spells costs ClassLevel% less MP, SP, and HP. SP and HP aren't working right now. Melee and Ranged spells are unaffected, regardless of their element. This only applies to spells whose database element is Water. For example, Spellcraft will NOT get the bonus, since it's Neutral. Level 0 - Flooding Potence Your affinity with Water allows you to greatly boost the power of your Water spells! All your Magic Water spells deal (124.53 + 3.25*ClassLevel + 0.15*ClassLevel^2)% damage. Melee and Ranged spells are unaffected, regardless of their element. This applies based on the individual hit of the spell. For example, Elemental Doom WILL get the bonus for the Water hit, and only for that. Level 1 - High Dive Infuse yourself with the raw power of Water and use yourself as the weapon! You perform the following, which is treated as a normal Player attack: Hits: 1 Type: Melee Element: Water Damage: 2.5*(100 +3*ScaledPowerLevel)*85/88% Base and Random, plus 2.5*(100 +6.6*ScaledPowerLevel)*85/88% Stats BTH: +(ScaledPowerLevel/8)+3, rounded down, plus Stats Note:- Stat bonus to damage is INT/8, possibly +LUK/4. Stat bonus to BTH is INT/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20.
- Type or Element switching effects of your weapon are ignored. Other triggers and effects (like what the Blood Crystal Axe has) are still applied.
- Your weapon Special can still occur. If it does, you don't pay any SP.
Cost: round(0.75*round(38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.01125*ScaledPowerLevel^2))*(0.0003*ClassLevel^2-0.0471*ClassLevel+0.9968 SP Level 2 - Water Adept - Guardian Only Your experience with manipulating Water has imbued your robes with some of its power! You get -6% to your Water resistance. Level 3 - Summon Elemental Summon a homunculus crafted from the pure essence of your element or the diluted essence of an allied element and given life by your will! You get to choose which elemental you want to summon. Choosing the same elemental again will dismiss it. Level 4 - Flooding Amplification - Guardian Only Gather Water energy over time...(Costs ## MP each round to stock 1 Level «SkillLevel» Charge) Each turn you have this on, you pay 0.11*round(38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.01125*ScaledPowerLevel^2) and store one charge. The charge's level is equal to your current Skill Level. Charges last until you log out, and charges in one armor can't be used in another. You can store a maximum of 10 charges, regardless of level. If you try to store an 11th, then it either replaces a lower-level stored charge (if there is one), or does nothing. Level 4 - Unleash the Cresting Tide - Guardian Only ... and release it as a very powerful spell! This costs either 0, 3, 7, or 10 charges. It only uses a charge if the charge's level is greater than or equal to your current skill level. (So, if you have 10 Level 0 charges stored and you try to cast the Skill Level 6 version of this, then the spell will use 0 charges.) It uses the lowest-level charges available. You perform the following, which is treated as a Spell: For the number of hits, see the appendix on the second post. Base: (5.25 + 0.5625*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.00375*ScaledPowerLevel^2)*85/91/[# of hits], rounded normally Random: (10.5 + 1.125*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.0075*ScaledPowerLevel^2)*85/91/[# of hits], rounded normally Stat: (100 + 6.6*ScaledPowerLevel)*85/91/[# of hits] % BTH: +(ScaledPowerLevel/4)+6, rounded down, plus Stats If Alluvionic Lore isn't on, then INSTEAD OF the usual boost from Flooding Potence, the spell deals: 0 charges: ([Normal FloodPot Boost] - 15) % damage 3 charges: [Normal FloodPot Boost]% damage 7 charges: ([Normal FloodPot Boost] + 32) % damage 10 charges: ([Normal FloodPot Boost] + 52) % damage If Alluvionic Lore is on AND you have enough MP to pay for the boost from Arcane Lore, then INSTEAD OF the usual boost from Flooding Potence and Alluvionic Lore, the spell deals: 0 charges: 0.8*([Normal FloodPot Boost] + 35)% damage 3 charges: 0.8*([Normal FloodPot Boost] + 50)% damage 7 charges: 0.8*([Normal FloodPot Boost] + 82)% damage 10 charges: 0.8*([Normal FloodPot Boost] + 102)% damage Cost: If Alluvionic Lore is on, then it costs round(38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.01125*ScaledPowerLevel^2)*(1.33 + CHARGES USED * 0.0825)/1.75 MP, rounded normally. (This is then doubled when you cast the spell.) If Alluvionic Lore isn't on OR if you don't have enough to pay for the full Alluvionic Lore version (including the *1.75), then it costs 