RE: MtAK Purple Style! (Full Version)

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Mortarion -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 20:27:40)

Speaking of a rp point of view, what of the villains in DF is, in terms of personality, the closest to your character?
I think Sepulchure would be the best one. Maybe not so much right now, as I RP with the progression of The Legacy of a Hero, but it will become very apparent toward the end of Part 2.
In warhammer40k, atleast if you know some lore of it, wich side/army represents yo u better, if it's necron, eldar and/or chaos, wich of their gods/C'tans represents you better?
I really just watched the video, but looking at the names I think Chaos would be most fitting. Chaos is fun to side with muahahaha
THxs for your time
No problem :) ~Mritha

Rickyb20 -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 20:29:01)

Hello, gratz on becoming an Archknight!
Thank you!
Having fun?
Well, I got to go. Have a nice
hahaha likewise :) ~Mritha

Womba -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 20:38:07)

Yep it's me again!
*eyeroll* :D
What aren't you happy?
Lemme get back to you on that.
What are you doing with that hammer?
Nothing at all. *innocent smile*
No! Stay back! EEEEK!
Over exhaggeration much? XD
If its worth doing, its worth overdoing. [;)]
A winner iz blue!
You wish.
A winner isn't purple. >:P
Aye but it is! :D
I shall be back... Mehehehehe... *throws a pink smoke-bomb and runs away*

*uses a door as a shield* ha HA! ~Mritha

Mortarion -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 20:39:53)


I shall be back... Mehehehehe... *throws a pink smoke-bomb and runs away*

WHen thou is back this thread will be a paradise for nurgle soons
What is a nurgle soons? ~Mritha

1412. -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 21:23:18)

*Moglin is on shoulder.* Meet burning moglin.
Hi burning moglin! *pets*
Don't touch him! He has a obsession about burning people!
Well, well, well, Time to get to the torture...I meant questions.
Your not the first person to say that.........its got me a little worried.
I'll only use one.. *horror music* what is...tomorrow...but yesterday is tomorrow?
Tomorrow is today and Today is Yesterday but Today is forever and Tomorrow an endless day. Yesterday never dies but it never lives until Tomorrow.............I honestly have no idea what I just said....I just typed the first thing that came to mind XD
Oh really... *you win a coupon at the purple store run by a moglin.*
Burningmoglin: I want a wug!
B. Punt!
C. Hug.
D. Throw a random object.
Which one do you choose?
Hugs! :D *hugs the burning moglin*
Any tips for my writing?
Not at the moment, your doing good from what I see. I am looking foward to seeing your secret projects though :)
Alright, next time I will post an adventure in here.
Be prepared to participate in a crazy adventure!
hahaha! I will :D
*Dramatic Cut.*
Stay Tuned...
Oooo a cliff hanger :D ~Mritha

chisagen -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 21:24:07)

Buahahaha I'm back
Woah! Your using my color!
Didn't see that coming huh?
hahaha no I didn't!
Ok so time for some more questions :D
Bet you are excited now huh?
1.What is your favorite type of pie?
2.what is your favorite kind of desert?
3.What is your favorite weapon in DF?
Hmm.....well there is the chaos rager scythe, the energy entity staff, the void key, dark chaos verge and all are black and purple and all but one animated............can I choose all of the above? [:D]
4.can you guess how many more questions I have?
Well that's all I have for now goodbye purple master *runs away dramatically and ends up falling off of a cliff*
hahahaha fail XD
.......It's ok I'm alright no need to call the ambulance ._.

*dials 911* Just in case [;)] ~Mritha

Razen -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 21:25:42)

*Wastes Mritha's time with this pointless post and action* :P
Waste my time? Hmm...... What to do with this bucket of purple paint...... *evil grin* ~Mritha

Mortarion -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 21:27:02)

Mritha nurgle sons are the plague marines, plague beares and the plague beast, whe all follow father nurgle god of the disease, count to seven, seven is nurgle's sacred number
Ahhhhh ok. I see now. ~Mritha

Drake Amatsu -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 21:28:58)

*Glomps Mritha"
*returns the glomp*
Remember me?
hahaha! How could I forget my clan leader? *slautes*
What would you say your most fantastic attribute is?
What's your favorite.. SHADE of purple!?
I think it would be Dark Magenta
Do you like to talk?
Do you like to whisper?
What's your favorite thing about the BoH?
I like how we all are like a close family. One big, happy, and insaine family :)
What's your favorite thing about me?

