RE: MtAK Purple Style! (Full Version)

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1412. -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/16/2011 16:10:21)

Secrety Report
Okay, I am working on the secret project.
Oh cool! How is it coming?
Also coming up with some concept art, and practicing drawing.
Mk so good progress I assume?
I have made some samples of what Mritha will look like, but I can't decide
which one to use.
Oooo can I see?
So, as soon as my scanner starts working, I will send you the samples!
Yay! :D
I also have to expand on my L&L which is why I introduced Fancy and Akell.
They will have a start, but many other characters will start appearing.
Ahhh I was wondering who those two were lol
I'll give you some title names, just to get you speculating!
Awww naw then I will be left hanging on a cliff [:D]
-Order of the Knight


-Vengance, a tale untold.


These will be some of my stories, which will "Crossover" into Fragment..eventually.
Although you don't have to read these to understand Fragment, they will be going in-depth
about the characters though.
Oh that will be fun, going deeper into the heart of the characters is always something I always enjoy :)
That is all for now... *This report will explode in 3..2..1..*
O_O *runs* ~Mritha

Mortarion -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/16/2011 16:15:46)

I meant a serious relationship Mritha, srry for being so akward, and asking you so many personal things
No I have never been involved in a serious relationship. :) ~Mritha

Ferakin -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/16/2011 17:26:11)

Hey, Mritha. I'm back for one thing.
Welcome back Neo! Orly? And what is that?

ROFL! XD ~Mritha

1412. -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/16/2011 21:52:33)

The Race against time..

At night..
*Seth wakes you from your sleep.*
*mumbles* five more minute mom......
Seth: Today, we are going to our mansion.
We have a mansion?
This time at Zero's mansion...
Zero: Since we wrecked your house enough,
welcome to ours...just don't wreck it.
Heh heh no promises
*You walk into a room where you see multiple gateways.*

Seth: Dibs on the Ice Cream Realm! *Seth jumps in a gateway and comes out with ice cream cones and hands you a purple one.*
Thank you Seth! So all of these portals lead to different realms? Interesting........
Kotaro: ...I'll be on my motorcycle raceway. *You follow Kotaro to see a raceway that starts at the ground but leads to the clouds and the stars, and all the way back.*
Oooo fun!
Kotaro: Wanna race?
A. Yes! Purple and black rocket motorcycle.
B.Yeah! Odgne.
C. Other...
*Kotaro gets on his onyx motorcycle, and prepares to start.*
*climbs on Odgne's back who flaxes her wings*
Seth: Today we have a epic match between Mritha and Kotaro. Kotaro remains undefeated,
but will Mritha give him a run for his money? What do you think Zero?
hahaha We can take him!
Zero: These two racers seem like they are ready to win, but my money is on
Kotaro, afterall he did build this course.
Odgne: Aye, but Mritha has ME! :D
Seth: My money is on Mritha, she seems to know how to race and besides its time someone
dethrowns that idiot hero! *Seth is hit by a rock and stars circle his head.* B..back to the race.
Come on Odgne, we can do this!
Zero: The goal is to get all the way around the world, get the silver star item in Dragesvard and back.
While following the route, which is shown by stars if Mritha gets to a star first it turns purple..if Kotaro
gets to it, it turns black.
Purple or black, I can live with that! :D
*Odgne runs a few steps then flaps her great dark purple wings and flies several feet from the ground, just behind Kotaro*
*Kotaro uses his jet engine and blasts his way through the skies, while shooting color grenades behind him.*
*The color grenades explode and seem like fireworks, which covers him from being seen.*
Mritha: What do we do now?
Odgne: We do not have time to go around, so lets go through it!