0.76*round(38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.01125*ScaledPowerLevel^2) MP, rounded normally. Level 5 - Alluvionic Lore You can efficiently imbue your Water spells with power directly from the Elemental Plane of Water! This affects Flooding Potency. Instead of the usual boost, Flooding Potency boosts your spells by ([Normal FloodPot Boost] +50)%. To pay for this, your spells cost 175% of the usual amount. Note that you ALWAYS pay for the increase; so, don't cast non-Water spells while this is in effect. Also, this applies based on the individual hit of the spell. For example, Elemental Doom WILL get the bonus for the Water hit, and only for that. Level 6 - Gybbi's Flooding Fist - Guardian Only Conjure a spectral fist of pure Water energy to crush your opponents! This is a spell which deals damage based on the monster's Level and base HP. LvlDiff is equal to (ScaledPowerLevel - MonsterLevel), to a maximum of 20 (and no minimum). LvlMod is equal to 0.00004*LvlDiff^3 + 0.0008*LvlDiff^2 + 0.0183*LvlDiff + 1. Hits: 1 Type: Magic Element: Water Damage: **Base: (MonsterBaseHP*0.064*LvlMod)*85/91 damage, to a minimum of round(0.0075*ScaledPowerLevel^2 + 1.125*ScaledPowerLevel + 10.5)/2*85/91 damage **Random: 0 damage **Stat: (100 + 6.6*ScaledPowerLevel)*85/91% BTH: +(ScaledPowerLevel/4)+6, rounded down, plus Stats Cost: round(38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.01125*ScaledPowerLevel^2) MP Level 7 - Sage Defense You will limit your sage knowledge to conserve your power! Level 7 - Greater Sage Defense You will use your sage knowledge to its fullest extent! You can toggle between these two options. They control how Water Sage works. Level 7 - Water Sage Your continued experience wielding raw Water has taught you how to reduce your vulnerability to its polar opposite: Energy! If Sage Defense is active, then you gain -7% to your Energy resistance. This costs round(0.55*round(0.75*round(38.1 + 2.3375*PowerLevel + 0.01125*PowerLevel^2))*(0.0006*ClassLevel^2+0.0139*ClassLevel+0.3134)) SP per turn. If Greater Sage Defense is active, then you gain -14% to your Energy resistance. This costs round(1.1*round(0.75*round(38.1 + 2.3375*PowerLevel + 0.01125*PowerLevel^2))*(0.0006*ClassLevel^2+0.0139*ClassLevel+0.3134)) SP per turn. Level 8 - Dharana - Guardian Only Concentrate and draw mana in from the ambient air to charge your mental reserves! You gain round(38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.01125*ScaledPowerLevel^2) MP. This is directly added to your MP; it isn't affected by Flooding Potence nor Ironthorn nor anything that usually modifies healing. Cost: round(0.75*round(38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.01125*ScaledPowerLevel^2))*(0.459 - 0.0042*ClassLevel), rounded normally. Level 9 - Deluge No time for your foe to build an ark as a flood pours out of a small gate to the Elemental Plane of Water! You perform the following, which is treated as a spell: Hits: 8 Type: Magic Element: Water Damage: **Base: round(0.00375*ScaledPowerLevel^2 + 0.5625*ScaledPowerLevel + 5.25)/8*85/91 damage each **Random: round(0.0075*ScaledPowerLevel^2 + 1.125*ScaledPowerLevel + 10.5)/8*85/91 damage each **Stat%: (100 + 6.6*ScaledPowerLevel)/10*85/91 % each BTH: +(ScaledPowerLevel/4)+6, rounded down, plus Stats Cost: 38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.01125*ScaledPowerLevel^2 MP, rounded normally. Level 10 - Mana Tide - Guardian Only Invoke the purest essence of Water to damage your enemy's mana with Mana Tide - you may even get a Tidal Surge back for yourself! You perform the following, which is treated as a spell: Hits: 3 Type: Magic Element: Water Base: round(0.00375*ScaledPowerLevel^2 + 0.5625*ScaledPowerLevel+ 5.25)*0.62/3 damage each Rand: round(0.0075*ScaledPowerLevel^2 + 1.125*ScaledPowerLevel + 10.5)*0.62/3 damage each Stat: (100 + 6.6*ScaledPowerLevel)*0.62/3% each BtH: +(ScaledPowerLevel/4), rounded down, plus Stats each Cost: round(38.1 + 2.3375*ScaledPowerLevel + 0.01125*ScaledPowerLevel^2) MP Effect:- On both of the first two hits, if they deal >0 damage, then the monster loses MP equal to *45/62 of the damage dealt.
- If the third hit connects, there's a 38% chance of you getting Regain Mana status. Its LEVEL is equal to ScaledPowerLevel, and it only applies to Water-element spells.
Armor image thanks to Mystical Warrior. Skill menu image thanks to Scakk. Information from many people, including algimantas2, Thylek Shran, Chii (via Skytalker), Khimera, fenmeisterkronos and Ward_Point. Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Some appendices thanks to In Media Res. Update thanks to Kalanyr (via Scakk). Correction thanks to The Forgotten.