RE: Will mages ever recover? (Full Version)

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xxmirxx -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/1/2011 19:17:53)

above same here

Honestly, the only Mage build I will never try is Strength Mage, I just wouldn't like it.

Atomic garden -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/1/2011 21:06:41)

O_o I was a str mage for a bit...

It was zinirus who inspired me does any one remember him?

But boy... Str mage is easily the funnest build ever!

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/1/2011 21:08:14)

i think mages will recover when we stop whining and start trying mainly thats at teh big shot mages becuase no one takes not of us small timers

T.600 -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/1/2011 21:16:33)


Who know if mages will ever recover. The problem is look at the comparible skills surgical strike hits you twice takes away your rage and gives the merc back health as the super charge hits only once when it use to do triple strike, gives back health but does not affect the opponents rage.

You know superhcharge ignores 20% of res whereas surgical strikes doesnt.


Emp, I seen take away up to 47 points of energy at level 7. Atom Smasher, I seen take away 30 points at level 2. As Assimilation at max only takes 10. People will say Assimilation is fine as it is because it use no energy and does damage as well but before the two recent updates I was getting on average 47 damage with level 10 Assimilation but now I average 9 points of damage as well as it gets blocked even more often then before. So just because Assimilation does not use energy and does physical damage, what physical damage, does not by far make these skills equal.

Assimilation isn't a skill to rely on and it will get blocked just like the gamma bot, you just have to use it at the right time. It's just a strike so the average damage would be based on your strength and you know bounties with shadow arts will block A LOT. Assimilation does physical damage? Um no...


Reroute use to give energy back everytime you get struck now I have noticed you only get back energy on the first strike.

Umm...reroute has no requirement and always gives you back energy when someone hits you....

Artillery strike and multi shot hits you multiple times while plasma rain only hits once.

The % ignores by artilley strike is what makes it better but not the amount of times it hits you.


Vast majority of skills that mercs and bounties have either ignores defense, resistance, or both while the mage only has one that ignores resistance.

Wow you're right for once..


The gamma bot is a physical bot but to have any kind of protection from it you have to have defense equaling to at least 28 and resistance to at least 27 or higher with it being a physical robot it would make more sense if having more dex would protect you more than more tech.

The gamma bot does both energy and physical damage. If it improved with dex imagine 5 focux dex bounties.. :O


What really screwed up the mage class is the stat abusers of tech and dex to boost their skills as well as strength and support abusers so instead of just targeting those classes they decided to affect all classes thus weaking the mage defense and resistance more than the mercs and bounties defense and resistance.

What the mage class needs is a combo armor that gives protection for both defense and resistance which puts bonus points for both or let us combine a physical and energy armor giving the combine bonus points to both defense and resistance.

Not really...


Before the recent update they took away one point from hybrid armor and oh-boy mercs cried, screamed and complained about that one point and so this next update I noticed the hybrid armored have been buffed and it is more effective against energy attacks more than ever before.

Mercs weren't crying about it.


The first day of the update I saw diminishing returns but the next day I saw none.

Ever heard of gun and zooka enhancements to pay for your stats back?

Too many players are relying on the bot to conduct their fights and that shows me they have no skills or they want to have a fair fight especially against players without bots. Vast majority of times if you battle me I will refrain from using a bot attack but will use the the bot to debuff sometimes I don't even do that. For bot attacks I say put them at a 3 round warmup.

I don't mind that. :3


Lately I have came across far too many disrespectful punks playing the game and if they loose they basically call you every name that they could type.

Seems like the mage class is constantly being punished probably being blamed for creating the robots and other creatures that banished the humans from Delta V, don't blame us we were just trying to make Delta V a better place.

Will mages ever recover probably not or until the programers especially the chief programmer, Titan, takes mages suggestions as serious as the mercs and bounties suggestions since Titan is a Tech Mage himself.

No one blamed the mage class for creating robots. Titan is a great programmer and he is trying to make the game balanced and he has been listening to us on the forums.

Atomic garden -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/1/2011 21:25:06)


Ever heard of aux and zooka enhancements to pay for your stats back?

