Elites the forgotten ones, Founders soon to be forgotten (Full Version)

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RKC -> Elites the forgotten ones, Founders soon to be forgotten (4/23/2011 12:20:53)

Ok Ive been gone for a long time and I just recently log-in. So many things have changed since I left. (I mean a lot of things)

I observed in the forums that everyone who has Founders armor a getting there hearts broken into pieces.

Well Not everyone has Founders armor and those who have that armor are mostly gone and likely never to comeback (I'm also a Founder) and only a few numbers that can be counted are still active.


"Founders:" are players who paid and supported ED, when they merge with AE for the first month, and are Awarded the "Founders Armor" and "Beta Weapons"


"Elites:" are players who supported ED way before they know or merge with AE. But the only thing different is Elites functions like the DA in DF, meaning a 1 time payment and were also awarded with "Founders armor", "Beta Weapons", "Unlimited Varium" (For the first month) and '20,000 varium and the first hover bike'. (I don't see elites anymore and might as well have vanished because of ED's several cold decisions).


Issue with Elites:
ED broke the first promise by taking out elites unlimited varium. Elites where enraged and cried because they were promised the good stuff forever. To counter this ED gave them 20,000 varium+Hover Bike and a promise for additional Bonuses Each release.
ED broke the second promise so far they haven't given elites the bonuses they were promised, so many left and never came back.


Issues with Founders:
We Founders have no real issue with ED just a few small request. We are only few in the game. The founders armor and Beta Weapons are like a badge to us, makes us proud to be part of ED, We only ask that you give us a little bit of reward for our generous loyalty. Like buffing the armor and weapons just to remain it in 2nd place so we still can use it.

Its not much, just make it 2nd best and make all the rest the best items. This also affects Elites.

The reason I included the Beta Weapons is they are part of founders and were given with founders armor for free. They are part of the founders set.

I'm not asking big things for founders. I just want enough of what we deserve.

People I have no quarrel about the future armors and weapons in ED. Let them be the best I don't care.

I just want the founders armor to be usable in future releases.

For those who say "I'm paying more than the founders" yes you did pay more but you are not a founder, even if you pay a 100000000000$ you are not gonna be a founder.

Founders made something in ED, they paid and trusted the staff for the first month even if we didn't know what will happen to the game in the future.

Elites were promised the best in ED but they broke that promise, for I don't know what reason.
imagine having a DA in DF. Promised to have the best of the best items in the game and suddenly it was taken away from you.

That's what happened to elites in ED.

I for one don't want that to happen to founders, but I cant do anything about that anymore. So I'm just asking for a little favor from the staff to make founders armor always 2nd best, and everything make it the best of the best.

That's what you get for being a founder you get a little bit of more because you were there first.

From: Silent Scream


I just love how people who were not even around when Founder came out decide to post and say it doesnt deserve to be buffed.. Hmm that doesnt seem right to me

I also love how Free to play players are also stating that Founder armor should not be buffed, again this does not seem right to me..

Here is my point of view for those who choose to listen to it.. Elites payed alot of money when ED was a new born game and had no idea what it would turn out to be, ED could have gone under the next day because it was still in testing stages but they took that big step and payed money for the game to continue to progress and it has.. they were made promises that were revoked and many of them have stopped playing for that reason alone

Now we have Founders who took almost exactley the same risky step when the game was in Beta stages and payed alot of money for the game to keep progressing and for the promise of a very strong armor.. which we did get.. but now the game has progressed so far that more armors, possibly stronger ones are comming out and Founder is being made Obsolite.. The problem for me is It is being made obsolite by new cheaper armors then Founder was.. any player who decides to buy 1500 varium which is a hell of alot cheaper then the 10k we bought for founder armor (Not to mention the countless packages we bought after that aswell) can now match Founder armor.. with either the Bunny Borg or another Armor thats going to come out soon that only costs 995 varium and a couple thousand credits that can be made easily..