How you are always so uplifting during a war, you really encourage the other soldiers to keep fighting when all seems lost. :) ~Mritha

Fish -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 21:30:14)

Hiyas! ^-^
Congratulations on the ArchKnight-ship
Thank you! :D
Do you play Adventure Quest Worlds?
Yes I do :)
Whats your favorite AE game?
Favorite item in that game?
My dragon, Odgne.
Favorite Animal?
Favorite snack/treat? (Candy, cookies etc.)
Hot fries!
Favorite smiley? (^-^ is mine)
=^.^= Its a kitty! :D ~Mritha

Razen -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 21:37:13)

Also, can I waste more of your time with this pointless, and unreasonable question? :P
More time waisting eh?
By the way, it's a rhetorical question.
Can I the pointless question yet?
I warned you [;)]
No? I suppose that I'll just waste more of your time with these frivolous sentences.
muahahahaha ~Mritha

<Insert Evil Laughter Here>~Razen

You DARE change the color of my text? muahahahaha two can play at that game!

<Insert Another Evil Laughter Here>~Razen

*eyeroll* ~Mritha

Womba -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 22:09:06)

Oh no... It's happened!!
Oh dear....
Can you believe chisagen finally ninja'd me!? [:(]
Yes I can.
Oh well... [8D]
Time for more spam!
I eat spam
It tastes yummeh
Kinda beefy flavored
And it had potatoes too.
You really thought I'd keep doing that?
I'm not THAT evil!!
Thats debatable
Or am I? [;)]
Knew it.
Favorite candy?
Chocolate! :D
Favorite fruit?
Favorite... err... non-gravity/door hammer! [8D]
A black and purple one [;)]
Anywho... I bet this is what you were expecting since I've yet to say it..
Wait did I say it? Meh...
Gratz on joining the horde.... Please give us DF forumites mercy when Eukara finally decides to kill us all. D:

You forget I work for Eukara now. If she tells me to do something I will [;)] ~Mritha

1412. -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 22:17:46)

The Purple Thief...
*gets popcorn*
One ordinary afternoon in falconreach...
Since when is Falconreach ordinary? XD
I took a potion from Reen's store, It gives me powers. But it has sideaffects...
Fear, spaghetti legs, pumpkin head (wonder what that is...) and muscle spasms...
Down the hatch, *drinks*
oh this is gonna be good
Don't worry the sideaffects are temporary.
heh heh we will see
Hey, do you see what I see *points at purple sun.*
A purple sun? AWE-some!
...oh phew, its gone.. wait a.. look at that thing in the sky, its a bird! Its a plane!
wait..planes don't exist now... Its a purple dragon!
Odgne! Oh wait, Odgne ish black.
Dragon: I am the new ruler of purple, bow to me...
Me: Never! Wait...sideaffect..hide me!
join ussss......
Battle engaged (answer the questions correctly to win the battle.*
awww pop quiz! XD
What is your favorite color besides purple and black?
Do you have a catchphrase?
"Give em hell Soldiers" Said during DF wars.
Dragon: *cough cough* you still can't defeat me, purple one.
A.Dramatic finger push
B. A overkill with purple swords
*comes out of smoke with pumpkin helm*
Dragon: Good dragonlord what is that.... Just get me away from that creature...take your purple back!
Me: You better be scared... wait is there something different about me?
*after explaining and traveling.*
That, adventure was a bit crazy...wait what's that? *pink clones appear.*
Pink? PINK!? D:
*Dramatic Cut*
bah! another cliffhanger! [:D] ~Mritha

Drake Amatsu -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 23:01:45)