Kotaro: I got a need for speed! *Kotaro reveals he can go much faster with 10 jet engines.*
Which blasts him ahead of you, and it seems like you can't catch up.*
Odgne: Ha! Does he really think he can outrace a DRAGON of the night?
Seth: Mritha...Mritha... *he chants it, and some heroes join in until it is as loud as thunder.*
*Odgne burts forth from the smoke cloud, black scales shining. Mritha can barely be seen on the back of her night dragon, her black armor blending in with Odgne's scales*
*Your vehicle dragon gets major speed, and surpasses Kotaro turning the star checkpoint purple.*
Kotaro: Impossible! No one out races me!
Odgne: hahahahaha!
Mritha: *grins* She warned you! None can outrace a dragon!

*A meteor shower interrupts your brief victory, and Kotaro dodges them swiftly.*
A. Bash them or shoot them at Kotaro with Gravity Hammer.
B. Purple Rage! (Unleash a counter purple meteor shower to wipe the others out.*
C. You ride a meteor through the meteor shower and then get back on your vehicle.
Purple RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE! XD *as Odgne does her best to fly through the meteors Mritha defends her dragon by firing blasts of purple fire from her palms*
Kotaro: Break time! *You see a railway with a shiny but still dark onyx color.*
Odgne: Break? I'm still going strong! I could keep this up aaaaaall night!
Mritha: Oh shush scales for brains. I can see you breathing hard.
Odgne: LIEZ!

Kotaro: Our vehicles get refulled or catch a break here, while we get on the train and are transported to the
North. Enjoy yourself, there are many things here like Videos, gaming, food of any kind, whatever.
*He pops open a soda and drinks.* This train can lead ya anywhere, but its only available during the night.
*uses her dragon amulet to shrink Odgne to the size of a large dog so she can fit into the train*
*You see villages, towns and people while travelling in the night sky, and you see your vehicle dragon
on a separate train. You also see that etched on the side, it says "Mystic Railways".
*plays Halo while she waits* :D
*After enjoying yourself the train stops at a tower and your vehicle dragon is right beside you.*
Kotaro: If you win, I'll tell you how to make the train appear. *Kotaro smiled while offering his hand to shake yours.**
And if you win, I will show you how to summon the purple doors of DOOOOOM
*Kotaro mounted his motorcycle, and blasted off towards Dragesvard almost as if he was a shooting star.*
*Odgne flaps her wings and flies toward Mritha who is watching Kotoro fade into the distance. Mritha half turns and sees her dragon coming at her at full speed. She jumps high into the air and does a backflip as Odgne flies below her. Completeing the flip Mritha lands on her dragon's back and is shot foward. Slowly, the two gain on Kotoro*
*You arrive at Dragesvard, and when you reach for the silver star Galanoth is holding another hand touches it as the same time you do.*
What? Who one?
Kotaro: Guess, its a tie. Congrats, you are the first one ever to tie with me. *Kotaro smiled again*.
hahahahaha this was fun!
*After using the Mystic Railways to arrive back at the Mansion.*
I really need to paint this place purple......
Zero: Well, who won?
Kotaro: We tied, though it was probably beginner's luck.
hahaha You wish [;)]
*Kotaro whispered to you*: Never...Ever...tell anyone I was that nice.
Oh and to use the railways just say the word, Mystic and think of it.
Thank you Kotoro :) I have told the doors to come to your call. Just imagine them coming to your aide and they will :)
Seth: See, the idiot hero always wins or ties! Its a curse I tell ya.
Zero: This has been, the Fast and the Purple...
*puls out electric gutair and plays an epic ending song* ~Mritha

Mortarion -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/17/2011 14:09:27)

Mritha, what do you think of me?
hahaha I think your funny :)
What you think of TM area?
Needs purple [;)]
What do you think about TM becoming an AK aswell?
Honestly I'm suprised. I thought being a staff member he already was an AK sort of :) ~Mritha

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/17/2011 15:23:26)

*Leaps through a veil of shadows to grab a vine and swings to the other side.*
Hello Tarzan Dwelling!
Hello again!
Welcome back!
*Holds a notebook and deck of cards.*
I'm here to run some simulations.
What do you think would happen if Mritha encountered Mordred Tumultu?
She would run
What do you think would happen if raven met my character?
Probably try to ignore him. She is struggling not to make any friends.
What do you think would happen if raven met shadow?
Probably the same thing as if she met Azer

