Erith Kesai (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Erith Kesai (4/24/2011 23:07:10)

Erith Kesai

«Scaling guest. Attacks with Melee Earth, or occasionally with a more powerful Ranged Fire attack»

Location: Hangar Deck > General Stormfront > MISSIONS > The Nefadon Retrenchment!
Upkeep: 1.25*round(0.13125 * (38.1 + 2.3375*Level + 0.01125*Level^2)) SP, rounded normally

**Base: 0.3*(4 + 0.5*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage, rounded normally
**Rand: 0.3*(13 + 1.25*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage, rounded normally
**Stat: 1.125*(100+6.6*Level) %
BTH: (Level/4), rounded down

Attack Rate: 100% + (CHA/2)%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Fire
Damage: 181.3% Base, Random, and Stats
BTH: -7 plus Stats
Rate: 25%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 83.2% Base, Random, and Stats
BTH: +0 plus Stats

If you do not have enough SP on the first round after you obtain this guest, then she does nothing for one turn (without costing SP)*. On every other round, if you don't have enough SP, then she leaves**.

*Erith taps her toe impatiently. (##SP required or she will leave next turn)
**Erith goes to get a new battery pack for her Very Big Gun. (Not enough SP: ##SP required)


Appendix: Numbers by Level

Level	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	Dmg	Stat%	BTH	SP
0	4-9	204	-7	2-4	94	0	6
5	4-13	271	-6	2-6	124	1	9
10	5-18	339	-5	2-8	155	2	10
15	7-23	406	-4	3-10	186	3	13
20	9-29	473	-2	4-13	217	5	15
25	11-35	541	-1	5-16	248	6	18
30	15-42	608	0	7-19	279	7	20
35	16-49	675	1	7-22	310	8	23
40	18-54	743	3	8-25	341	10	25
45	20-62	810	4	9-28	372	11	28
50	24-71	877	5	11-33	402	12	30
55	25-78	945	6	12-36	433	13	33
60	29-87	1012	8	13-40	464	15	36
65	31-94	1079	9	14-43	495	16	39
70	34-103	1146	10	16-48	526	17	43
75	38-112	1214	11	17-51	557	18	45
80	40-122	1281	13	18-55	588	20	49
85	44-131	1348	14	20-60	619	21	53
90	47-141	1416	15	22-65	650	22	56
95	51-153	1483	16	23-70	680	23	59
100	54-161	1550	18	25-74	711	25	63

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