Epic Pwnser -> RE: A Positive view on the devs? (4/25/2011 21:25:52)
/facepalm. Why don't Titan and NW actually play this game, then put themselves in our shoes. About how sky high varium enhancements are and how credit enhancements are just too much for the regular player. Maybe if they actually played this game and felt what we are feeling, then they would apply this to their marketing scheme and lower prices down to more level prices. This is an outrage I tell you... "shakes head" Such a turnoff, and I bet. Players will quit with this uncontrollable greed from AE games. There better be non-varium updates in the next update, or this will be too much. Edit: And of course 2046808, you praise the devs for whatever they do. You have money, so you don't care about quality. There are obvious measures that need to be taken. The ED forums have spoken, and they do not like these varium gouging prices.