Umm... I believe you mean side arm and aux

Zooka and aux are the same[8|]

Hun Kingq -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/1/2011 23:36:29)

So T600 what is your point? Mercs in other forums where crying and screaming about that 1 point reduction. If they hit you with multiple strikes I have noticed with reroute recently only with the first strike energy is restore, I just fought an npc, he did a triple strike and only on the first strike energy was restored. That is the only difference in surgical strike and super charge and 20% is nothing Surgical Strike: Energy air strike; 30% life stealing; reduces enemy Rage by 50%, and hits you twice where as super charge is a single strike. When I put this "Vast majority of skills that mercs and bounties have either ignores defense, resistance, or both while the mage only has one that ignores resistance." I was refering to Artillery as well that is why I put keywords "Vast majority of skills" to cover all skills. I have Assimilation at max that way when I use it it takes away as much energy as possible and same NPC I used Assimilation on I did 53 critical damage with a player 9 physical damage so you are saying it does no damage it is quite clear you no nothing of that skill or that you are not a mage, Assimilation: Deals 100% primary weapon damage. Steals energy from an enemy target; adds 50% to your energy . For a physical robot, you know that the gamma bot is a physical bot don't you, it would make more sense that dex would protect you more then tech would, do you understand or comprehend what I wrote about what stat should protect you more from a physical bot.

There was suppose to be a two tier diminishing returns but I have still seen mercs with +55 base support getting greater damage on the 2nd day and add the sidearm and Aux enhancements to support or any other stat there is suppose to be a reduction in damage.

You took this seriously:
"Seems like the mage class is constantly being punished probably being blamed for creating the robots and other creatures that banished the humans from Delta V, don't blame us we were just trying to make Delta V a better place."

Do you know what Tech is short for, I will let you tell us, and who builds robots in the real world?

If you really understand all that I write then you would come to reality I am right quite often.

So who you play as a merc, bounty or tech mage. You broke down what I wrote what point are you trying to make?

Titan listens more to players who play bounties and mercs then tech mages because a lot of great ideas came from players that are tech mages that is never incorporated.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/1/2011 23:39:39)


just fought an npc, he did a triple strike and only on the first strike energy was restored
if an atk has 2 or more hits u dont get energy separately for each one, u get all the energy at once
an atk hittin twice has the same dmg as the equivalent atk with only 1
buy these guns imperial acp and imperial acp k
try them both on the same enemy they will be very similar except maybe 1 or 2 dmg becuz they use a range of def not a solid number

endtime -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/1/2011 23:44:57)

Bounty Hunters have become far too overpowered. With each point of HP backed with more stats--such as now--bloodlust becomes more valuable, while reroute, which is better when each point of HP is worth less since it depends on losing HP, becomes less valuable.

Also, a combination of shadow arts, smoke screen, and high dex being a common build among bounties, bounties have an uncannily high block rate, which make them excessively effective against focus/strength mercenaries who depend on the blockable robot/strike but cannot have extremely high dex and meet the 45 stat requirement.

Notice how many lopsided strength and dexterity bounties have extremely high win rates compared to their peers? I play all three classes with an account for each and no class change, so I have no such concept of "class loyalty". I want an equal playing field. There is something severely unequal when an level 31 un-enhanced strength bounty can defeat a level 33 fully enhanced mage.

To even out the classes, I suggest:
1. Unblockable assimilation w/100% of energy stolen going into HP since reroute already covers energy.
EX: You have a level 4 assimilation. When you use it you do your damage, subtract 4 energy from the opponent, and gain 4 HP.

2. Unblockable atom smash

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 0:00:42)

unblockable atom smash with dmg
lets see, str merc hits for -40 energy, wait now he just did 30 dmg to ur health and u cant block.. OP much anyone?

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 0:07:43)

@Hun Kingq

I hope you realise this: the number of strikes an attack has has absolutely no influence on its damage. If you insist to the contrary, then I challenge you to tell me why my bounty hunter does more damage on its single-strike attack compared to its double-strike attack.

Also: Gamma bot is as much an energy bot as a physical one, as it has an equal number of energy and physical attacks and each attack has the same base damage. Get this into your head. The reason why it is labelled as 'physical' in battle is so that the opponent can differentiate it from the pure-energy assault bot and strategise.

As for the NPC, did you ever notice a bounty hunter with massacre gaining HP progressively with each strike? No! The energy you gain/HP with bloodlust, not applicable to you is calculated from the first strike and is based on the entire attack, not the first strike.

I suppose T.600 interpreted 'physical' as 'physical-energy element', not as 'damage to HP'.

