The legendary alpha which are down (Full Version)

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Ed_Sara1515 -> The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 18:14:03)

I suggest that u would have some special awards for the alpha coz they have been playing this game for almost 3 years....just give them some goodies like alpha bot or just 1500varium...hoping for these....

xxmirxx -> RE: The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 18:16:47)

above now thats fair

DeathGuard -> RE: The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 18:17:31)

Really fair because they really were the first to support EP. SUPPORTED!! [:D]

Lord/Fredd -> RE: The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 18:19:18)

It would very fair as they are kinda the creaters of this game... but its unlikely this will happen, as there is so little Alpha Players left... i have only seen one lv 22...

8x -> RE: The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 18:24:32)

That sounds fair, but instead of wasting his time on a bot for 50 active alpha players Nightwraith should make some new weapons for 2000 non-varium players.

helloguy -> RE: The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 18:24:39)

I ahve a feeling there gonna get some varium this upcoming update.

Ed_Sara1515 -> RE: The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 18:31:37)

I think not coz only founders are said in the update...

Mr. Black OP -> RE: The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 18:36:21)

dont they have alpha tester and elite achievement tho? but isnt 1500k 1.5million?

Ed_Sara1515 -> RE: The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 18:41:51)

asorry i mean 1500 the elite are for those one paid it is not free....

Ashari -> RE: The legendary alpha which are down (4/28/2011 19:08:24)

Just to clear things up, all Elites are also founders. As part of the Elite bonus they received when their unlimited Varium was removed, all Elites got Founder status, Founder Armor and Beta weapons for free. That also means that all Elites will be getting the same 1000 Varium bonus that Founders are getting.

Given that bit of information I don't think we need another thread on Founder bonuses. Please use the existing threads to discuss the bonus, such =ED= April 27th Design Notes: Player Appreciation Week! or What was really promised to founders ... which covers discussion about what you feel Founders (and Elites) deserve.


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