Founders took a big risk over a year ago and put alot of money into the game, now Free to play players and New people to the game are going to tell us we do not deserve a few extra stat points, when you can easily by an armor to match ours for 995 varium.. no.. i do not agree with that

Ive put to much money into this game.. as many of us have.. for a Free to play player to tell me i do not deserve to keep my Founder armor and to have it be stronger then any cheap armor you can now pick up (I know some may say 995 varium isnt cheap, but compared to Founder.. it is)

I do respect Free to play players and i always welcome new players to the game.. you guys have a hard time playing with so many others being at the top of the game and Paying for the best things and i am not trying to single any of you out.. I think it is great that some of you play for free and still do so well.. it is pretty awesome that you do, but once you put a ton of money into the game then i will listen to you when you say those (Who have put tons of money into the game) can not have there armor buffed by even a few points when they helped this game become what it is today..

Founder is a huge piece of ED's history.. i would hate to see it go under because of a Bunny armor and other armors that WILL come out

Founder armor is a symbol for alot of people and they have had it and used it for so long that it is a piece of the game for them (Like me) I do not want to change my Founder armor for a Bunny Borg armor and i WILL not..

It should not be left to gather dust in our inventories it should be used for everyone to see that this is how the game started and that Founders are still here.. The same should of happend to Elites at the time but they were left in the cold after taking risks with there money for the game and many have gone.. I do not want to see the same happen to Founders

All the best
- Silent

From: Shadronica (One of the most logical thing ever posted here)


All I can say is that I would indeed be quite miserable if the founder armor was to vanish from the game.

To me it is like asking AQWorlds founder players to delete their Alpha Pirate armor or taking the Beta players Bezerker class away because the other players don't have it. Simply unthinkable.

Yet the mentality of some of EpicDuel's community is "if I don't have it then you can't have it".

I have never ever thought once to say to a player that has received a special item in a game that they should only be allowed to use it for a limited amount of time.
I usually say to them "Wow that is a nice item!" and continue on my own merry way.

My AQWorlds clan was full of founders and beta players and although I had not thought to pay for membership when the game first started they didn't mind one bit that I was the clan leader. We all treated each other with respect and indeed had wonderful farming parties and fun times.

Having Elite/Founder status with an item to proudly display doesn't mean that we are better than you or that you are better than us. Respect is earned both ways.

With the way that pvp works these days I would prefer a Lucky armor but heaven forbid lets not go down that path!

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 12:39:24)

Honestly i know there are still some Elites who play you find them at teh most random times and the real badge of honor that is so over looked in Ed is Alpha gear since ive started ive only ever seen a handful of people using Alpha gear its amazing gear its got a nice design and they are pretty good energy gear you just dont ever see them

Silent Scream -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 12:40:44)

I do see what your saying, i am also a founder and do want the founder armor to continue to be buffed slightly so we can still use it.. the beta weapons, not so much.. i dont really mind about the beta weps because i only used them for about a week and will not be using them again unless they get some type of amazing buff Lol

the armor tho is what you say it is.. it is a a badge for us all and it should be rememberd, i would hate for Founders to be the new Elites and to be forgotten.. but as far as i can see at the moment Founder armor is still the best armor in the game and im sure Titan did that especially for the reasons that Founder armor should remain at the top or atleast i hope so..

A few adjustments here and there for the Founder armor shouldnt be to troublesome when it gets to the point where it becomes outdated and in need of a slight boost

We shall see

All the best

xXx83xXx -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 12:44:56)

I think a nice short buff for Founders is that the Beta weapons should be enhanced for free.
Oh wait, a lot already enhanced! Refund, anyone?