And both bounty hunters and mages have only one defense/resistance ignoring skill: cheap shot and super charge respectively. Mercs have three: maul, bunker buster and artillery strike, however this is because they do not have a skill like smokescreen/malfunction to increase the damage of those skills. And artillery strike does not constitute the 'vast majority of skills'

Does it make sense that your attack damage and defense/resistance will diminish the more gun/aux enhancements you have? Obviously these enhancements will, to some extent, negate diminishing returns, albeit requiring a greater amount of stats for the pre-diminishing returns effect. And it makes absolutely no difference whether you have a base stat of 55 and enhancements of 35, or a base stat of 90, diminishing returns will affect the stat equally.


Unblockable atom smasher with damage to HP would just cause an sudden spike in the number of strength mercs and spark massive protests. As for energy stolen going into HP instead of energy, I suspect that it would actually be better for it to go into energy, because 1-10 energy can allow you to do much more things than 1-10 HP.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 0:17:05)

also if assimilation added health it wldnt be useful becuz a heal for 10 every 3 turns when some battles cld end in 5 so thats about 2 uses, if u lower it down to a 1 or 2 cool down it cld possibly bring back heal looping, 10 health every 2 turns with a heal so it wld be like.. heal, assimilate, (wutevr here), assimilate, (wutevr here) heals
so ya as silver said adding it to energy wld be better and more balanced

T.600 -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 0:24:43)


@Hun Kingq

I hope you realise this: the number of strikes an attack has has absolutely no influence on its damage. If you insist to the contrary, then I challenge you to tell me why my bounty hunter does more damage on its single-strike attack compared to its double-strike attack.

Also: Gamma bot is as much an energy bot as a physical one, as it has an equal number of energy and physical attacks and each attack has the same base damage. Get this into your head. The reason why it is labelled as 'physical' in battle is so that the opponent can differentiate it from the pure-energy assault bot and strategise.

As for the NPC, did you ever notice a bounty hunter with massacre gaining HP progressively with each strike? No! The energy you gain/HP with bloodlust, not applicable to you is calculated from the first strike and is based on the entire attack, not the first strike.

I suppose T.600 interpreted 'physical' as 'physical-energy element', not as 'damage to HP'.

And both bounty hunters and mages have only one defense/resistance ignoring skill: cheap shot and super charge respectively. Mercs have three: maul, bunker buster and artillery strike, however this is because they do not have a skill like smokescreen/malfunction to increase the damage of those skills. And artillery strike does not constitute the 'vast majority of skills'

Does it make sense that your attack damage and defense/resistance will diminish the more gun/aux enhancements you have? Obviously these enhancements will, to some extent, negate diminishing returns, albeit requiring a greater amount of stats for the pre-diminishing returns effect. And it makes absolutely no difference whether you have a base stat of 55 and enhancements of 35, or a base stat of 90, diminishing returns will affect the stat equally.

What he said.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 1:07:52)

Silver Sky Magician, so you came here to attack me like you did on other forums? Do you get thrills attacking me or what? I am glad you know how to put things in bold at least you know how to do one thing right.

To answer your challenge I need acces to the program code but I will not be given access. Let see with a multi shot side arm I average 60+ total damage with the single shot I average 35 to 40 damage so well I be the multi shot cause more damage. With multiple attacks a percentage of damage is calculated based on the first attack if the first attack is high damage then the last attack will be higher damage.

Get this in your head the amount of energy should be calculated after the last strike not after the first strike because the amount of damage should be unpredictable. When a player uses artillery strike does that player know the total damage will be the same each time, no, but you see energy go up after the initial hit not the last so with that the mage is getting ripped off with the amount of energy returned. Reroute should be given energy back with each individual attack.

Did you know in one update they had put a cool down 1 round for reroute I caught that and brought it to everyone's attention then the next update the cooldown was gone.

The base damage of the gamma bot is 11-15 and should not be able to inflict anything more, get this in your head I seen it put punches, which dex is suppose to help block because it is a physical attack, get 20 then 25 energy blast got 40, this was after the last update and the gamma bot needs to be reclassified as physical/energy and the Assult bot needs to be reclassified as physical bot since its only attack is physical, do you comprehend that?

Cheap Shot: Strike enemy ignoring a % of all defenses; 25% chance for critical strike.

