What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (Full Version)

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Deboise -> What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (4/28/2011 1:49:56)


We are eternally grateful for everything the Founders have done for us, without them there would BE no EpicDuel, so we thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. In recognition of the valuable contribution you have made to the community at large, every Founder member (that includes Elites and Founders without the armor) will receive a gift of 1,000 Varium.

If this is indeed true, and if founders really do get 1000 Varium, .....did anyone ask for Varium?

I would like to be clear...this is about discussing alternatives For founders Besides Buffing Armor and the 1000 Varium as i don't believe the Varium to be fair or appropriate.


please do not mention buffing armor..as it may get this thread locked.



Please do not tag your threads with =ED=. These are official tags reserved for AKs, moderators and game staff to denote threads of importance. ~Ashari

Mr. Black OP -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 1:57:06)

so ur basically wanting to get enough people to complain so u cld get more stuff? if not then can u tell me what u meant to say?
ya... im glad they gave us anything, 1000 is great for now
and they did make a leap, they proved to us that they arent a money hungry company and are willing to listen to their players

RKC -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 1:59:03)

We founders did not ask for varium.

We only ask for something of our own and no one outside our status could get.

As for me, that something of our own, is buffing our founders armor by just one point resistance.

Deboise -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:06:08)

Not Complain or ask for more..just talk about alternatives

Ashari -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:06:42)

Just remember that founders weren't promised anything in terms of armor buffs or any other benefits. All I'm saying is take into consideration that the 1000 Varium is a gift. Founders could have gotten nothing, but we are getting this gift instead. We should be grateful we are getting free Varium in the first place.

RKC, I think that's exactly what the devs are trying to avoid. Giving founders something unobtainable to the rest of the players would only serve to alienate the other 95% of ED players. Any perk that gives founders a clear advantage over other players won't be welcomed by non-founders. Back when Founder Armor was miles above any other available armor, many non-founders complained that they could never be on the same level as founders no matter how much money they put into the game -- this is something that definitely needs to be avoided with any perks given to founders.

Edit: My apologies. This thread can remain open for the purpose discussing alternatives for possible founder perks. However, any discussion about buffing Founder Armor belong in the Ideas for Buffing Founders thread.

Deboise -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:28:10)


My apologies. This thread can remain open for the purpose discussing alternatives for possible founder perks. However, any discussion about buffing Founder Armor belong in the Ideas for Buffing Founders thread.

Thankyou!..this is exactly what i want discussed..

perhaps creating a aspect of the game like skins..like in aqw..

wouldn't be specifically for founders but i know it would allow them (us) to wear our "precious" armor.

TankMage -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:29:59)

I'm still not sure why people are unhappy about FREE varium...

wario the great -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:32:58)

imo a bike

RKC -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:35:16)


That was back then when the game is new. Most of the founders were low levels and would clash with low level non-varium and non-founders but now all of us founders are level 33 and 32, so no problem with the non-varium and non-founders that can be on par with us. Whats only 5% of founders compared to 95% consisting of other players. Its like looking at founders vs the world and some founders are even gone now, so that 5% could be 3 or 2%.

xxmirxx -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:39:48)

Why not you guys ask to sell second version call gamma founder armor.But stats would be plus 12 and 10 for dex an tech an strength an support. But you got buy at limited time only deal an non founders to can be happy and as well dev's. But got make nice for females and males.

RKC -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:42:11)

As I said we dont need any other armor, we love our founders armor so much that we refuse to use the other newer armor even it if outclassed ours.

xxmirxx -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:47:14)

above not ment make you happy its make those who miss time to get founder armor. Stop only think of your self here.

RKC -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:52:33)

My god if you miss it, you miss it. Its not our fault that you miss founders offer. You make it sound that its our fault.

T.600 -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:54:50)


So founders have the best looking armor in the game, best stat placement, most stats, an achievment which has already been buffed. Their armor got buffed (given 10 slots). The armor has been at the top ever since it was released and its only level 25... Now they're getting 1k varium for free. The only thing founders were promised were an achievment and armor for those who purchased the larger varium packages yet the devs have given them more than promised. They still keep on complaining and they won't stop because they don't know what it feels like to be weak. As for elites, you want them to have unlimited varium just so the game's development can cease to progress? Founders also got the beta weps for free whereas elites got all the perks of a founder and in addition an extra achievment, unlimited varium, 20k varium ( that's 100 USD) when unlimited varium was taken away.

EDIT: As a non founder I've had to use the +6 armors, +8 armors such as cadens cuirass and the oh so ugly uni-gender armors such as space warrior. And I'll tell you what. Here's the difference between you and me. I'm happy for founder duel master armor to be buffed as long as non founders get an armor just as good as founder armor ( even if it is level 33).

RKC -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:57:55)

Ok screw the varium thing if you don't want us to have anything other new item then thats fine with me. Just as long as they add +1 resistance in founders armor. I can always enhance my items with creds now.

voidance -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 2:59:57)

Hmm I'm suggest to Titan that he should make the free 1,000 Varium optional since so many of you say you dont want it. Happy?

The Game -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (4/28/2011 3:04:57)

There will be no further mention of buffing Founder's armor in this thread, which the OP and Ashari already discouraged. Please use Ideas for Buffing Founders instead. Such posts will be deleted without notice.

xxmirxx -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for!!! 1000 Varium (4/28/2011 3:06:50)

founders were never promise anything.I am honest tell you RKC before lvl 33 BH were top best class for 5 months. thats with founder armor you should of start here 5 months ago. Note I start here in december 2009 at time I couldn't afford any varium because I was pay for college. That be said I have nothing against you I just disagree what your asking.

AQWPlayer -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (4/28/2011 3:54:21)

Well if you don't want the 1000 varium...you could as well give them to me [:D]
Also I don't see how 1 or 2 difference in def/res can make any big difference lol

xxmirxx -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (4/28/2011 4:02:50)

its not right that founders get to free load off this game. When non founders have to pay to get better armor.

Deboise -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (4/28/2011 9:50:23)

1000 varium in not nearly enough to be considered free loading...

but i would have to agree i think its unfitting..

like giving a economics award to a engineer..just not fittting.

i like the bike idea and the skin idea so far...

As i understand most Founder concern is about using the armor, so the skin seems to fit the most..

second version also makes sence..but i don't think anyone but founders should be able to buy it obviously.

helloguy -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (4/28/2011 10:21:41)

The debs did say a reward to all founders seeing as not all founders have an. Armor it's seem fair

xxmirxx -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (4/28/2011 10:27:43)

exactly my point hellguy

sk1tz -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (4/28/2011 10:29:23)

1000 varium for founders is fair. we deserve it more than gamma players.

thanks dev's u made founders happy.

tigura -> RE: What We Have All Been Waiting for??? 1000 Varium...DO WE WANT IT? (4/28/2011 10:33:06)

Since all you founders dont want varium, ILL take your varium :D How bout being a bit grateful for once?

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