WAIT! I gotta know.. Andy's Hot Fries?
hahaha! Yes, Andys Hot Fries XD ~Mritha

Gibby -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/11/2011 23:30:59)

Red or Blue?
Mauve or Lilac?
Violet or Magenta?
Fuchsia or periwinkle?
Plumb or grape?
Heliotrope or Mulberry?
Tyrian or Han?
Deep purple or Purple Haze?
Deep Purple
How good does it feel to finally break the chains?
Words cannot describe!
*Make your own question 10 and answer it.*
Did I sit here and grin like an idiot when I saw you had listed 14 different shades of purple?
Yes I did [:D] ~Mritha

Stray Cat -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 0:16:45)

Hi thar, Mrithkins.
Oh how nice! You put in the color codes for me! :D
Did I get the colour right?
Yes you did :)
Speaking of which, why all the purple?
Because Purple ish amazing! :D
What a silly answer! I don't believe a word of it!
Oh, that's right, congrats on the AKship!
Aww thank you! :D
Eukky is a tough boss, she'll work you into the ground.
And then whip you silly.
Just kidding. She's far too considerate for her own good.
*big sigh of relief*
Well, should be getting back to my work play. Do enjoy your new powah.
Aye I will :) Thank you Stray Cat! :D ~Mritha

Peachii -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 2:29:30)

Hi Mritha!
Reachii! *glomps*
Congrats on your AK-ship!
Thank you! :D
*glomps Mritha*
*is glomped* XD
Peach or Grapes?
Grapes are purple :P
What food do you like to eat?
What's your favorite animal?
A wolf
Any hobbies you have?
Writing mostly, though I do enjoy running the lights at my youth worship service at my church on friday nights :)
I guess that's all I have. :)
Aww XD
Enjoy your work, have a good time!
Thank you Peach! *hugs* ~Mritha

Mortarion -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 5:37:50)

Whats your favorite chaos god in warhammer40k Nurgle, Khorne, Tzeench or Slaanesh
Well I haven't played the game yet, so I will just pick one at random. Slaanesh.
Are you a mutant, demon, chaos space marine, or a possesed chaos space marine
Again at random, Chaos Space Marine ~Mritha

Tiago X -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 7:53:44)

Finnaly, the time has arrived.
Time? *looks at watch* Tis 12:54am
The time for me to ask you some questions! *evil laugh*
Another evil laugh O_O
Robert Downey JR < Shia LaBeuf?
Shia Labeuf! Transformers and Eagle Eye FTW!
Why isn't there a purple power ranger, and yes a pink one?
Because the purple power ranger is doing secret missions for me [;)]
Why is the song in my signature so good?
Because the cops are wearing their sunglasses inside AND at night XD
Do you like green?
What about greencake?
Never tried it before, but it sounds yummeh!
If a cookie was purple, wold you eat it?
Its purple! I actually made purple cookies once, they were hearts and the cookie was dyed purple and then I dipped half of it in dark chocolate so they looked like black and purple broken hearts XD
How's that hammer of yours?
Ready to SMASH!
Will it smash me?
Sorry if I made too many questions , I don't read first posts -.-
hahaha! You probably should [;)]
Cya soon.
*waves* Later! ~Mritha

Silver Xoven -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 8:05:56)

SIIIIIIIIILVER!!!!! *glomps*
*is glomped* :D
Thank you!
You deserve it. [;)]
Awwww *hugs* :)
So, are you happeeh?
Of course you are. [8D]
So, where IS Mount MoreDoors? [:D]
Located in a purple place between he DragonFable and Halo universe
Okay, I've been using this question in every MtAK:
You're in a middle of a hurricane with your best friend (me) who saved your life in a war, the neighbour's sweet old lady, and the girl man of your dreams. You'll also have a car with only two seats. Who would you take with you, and who would you leave behind to die?
*grins* Just because there are only two seats in a car doesn't mean I am limited to that number! I'm driving with the man of my dreams sitting beside me. The sweet old lady gets in the trunk and you ride on top!
And yes, it was in a Bruce Willis movie. :D
Oh it was? Fun!
Anyway, congratz once more!
Thank you Silver! *glomps* ~Mritha

Sinis -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 10:59:26)

Hi Mritha.
Heyas DoomSand!

