Light Stridr -> RE: do you think name change is reasonanble (4/26/2011 16:05:23)
How about they produce a Varium option AND a credit option? - Varuim -
1k 500 Varium, grants achievement (1k would be seen as too much) - Credits -
10k 15k Credits, DOES NOT give achievement (I guess 10k would be too easy Ashari, but some people don't have the patience to save up that much money) Then, you have a list of up to 3 other names that you have used previously, which is displayed in the "Change Name" Interface. This is your reserved list. When you change your name, if the list is full, you have the option to un-reserve one of your old names or simply not add the name you are giving up now to the list. It will send you straight to the list before asking, so you do not click the No button by accident. Then add an extra Confirmation screen with a message like "WARNING! The name *name you are dropping from the list* will no longer be reserved and you may not be able to use it if it is reserved by another player. Are you sure you would like to continue and use your *insert payment option* to change your name?" So, what do you think?