RKC -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 12:46:31)

The reason for including the beta weapons is because they also came free with founders upgrade to its till technically part of founders [:D] But for me I rather use beta weapons. I don't know why maybe I'm just a sentimental person.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 13:17:55)

Lets Compare You (Founder) and Me (non Founder) and see who supported this game more and who deserve better armor
(I dont count the promotionals If i count i will make the diff more)

You got :
Assault Bot : 1250 V
Bunny Chompers : 995 V
Perforator : 925 V
Super Grim Magnum : 900 V
4070 Varium

I got :
2X Caden Curiass:950V
Desert Cyborg :950V
Desert Ronin:950V
Warbot P :995V
2X Bunny Borg :995V
Shadow guard:950V
Assault Bot : 1250 V
Cyber Dragon : 995V
Cyber Shillelagh:995V
Frostbolt Blaster:995V
Imperial ACP :925V
and more....(i got more items)
i spent +13890 Varium and i didnt count enhancements +buddy list+inventory

And You got +10k wins while i got +20k
SO i realy want to ask this question:" What is the thing make you think you deserve better Armor than me ?" Can you answer this

For Elites: Infinite Varium ??? Than you will put me in a sutiation of stupid because we will be the same power with an Elite but im the only one giving 50$ in 3 weeks :S

Angels Holocaust -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 13:30:44)

They already used us to the max, they no longer have any use for us. We're trash in their eyes now.

xxmirxx -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 13:31:30)

just before gamma came in. they were sell beta weps and founder armors together. non varium shouldn't be count out we care about this game as much you.

Celestine -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 13:34:12)

I began writing about how it is wrong to keep an item so strong for so long and how that was never the promise, but then I realized I'd be wasting my time trying to reason with anyone because what would be the response to my 3 paragraph post? "You're not a founder, you just want to be the best!"

To tell you the truth, yes I expect to have the best weapons when I invested so much money into this game. But am I? No Founder Armor, at least in my eyes, are still the best.

How do you think I feel when Gamma Players that have purchased Varium once have the strongest weapons in-game, yet I purchased the 10k package roughly 7 times, yet my weapons are comparable in power to theirs? Not a good feeling. The only difference between me and you, I won't complain.

I don't mean to personally attack you RKC, but when I see that most of your threads deal with the loss of power you feel ingame, I take a look at your Character Page. With no surprise, I find myself looking at a Founder who has probably bought the 10k Varium Package once? Now I truly see the reason this thread was posted..


PivotalDisorder -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 13:37:36)

your crying because they broke a "promise" about infinite varium..............ROFL
this is a business, the only "promises" they are obligated to keep are ones that have a contract.

and TurkishIncubus made a great point. betas and elites had a long run with great items, now either be happy or contribute some more
for the new items. you cant be on the gravy train for the rest of eternity.

Shadronica -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 15:09:10)

For the love of ...

RKC isn't asking anyone to chop their heads off.

Show some respect.

beastmo -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 15:14:50)

@Above most people on this forum flame each other anyway. On topic Founder does need a buff because its guaranteed best armor in game beta weapons I don't think need the buff

Cinderella -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 15:28:58)

Angels, the devs do not consider Elites trash. Why do you think that everyone is out to get you?

However, it is difficult as the game evolves and grows, it does become difficult to make content specifically for a small (and shrinking) segment of the player population.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 15:29:01)

Founder Armor Still has the Best stat Modifiers + Their stat Locations is perfect for some builds and Founder is the Best Mage armor in all builds.

If Admins release an Armor with +9 res/def and 26 stat modifiers Than i will be side with founders to buff it but for now its still best for me , i will still give 5k varium just for a Founder armor.

ND Mallet -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 15:38:37)

I am getting tired of all these threads about Founders deserving better then everyone else. The Admins did in fact say that Founder Armor would the best armor currently in-game. That promise was made when armors only had 6+ def/res and gave 12 stats at best. There was no promise broken. The Admins promised an armor that was the best currently in-game. They never promised it would be best forever, just the best for some time. Same with Beta Weapons. They promised a huge buff to them and that's what they got. Never were they promised to be the best in-game forever. That would be stupid since a level 25 could use them. Those weapons are already enough of a balance issue because of their huge stat boosts and lack of requirements. Bunny Borg is lvl 33. 8 more levels than Founder Armor. But some people believe that Founder should be the best at all times. Can you imagine a lvl 40 armor that's worse than a lvl 25? Can you imagine a lvl 25 using that armor? There is a point where the line has to be drawn and Founder has to step down from being the best.

