Celestine -> RE: ED's Founders and Elites the forgotten ones (4/24/2011 1:11:54)
Time for some enlightenment, I hope. Founder Armor was promised to be the best armor at the time it was released. And it was, for the whole period of Beta. Not one armor compared to the look and stats of this armor. A very sleek armor that striked fear into its opponents. Considering how long Beta was, I'm positive it was worth all the money. Once purchasing this package you received: - Founder Armor
- Founder Badge
- Beta Weapons
To tell you the truth, I thought this was a bit unfair at first, but I said "Hey, they supported the game early on so they deserve this". I adjusted and bought two armors, Impulse & Necro. I could still be competitive and defeat Founders even without the armor. Why? Because Stats weren't as significant as strategy was in early Beta. A year passed and Founders were still at the top. I didn't mind but I was waiting for an equally powerful armor. The Cyborg Armor came but it didn't fit right with my build. Then Caden's Cuilrass came and I bought one. Finally, there was an armor that rivaled Founder Armor. Many Founders were angry at these armor releases, and it really hit a nerve. Why would you be angry at something that was always inevitable? I knew it from early on this armor would be surpassed. It even took long for it to happen, but it did. Surely, you cannot think that it would stay the best or even equal in par forever. That is not how this game is built. Once something is released, something greater will be released in the future. The mechanics in all of these is something I hate, but it is fictional to think every weapon will be usable in 1-2 years. Everyone could now be equal in stat points, and it was not a big disadvantage to any Founder, if any disadvantage at all really. Enhancements came and ruined this balance. Beforehand, the developers were deciding whether or not they would buff Founder Armor and they indirectly did. This armor was given a whooping +10 Enhancement slots while the new level 28 armors were only given 4. Now remember, this was at a time where stats mattered and strategy was soon dissolving into luck. I was upset at this move from the developers. Not only did they dust off this 1+ year old armor, but gave it 6 more enhancement slots than any other armor in-game. I felt as if I was pushed back in time to early Beta, though this time any stat boosts were needed. Don't get me wrong, I knew the rarity of this armor, but at the time I'd bought about 4 armors and to think none of them compared to Founder Armor saddened me. I'd adjusted once again, and then came the Space Warrior Armor. A shy 2 enhancement points away from Founder Armor. Of course I bought it and I was real happy with my purchase (though the look was a setback). I was surprised to see not many Founders complain and I guess we all just moved on with close equally powerful armors. But this thread opens up and you complain about a level 33 armor being stronger than a level 25 armor? That makes no sense to me. Now some of you may be thinking, "Cool, but I don't care about your life story". I know most Founders will look at this post and ignore it, but I want them to know the disadvantage I and many others had been going through. This is mainly the reason why I oppose a buff on this armor. It is bad for business to not only keep Founder Armor, but any weapon from being the best for so long. Not too mention it is unfair for those that couldn't purchase it at the time. I payed for Varium a week after the promo and yet I can't have the same amount of stat boosts of a Founder with equal equipment as mine. Was my money not worth anything after the first month of Beta? Is any money now not worth anything? The answer is no. So why should we, non-founders, sit back and allow an armor to become even more stronger or even equally powerful? We have all laid the foundation of this game and not one player should feel left out! -Celestine