Now, for some personal questions ...
What do you think of my avatar?
Ish yellow
How would you describe me?
Clear headed and straight to the point
Do you know what I found recently?
That there is a place that sells bacon and ice cream milkshakes?
Do you (still) know what D.U.M. stands for? (Both meanings.)
Dravir Underground Movement and DragonUltraMaster
Do you know D.U.M. may have failed?
How so? The Dravir are still alive. For now.
Perhaps now my mind is clear enough to write something again, goodbye.
*waves* Bye! ~Mritha
*Dives into the shadows.*

Something shiny on the floor catches your eye.

*Mritha notices how a shadow seems to tip it's treasurehunter hat.*
Ahh yes. The radient pearl 2. Wonder when the third will show up......

1412. -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/17/2011 17:04:22)

Back at Zero's mansion...

Akell: Sucess! Everything is purple.
*highfives Akell*
Kotaro...You know if I hit this switch It will just change back to its normal color...
Then don't hit the switch......
*Akell hits the button with chairs, rocks, and swords...but it doesn't break and
Kotaro hits the switch.*
Kotaro: Its unbreakable ya know, we use that to clean when we don't want to, and
it gets rid of paint or covers over it.
*Akell dials some numbers on his cell phone.* Akell: Yeah, I'm gonna need nuclear explosives...yeah I'll wait.
*he puts his phone back in his pocket.* They should be here in a hour along with my War Titan...
War Titan?
*You see a blue haired boy wearing a cloak outside the window standing on top of a pole.*
Noctis: ...So, you have come, as I predicted.
Noctis: Show me the strength of a warrior.
I will do better than that, I will show you the power of a DragonLord!
*Once you charge to attack him, you find that he is right behind you, and he shoots three fireballs at you.*
*summons a door shield. the fireballs hit the door and shatter it, flaming wood fragments flying all around the room*
*Before you can attack him, he shoots countless meteors around him.*
*Mritha ducks as the first one sails toward her head, then jumps high avoiding the next meteor which hits the wall behind her. Mritha dives under a third and jumps on top of a fourth. Black and purple fire fly from her left palm and shatter distant meteors while she swings her gravity hammer from her right hand, shattering the meteors within range of her mighty swing. Mritha jumps off the meteor while another colides and the two shatter. Mritha lands on the ground in a low crouch at Noctis's feet and places one hand on the ground to steady herself. The black DragonLord stands, gravity hammer raised and wings open wide, ready to carry her out of danger should the need arise*
*This time he seeps into the ground, pulling at your leg. It feels like quicksand, as he tries to drown you in Earth.*
Noctis: Sink into the abyss.
*Keith appears and rescues you from Noctis, you notice his scraped cape and one Dragon Wing.*
Keith: Are you okay?
I am fine, I am more worried about you!
*Noctis is no longer there only you and Keith.*
Keith: What happened back there anyway?
I........I don't know. Where is Akell? ~Mritha
~End of Boss Battle...part 1

Zork Knight -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/17/2011 19:25:57)

Hey there, purple lady.
Hello Zork!
So... *Evil Phone Voice* What's your favorite scary movie?
Hmm...... I don't really have a favorite scary movie. I like the old horror movies like Scream. You jump cause he bursts out of a closet and you didn't see it coming......but then you laugh cause he trips over a couch and does a faceplant XD
If you had a button that, if you push, would give you a purple DmK set and a black baby dracolich whit purple doom eyes, but someone in Lore would be hit whit a door in a non-fatal way, would you push it?
Yes. However I would paint the armor black. I have found that wearing black armor is more intimidating than wearing purple armor.
WWYDIAZABTWYCCA (What would you do in a Zombie Apocalypse. By the way, you can't call Artix)
*gins* Me and Odgne will have a blast! We love fighting back to back in the middle of a warfield against impossible odds [;)]
So... *Uses random question generator* What are your favorite colors...
Black and Purple :P
ummm....... next question
Have you ever heard of the Excalidoor?
Aye, it is the rarest of Doors!
That's all. And I will be back. Or not. Maybe. It's a 75/25 probability.
hahaha ttyl then :) ~Mritha