Deboise -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 15:44:38)

I Am proud to be a founder and yet i cant help but notice that as the game progresses i am seeing less and less founders Being able to flaunt their status as they have been switching armors.

Founder Armor with a +7 Resist or Def and 10 Stat enhancements was something i was proud and privileged to wear!

But now the Armor is not as strong as it once was, with new armors coming out with +8 and even +9 Def and Resist and up to 8 stat Enhancements Founder armor i fear is going to become extinct as an in battle item..



skeletondude -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 15:54:28)

ok i hav seen alot of founder who play the game still and don't complain they jus upgrade there weaps and there doin fine

Shadronica -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 16:00:43)

Yes Deboise I do think that it is very strange that in any other game I have played the items that I have paid for remain more than just useful.
Not this game though. On this game money bought items keep depreciating at an alarming rate now.

I love the way a lot of players simply hated our founder armor because it was the best for so long. That statement is very true however, as the game progresses? (not sure if that is the correct term) our money bought items depreciate faster than one can blink.

This totally supports Khannibal's post on "has epicduel hit rock bottom?" in the respect that we have had so very very many updates that keep superceding every other bought item.

No longer does a money bought item have any true value in this game or at least the life span is very short.

I believe it is time for someone, somewhere to sit down and have a big long think about the direction this game is taking because in the current world economics this idea of disposable money is not a viable long term option.

Silent Scream -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 16:02:27)

Without sounding like a Troll.. I dont think it would be so hard just to add a couple of points to Founder armor afterall we took that step and bought varium through the beta stages while we had no idea what ED would turn into, shouldnt they take that step now and buff the armor slightly? There are more Founders around then you think, i fight them daily

- Silent

PivotalDisorder -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 16:06:21)

12th of January, 2010 was the cut off point for this armour.

thats 15 months of having a great armor no one else can get.

beastmo -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 16:06:31)

My Opinion is just buffing founder armor's Resistance one extra is just fine (7+1=8 xD).

Deboise -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 16:07:59)

If everyone is going to complain if Founder Armor gets Buffed...

then by all means allow us to pay for it to be buffed...Each Founder can Purchase upgraded Founder armor...i hate the idea of Paying more money towards this game considering where is is Going like Shadronica said, But it will allow us founders to still be founders in game...

And it would show that ED still cares about the ones that supported them at the beginning!

oh and ya..the Varium items do depreciate very very very quickly in this game...every update i feel like i have to buy a new gun, staff, sword, or smthing.....

Silent Scream -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 16:12:57)

Deboise brought up a good point in his duplicate thread, sadly it was locked but i would like to put that idea out there for someone to see.. the Idea of paying to buff our founder armor, probably through varium.. as every major change is ofcourse varium, but i like this idea.. i would glady give over some varium in echange to keep my most prized game item and to be able to keep wearing it proudly

And also if we pay for it to be buffed, there is nothing to complain about.. because it will just be like buying a new armor as Deboise pointed out aswell on the other thread (But ofcourse this is ED there is complaints about everything)

Edit: Ah i see he said above aswell ^^ completely agree

- Silent

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 16:12:59)

Founders armor is suppost to be one of the best and that is until someoen can find the quote saying founders is always going to be the best.

And other then that founders is the best looking armor in the entire game so if your just chillin pull it out

beastmo -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/23/2011 16:21:37)


Founders armor is suppost to be one of the best and that is until someoen can find the quote saying founders is always going to be the best.

And other then that founders is the best looking armor in the entire game so if your just chillin pull it out

Titan needs to renew his license on old epicduel forums we all know he has enough money to do that then if he does ill show you the quote

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