Vick Vega -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/21/2011 8:40:47)
Baelis is behind this all! In fact, he is standing behind NW and Titan right now. “Make them buy more varium, or I will have Charfade rip off a robot's arm, jam it on the end of a metal rod and bash your skulls in with it!” “Yes Lord Baelis.” They chime in unison. But seriously, I don’t think it is as heinous as these forums like to make it out to be. They are not the evil empire taxing the remnants of the republic. Even when they were making this game somewhat recreationally, the end goal was a product, which could be marketed and ultimately be profitable. They have to sell varium, but they have to increase the numbers of accounts created, as well as the number of people online and the duration those people spend online. One is to bring in liquid assets through direct revenue and the other is to report out on overall growth to the shareholders and marketing team to promote advertising dollars. Not really rocket science. Individually, I don’t even think that the updates were a bad thing. However, they did not mesh well with each other in the short time frame they were released. This recent announcement was like having my watch come up missing from my wrist and coincidentally the guy standing next to me happens to have one “just like it” for sale. I think it’s sad that last week you had an overwhelming majority from a historical perspective, of people who supported the update, including myself. This week felt like it was followed up with a sucker punch. The word “balance” is defiantly being used poorly in this context, unless, they meant balancing the ED checkbook. Furthermore, I like the accusation made that labeled the str and supp build as non-strategic / stat abusers. So let’s recap. You (the devs) sell a strategically set of one sided holiday rare weapons that have no other obvious potential aside from being able to divert points from your defense points into your offensive stats (Examples: Cyber Shillelagh, Frostbite claws) and then pretend to slap the people on the wrist who purchased them and used them that way? So either you have released a whole bunch of items without any thought of how they would impact the game, or it was strategic in order to make future sales and call it “balance”. C’mon. I don’t think it’s a matter of changing tactics but it could be a little more subtle and less insulting to our intelligence. We can all do the math of nerf + stat sales = same as you were yesterday for a charge. @Soliqe I am not saying that I am the only one who spends money on this game. I know for a fact that I am not the person who has spent the most money on this game. I can however say that the money I have spent has four digits and to even think that we (the people who do put a great deal of money into this game) shouldn’t have any expectations is “an invalid argument” as you like to say. The varium buyers get called flamers and trolls on here regularly. I would like to respond by saying get off the crybaby martyr f2p bandwagon. See my post about how this system stacks up against the other so called “pay to win” games on the market.” The f2p players here are a spoiled lot and getting worse by the minute with whimsical decisions like half off credit costs crap….