RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (Full Version)

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VIX -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 2:09:51)

@ Deadly PoisoN : Kay , You're Right.

I'm out of this Post Thanks anyways and takecare everyone.!


Luna_moonraider -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 2:36:07)

The pervios few updates were not so friendly to non varium players but i can accept it. I belive in this game there is 2 types of balance. 1) the obvious type of balance which is the stats and classes balance which the devs are trying hard to fix. 2) the balance between varium and non varium players. basically the devs are ignoring the non varium and varium balance. The devs are basically forcing non varium to turn to extreem build such as abusive stat build in order to survive as a non varium. becoming a 5 focus build non var without robots kinda useless because 1) focus is gone and 2) there is no non varium all credit robot that a non varium player can use if he/she has 5 focus. Non varium also did not get any good weps which are good in these few updates. Is this balance the devs are ignoring the non variums which make up more than 50% of the game. stat enhancements on the sidearms and aux will just make the gap even bigger.

I been waiting for a non varium weps that i can use. i been using hyper talon since it was released and it is still the best gun available for us yeah. 10 stats in total for hypertalon and 18 stats for frost bolt and frost bolt has +32 dmg while hypertalon has just +31. well 8 stats is alot with stat enhancements to gun the stat gap will increas further because most varium weps will have more enhancement slot than non varium weps. reducing the credit price can help but the will still be a gap and that gap is still big.

saying power hour would help non variums gain credits is not a good defence. non variums lose more than varium players so basically non variums are forced to become npc killers during power hour. npcing is not fun and power hour might not be the right time for every1 in the world some non varium cant play on power hour because of work or some other reason. IMO this game is slowly turning into a P2P game. I still have high hope for this game that is why i m still playing and enjoying this game. We will see if the devs are money hungry or concern bout the game balance after this update. willl be looking foward to it and i do hope there are some new non varium weps or something that can help reduce the gap between non varium and varium.

Also they should not be making this when they have not even solve the problems of unfair fights and super unfair 2v2. this would make 2v2 a very very dangerous place to play in for non varium and even variums. lets face it 2v2 has been broken since they made lvl 31 and it is still not fixed and now they are trying to throw the problem under he bus by making new updates and oh 2v1 when is that coming. Soon u say more like never.

Vick Vega -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 15:34:15)


Only problem is that no matter how much people make "construtive critism" the devs arent going to change their minds. If it goes at this rate, soon epicduel players will NEED to pay to play.

Now here is something we should all be able to agree on! There is a lot of data going into how, when, and what to change in this game. Very little, if any, is coming from the threads like this....

@ VIX Don't send out the hit sqaud man.... I told you I love you! Reread your post, it did sound a little smoochie under the circumstances...[:)]

drekon -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 15:40:19)

Personally, I think the zooka and gun enhancements will help non varium players become more of a challenge for varium players. On the other hand, it will make me, a varium player, a lot more powerful than I am now. However, keep in mind there will also be diminishing returns added to skills. That may prevent us varium players from becoming too powerful, but it won't stop tank merc from becoming super tankers. We'll see how it turns out.

Lord GaGa -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 15:58:18)

How long till hell arives?

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 16:02:35)

Lol, constructive criticism doesn't do flip, it's evident that titan chose the greedy path and tries to wring out every drop of money from the players

I don't give a darn about this releases at all lol, never enhancing, never buying var again :P

hope there's a boss npc..... but who am I kidding, release is either pointless or money gobbling

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 16:52:38)

Ok guys, here's the deal. Just because many people on the FORUMS think this is a bad idea doesn't mean that the ENTIRE POPULATION would disagree with Titan and NWs decision.

Heck, I've talked to may people who can't wait for this update! So just chill and encourage the staff to finish it so we can actually see the outcome.

LambO -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 16:59:02)

Gun & Zooka Enhance will most likely destroy this game for alot of people. People now understand what the admins are doing.
Admins will always have a way to suck you in though, like the 4 house thing. WHY does anyone need 4 houses that does nothing, just to earn an achievement?

Admins are likely to release another achievement for doing the enhancement on you're gun & zooka to try & suck people in like normal just to get that little bit of money from people.