Devious questions ahead.
Devious answers planned
Why do you like purple?
Because its the prettiest color on the color wheel (in my opinion at least)
Are you a piRAT or a ninja?
PIRATES! Arrr dem filthy ninjas be stealin mah Pies!
From where you took your famous Gravity Hammer?
While playing Halo, I fought and killed this guy. Then I brought the gravity hammer into Lore where 777 lugia modified it for me to it will never run out of energy!
Are you mad in real life too?
We are ALL mad here......
Can we count on you in WAAARs?
Why did you tried to steal the Nefarious Set, when those weapons were supposed to be a gift to you?
Because I didn't know it was a gift.
So... <.< >.> <.> >.< Can I paint you gray?[;)]
Can I paint you purple?
No, not the hammer again! *creates a gray shield*
Lucky me I'm icy.[;)]
I has a FIRE!
Gray will always win over purple!
Psh. You wish.
Yep it will.
So... What are you doing with that purple chainsaw?
*evil grin* ~Mritha

megakyle777 -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 11:14:52)

Hi Mritha!
*glomps* Heyas megakyle!
Congrats on becoming an AK!
Thank you!
May I ask: Why a Legends Of Lore AK? Don't you like your old DF Warmongering buddies anymore?[:(]
Of course I do! But I also enjoy writing and helping others with their stories :)
Nah, just kidding!
Seriously though, any reasoning behind Legends Of Lore ?
Well like I said I enjoy writing and helping others with their story. Besides, Eukara is a really cool boss [;)]
So, I need someone on the inside to give me information on the AK's and Mods so the rebellion can be prepeard for when the revolution comes. You interested, or have they got to you already?
*shifty eyes* The voices......must.....obey.....the voices!
Do you make suggestions in the DF thread for such or their fourm for it? Because I kinda want someone to suggest an estate system?
Both actually, I suggested a scythe some time ago.
Do you think that an in game library in DF written by fourmites would be a good idea? If so, any insights on this, like how it could work?
I think it would be REALLY cool! The best way I can think of it working, is if we do soming like the L&L Book Projects then the DF staff members go through and choose what stories they wish to add. But they will have to agree to it first :)
Well, I will be off now. I got to make sone contacts with some Dwarfs to see if we can't get a solid wall up by Friday 13th. I have a feeling Seppy's gonna really lash out this time!
*cracks a purple whip* Get ta workin! Falconreach must NOT fall! (again)
Bye! (Slips into the shadows and vanishes from sight)
*waves goodbye* ~Mritha

Mortarion -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 13:01:44)

Mritha you just choosed the god of pleasure, lust, luxury, etc
Purple lust? Cause thats my avvy! :D ~Mritha

Fish -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 14:25:48)

Hiyas Mritha! ^-^ (Hope I spelled your name right, did I?)
Aye you did :)
Do you have any pet cats?
Nope! Just dogs
I do. ^-^
How many?
That's all for now,
Bye! ^-^
*waves* Bye! :D ~Mritha

Sinis -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/12/2011 15:35:42)

I'm back.
*glomps* Welcome back :)
OK you can paint me purple. I like purple.[;)]
Ugly guy you killed, eh Mritha?
So Mritha, you know I'm a spy and I need someone to get info about AKs to me. Can you do it?
*whispers* This room isn't safe, they can hear usss.......
Ah, there is a 4th Nefarious weapon. Already saw it?
And commented on it
Looks nice
I might try to steal it later muahahaha
Are you liking being tortured?
I'm not being tortured
Why do you hate yellow?
Because it broke my arm.
Not the hammer, Mritha! O_O
Whaaat I'm not doing anything! *innocent smile*
*paints you gray, black and yellow* >=)
Phail! Thanks to guthixnite I have an endless supply of purple paint. [;)] *paints herself purple and black*
Byez! xD
*waves goodbye* :) ~Mritha

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