1412. -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/17/2011 21:38:14)

*Continued...Boss Battle.*
Keith: Come to think of it...I can't find Zero, Seth, Kotaro, or Akell.
This can't be good
*The lights turn off, and black clouds surround the area.*
*creates an orb of purple light for them to see* Dorn and Chain taught me a few things, I can control light again :)
Noctis: Imbeciles...
Hes back.....
Noctis: You fight, knowing your certain defeat.
I fight knowing YOUR certain defeat!
Noctis: To be one that has a heart, yet cast aside its freedom!
*screams* You know nothing of having a heart! Or losing it!
*Countless orbs surround Keith and chain him absorbing his power while the other orbs shoot beams at you.*
Keith! *is hit by an orb and crashes against the back wall*
Noctis: Sink into the abyss! * TRILLIONS of energy lasers surround you.*
*grips gravity hammer* Bring it. *the lazors fire and smoke from their intense heat builds and covers the scene. when they finally stop firing the smoke clears and a strange blue buble shimmers with the black dragonlord kneeling inside it. Mritha deactiates the dropshield MOD and equpis hologram MOD* A second dragonlord identical to Mritha races forward distracting the fire of the lazers while Mritha uses her gravity hammer to crush them. the holigram fails and the lazors turn back toward Mritha who equips sprint MOD increasing her speed. she clips her gravity hammer to her back and flies through the energy lasers, weaving back and forth through them so quickly the lasors shot each other rather than her. Mritha grabs two plasma grenades and two frag grenades and activates them in one swift move. she tosses them into the air and uses armor lock MOD. the four grenades eplode causing a chain reaction in the remaing lasors. Mritha is unharmed as the fires from the eploding lasors boils around her. the fires faded as quickly as the came and Mritha cancels the armor lock. Standing she throws her gravity hammer at the final lazor and it punches right through it and embeds itself into the wall. Calling her weapon to return, the hammer flies back into her armored hand and breathing hard, she turns to glare at Noctis*
Noctis: Alive...after that? You heroes will make good minions, but that was not even half of my power.
*from behind her helm she glares daggers at him* I may stumble Noctis, but you will FALL!
Keith: ...It will take more...t-than this to
Noctis: so be it...die by the everlasting shadows!
Odgne! I need you! *dragon flies to her side*
*A army of clones...that look like you appear...same weapon...same amulet...exactly the same.*
Odgne: Mritha? Which one is the real you?!
Mritha: Feel our bond Odgne! They may have the same dragon amulet but they cannot replace the life bond we have!
*Odgne closes her eyes and concentrates. she could feel so many calling her, they all sounded like her bond rider! but only one was real. Odgne opened her eyes and roared in fury that soneone would dare try to trick her into harming her rider. taking a deep breath, Odgne opened her mouth and darkness and black fire spewed from her maw, consuming many false Mrithas*
Mritha: Thats my girl! Now lets end this!
*Odgne growls* With pleasure!
*both charge in, claws and fire, darkness and doors, teeth and hammer, each giving the battle their all*

*for everyone one you defeat, 2 more take their place.*
Noctis: Since you refuse to die, I'll just have to use your friend's power that I have been holding back!
What have you done with them!
*A faded version of the four appear and stop the blast.*
Kotaro: Hurry up and go!
Seth: We can't hold him for long!
Zero: You have to, get Keith out of here! Quickly, we can handle him.
Akell: I don't let my friends get hurt! Its not my style!
NO! I will not leave you!
Noctis: Meddlesome Brats! Stay absorbed!
Let them go!
*Keith breaks free recovering his power and grabs you flying away and going back to your house.*
Keith: We will get them back...but we can't just go headfirst and get absorbed like them.
*fights Keith* No! I leave no one behind!
Keith: I have a just have to hear me out.
*clenches teeth* Fine. What is your plan?
Dramatic Cut...

heh heh, I'm tired so there is probably a LOT of typos in that XD My apologies :P ~Mritha

Endstart of Boss Battle...Part 2 3.