GIVE EVERYONE THE SAME FRIGGIN CLASS to you can fix this stupid thing. Instead of nerfing the people who are paying for it & then buffing us back up again to pay some more. People are fed up with the over-pricing bull on this game & the way admins don't give a flying f... Seriously even though I don't play anymore I'm fed up with it. Get rid of the ED team for a while & let the AQW team take over.
Watch the difference.

Propably get flamed or whatever, I don't care. xD!

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 17:01:48)

@Lamb0 if AQW takes over ED ED will turn into a giant joke and not the good kind either. Its not becuase AQW is a bad game or teh staff are bad or anything its just how different teh games are Different styles of games and more impratanly ED uses a different coding then AQW so teh commands are different and after they have gotten so used to there style it would be a task to switch over to titans style or an ever bigger task to recode ED into there style

@ Drekon i feel teh Varium are going to feel teh crunch of the stat limter more then F2P for the simple reason they have more stats from gear then we do but while all teh extra stats they could put more points into HP or some extra energy making Assimilate, Atom smasher and EMP less affective

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 17:09:02)

the staff doesn't need encouragement, they need a punch to reality

I mean just take a look on the forums, even the usually stoic, mild tempered people that have the ability to see good in everything are getting annoyed, I mean the admins really need to realize that there is a limit on the amount of money players are willing to invest in this game

Vendetta~ -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 17:10:24)

This game has a lot of pointless crap in it.

First of all, you get in game achievements for paying real money. The whole POINT of achievement is USELESS. So what if you get 5 stars, so what if you get 7 stars? SO what if you have all the achievements? 1 star player can still own your ass.

Second of all, factions. The only reason why I am not in a faction is because the whole idea behind faction is POINTLESS, AGAIN. What do I gain as a player if I join a faction and why the hell should I contribute to a faction if the faction does absolutely NOTHING for me in return.

Some of you does not have a business mindset, and in order to fight against Businesses like ED, you need to be smart and not tricked by their schemes. So a very simple principle to ED players, spend your money wisely. You need to carefully think about what your build is, don't buy things that just look good because it is pointless, unless you like wasting money

ED wants to suck up your money by nerfing you last week and ask you to pay money to buy it back next week. Just wait 2-3 weeks later, you will see level 33 equips in the shop where you have to renew your weapon, armors, guns, aux again. OH WAIT, you also have to spend money ALL OVER AGAIN on the enhancement of those equipments.

Then a couple month later, they raise the level cap 1 level at a time, and the cycle continues. THE BEST PART IS,they can do this ENDLESSLY.

If you don't understand what their scheme is, god helps you.

Shadow Jester -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 17:33:08)


If you hate the game don't even post in this forum...
We play to have fun and meet people in factions
In return we get friends and learn more sutff..
ED is really fun but its getting over priced...
Everything is pointless to you?

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 17:53:31)

I think same with Vendetta~ Houses , Achievments , Factions(after flag capture and world domo) are USELESS but i like to play 1vs1 :) , He didnt said everything pointless , he only said the USELESS things.

Gold -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 18:14:29)

It seems that they're updating the servers now.

Enhancements are coming :P

MistaTechMage -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 18:16:16)

Here we come the update whether good or bad.

TankMage -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 18:36:34)

Lmao, Beta Blaster & Zooka have 10 slots... def not paying that.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 18:41:14)

with all of me gear i now have 20 slots open and 7 are off of my aux

good Carrier Zooka youll be very helpful one day

sHiNNNe -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 18:46:26)

LOL look , i have old on this UPDATE . support 73+28 skill malf 5 skill heal 7 skill scout 1 ,

HEAL - 69

AND NOW i echance all on my support and i have 73+48 (with new armor)

and i have now

HEAL - 73

WTF ? with 73+48 it's impossibile it's one bug on Echance

vinchuan -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 18:50:51)

wtf heals are not nerfed past 55/85?
heal loopers even more OP now?

Titan -> RE: Zooka and Gun Enhancements (4/22/2011 18:57:35)

All skills are now subject to diminishing returns at 55 and 85 points of investment.

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