Keith: My plan...well, let's say I know a guy that hasn't been absorbed by Noctis...yet.
Who is he?
*You follow Keith pass forests, to a city and further into a labyrinth until you see...fancy?*
Heyas Fancy!
Keith: Do you have your Alchemy Gateway ready yet?
Fancy: Yes, my future "self" wanted it to be ready for his next visit.
Alchemy Gateway?
Keith: Guess that visit is sooner than expected, summon him.
*Fancy activates it by a switch and you see a teen...with a black jacket and a silver shirt
With brown hair and a scar on his forehead, with a sword which seems to double as a gun on his back.*
Aww I wanted to see my futer self but Warlic said the universe would explode :(
Fancy: Hey future fancy *fancy smiled.* we have a job for you these two need your help.
Kashido: ...I dropped that name, the name is Kashido. Now, who are you and who do I need to take down?
I like your new name [;)]
Keith: It won't be so easy, this guy really knows his way on the battlefield.
Aye he does. And he has Kotoro, Seth, Akell, and Zero.
Kashido: So do I, just another kill. So, are you going to take me there or?...
*You arrived back at the mansion to see Noctis smiling and brimming with power.*
I can't wait to wipe that smile off his face.
Noctis: Its such a shame you kept us waiting, but while you were gone I made a new doll for you to play with.
Oh no..
*This time only one copy stands before you, clearly stronger than the others...and then you see.. a clone of your dragon.**
Odgne: NOT cool!
Noctis: Now throw away your blade and say goodnight.
Kashido: You brought me here for this? *He sighed before shooting all of the shadows down and shooting Noctis.*
*Mritha unsheaths an energy sword and with her hammer in one hand and the sword in the other she charges her clone self. She parried, slashed, blocked, and lunged but for every move she made her clone matched it with ease. Mritha could not gain an advantage, they were too alike in fighting style. The only difference was Mritha was tiring, and her clone was not. Above, Odgne suffered the same fate. She raked her claws against the scales of her clone only to have her wing torn by the claws of the other dragon.
Noctis: So you brought another hero to join you in the abyss? How sweet you three can perish together!
Normaly Mritha would say a sarcastic insult right there, but she was too busy trying to stay alive.
*Keith rushed toward Noctis, his claw trying to fight Noctis's dark aura.*
*Odgne opened her mouth wide and dark fire raced toward her foe who dodged easily. The other dragon sunk her teeth into Odgne neck and Odgne racked against the face of the other dragon with her deadly claws*
Keith: I can rip through your darkness! *Keith's claw began making noises as if it was breaking.*
*Mritha and Odgne stand back to back, each facing their foe in a lull of their battle*
Mritha: I cannot win, we are too alike! We think the same, for every move I make she knows eactly how to counter it!
Odgne: The other me is too good, I cannot beat her! Though I don't know why YOU are having trouble. I can kick your butt in a fight any day of the week.
Mritha: Oh really? Then why is it the last time we sparred I won?
Odgne: Because I was distracted by something shiney. Had I not been I would have beat you easy.
*Odgne and Mritha's eyes opened wide as they had a revelation. Looking at each oher, they each said simultaneously. "SWITCH!"
*Odgne leapt over her rider and charged the clone Mritha while her rider dove for the clone Odgne*

Kashido: Hurry up, other people are waiting. *Kashido shot Noctis into the air and shot him down woth bullets.*
*Black fire flew from Odgne's mouth and hit the clone Mritha center chest. she flew back and hit the wall as Odgne racked her claws against her armor. Sparks flew from the impact but like the real Mritha, this one's armor was too strong for even a dragon's claw to pierce. The clone dragonlord attacked Odgne in a frenzy of blows with her hammer, some meeting their mark, most missing entirely. Odgne reached out and bit the clone's wings. Shaking her head, she ripped one of them off. The clone screamed in pain and Odgne flinched. "It isn't her" She thought as she blocked another attack*
Kashido: I'll burn this guy up in seconds. *Kashido's gun blade started glowing crimson until shooting a blast that nearly broke Noctis's dark aura.*
*Mritha ducked as the clone odgne swatted at her with her claws and slammed her energy sword into her shoulder. the clone dragon roared and tried to bite her but Mritha swung her gravity hammer into the jaws of the dragon, shattering four teeth. The clone dragon flapped her great purple wings and took to the skies. from her advantage above she rained down black fire upon Mritha who used a the armor lock MOD. when the fires faded she jumped high into the air and sailed toward her dragon's clone who lashed out with her tail. Mritha easily dodged. When it came to brute strength her dragon would crush her, but Mritha had the speed. darting back and forth Mritha slashed one of the wings of her dragon's clone, shredding it. The dragon roared and fell down to the earth, right on top of Mritha's clone*
Noctis: I will not stand for this! I am the ultimate being, now...feel the power of despair!
*Mritha landed beside Odgne and the two shared a look. Nodding in agreement, Mritha hooked her hammer on her back and her energy sword on her belt as Odgne took a deep breath. Purple fire flew from the hands of Mritha and black fire from the mouth of Odgne. the two forces twisted and combined, growing in power as it raced toward the two clones. with a mighty clash it hit them, and they flew back aganist the wall, unmoving. now defeated, the two clones began to fade and soon were gone entirely.
*Noctis created a quake shooting Keith back, and finishing him off with lasers that showed a smoke covering up Keith.
After the smoke vanished...Keith was not all.*
*turning back toward her friends Mritha saw Keith* No!
*Noctis appeared behind Kashido, grabbing his head and repeatedly smashing it into the wall before dropping him.*
Noctis: Worthless.
*Odgne roared* You will burn for that!
Noctis: That leaves only you, *Noctis walked toward you dropping his blade, looking into your eyes.*
*glares at him and unhooks her hammer from her back*
Noctis: ...To be...Or Not to be? That is the question...
*Mritha swings her hammer, aiming for his head as black fire from the mouth of her dragon errups around him*
*Your hits...go right through him, as he stood there.*
What are you?!
Noctis: I'll let your friends live, but know this. Noctis, was the one who spared
your life.
We WILL fine a way to take you down!
*Seth...Kotaro...Zero...Akell they all appeared one by one as Noctis disappeared leaving a glowing blue star
in your hands with dark thorns connecting the parts forming a crystal in the middle. Etched in the middle,
"Eternal Hope* is written.*
*Mritha puts the crystal in her pocket to study later* Your back!
*Kashido and Keith both wake up but are still hurt from the battle.*
Are you ok?
Keith: ...Did...we win? just......left.
Kashido: This ain't over... I am getting revenge.
As am I
*Slowly they forgot or pretended to forget what happened that day.
But it would still live on, forever.*

-Mritha has gained Eternal Star Necklace.
-Access to Soul Stream.
-"Soul Connect" use your soul's power as a weapon or summon the power of your friends.
-Instant Armor Activation

Ooooo cool! :D ~Mritha

Mritha -> RE: MtAK Purple Style! (4/18/2011 10:02:47)

Well guys, it has been a week so its time to shut this thing down. I have had so much fun talking with you all! Thank you for your questions, comments, and congratulations, I hope you had as much fun as I did. :) See you guys around!

Locked. ~Mritha

Dang! Missed my chance to ask any more questions! ~superjars

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