Super Charge: Fires an energy charge; ignores 20% resistance; 30% life stealing.

Do you notice the differences or do I have to point it out for you?

Your attacks bore me so be gone with you.

T.600 -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 1:12:21)

^Why would they give you access to the program code when you don't even know how it works? You just make up your own analogies, it's reflected in your terrible win loss record and I rate you was one of the worst build-makers in the game.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 1:46:44)

T.600 I experiment with all builds and I know more about programing and the IT field they you can ever comprehend matter of fact I am the keynote speaker at the big IT conference in India I can not tell you all the programing I did because of the sensitivity of its nature. I wrote my first computer program when I was 7 years old I built my first robot when I was 8. I am a member of the IEEE computing society, which I help decide the next standards within the IT field, When I was in college as a student I taught UNIX and Linux classes so to say I would not know how it works you make me laugh. Why I have so many loses because many times I help lower level players level up by taking a loss because I am the highest level I can be. My 2vs2 loos is high because i get stuck with low level players that do not want to work as a team, not fight at all or they just run on me. Then there is the connection loss issue which has happen more then ever before especially when I am about to win.

So T.600 what your saying is we can't experiment with different builds to see how each build works?

If I am so bad at making builds how did I beat george Lowe 7 times with different builds or beat big tuna twice.

So you too bore me be gone with you.

endtime -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 2:08:07)

Having an assimilation that gives back HP is more advantageous and balanced. Consider the fact that reflex boost gives back energy while technician has no other advantage.

Also, 5-10 HP could be a significant difference. There is a reason why many players do not keep their heal at lvl 1 and instead increase it to level 4 or more. Increasing a heal to level 5 gives only 12 more HP, but a 40 heal vs a 52 heal is a significant difference. A few HP could be the difference between being in the kill range to a safe range.

In addition, do you know why most mages keep their energy at 48 and do not increase it? It is because of reroute. Among mages, getting HP also means getting energy, albeit slightly less than direct energy.

Making other classes' energy stealing moves unblockable is critical and necessary balance step since EMP, with high stolen amounts and its unblockable status, is significantly more effective than the other classes' energy stealing moves.

sir lane -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 2:26:57)

yes, i agree and disagree, they do need a buff, but mages do need some strategy to play. Once i left there were no high health builds (4 months or so ago) but now, thats what i litteraly all see now. I never see any stat abusing skillers [:D] go str abusing :P

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 2:34:04)

@Hun Kingq

I would be very happy indeed if I did not have to 'attack' you. It gives me no vindicative pleasure. I just do not condone your non-factual trolling.

Assault bot is energy, not physical. The animation has absolutely no effect on the type of attack it is. Else artillery strike would be an energy attack. If the damage number is green, it is a physical attack. If it is blue, it is an energy attack. And have you considered that gamma bot's differing damage could be due to the RNG/difference in defense and resistance, not because its physical attack is two-hit whereas its energy attack is one-hit? The base damage of robots is not 11-15, but differs with your tech and focus.

And though the player may not necessarily know the total damage of an attack, the computer already knows it and adds the amount accordingly. The mage is not getting ripped off in any way. Please do your mathematical calculations first. If your conclusion is still the same, then you must be somehow different from every other mage which has survived my massacre. If you demand a system whereby mages get energy with each individual hit, it would cause a great amount of lagging. Moreover, if the attack should be 1-1-2-2-2-2-18 how should mages gain energy for the 1s and 2s? If you wish it to be implemented in the way that endtime explained below, then bloodlust should naturally receive the same benefit, which I am sure you do not want, especially with the 7-hit massacre that mages may not get hit with but bounty hunters can use at their whim.

Your 'multiple attack' theory is erroneous. Compare multi shot and plasma rain, both with the same base damage, on Valery, which has 12-12 resistance. You will see that the two do the exact same damage despite multi shot having two hits compared to plasma rain's one. You can get a friend to help you with that, and if you want to prove your theory please video the results, including showing both builds and the multi shot/plasma rain damage in the battle with Valery.

And of course I know the difference between cheap shot and super charge. It seems that I may have to bold more parts of my replies so that you will not misinterpret my answers. I am merely saying that you should not generalise bounty hunters' defense-ignoring skills with that of mercs, because bounty hunters, like mages, have only one defense/resistance-ignoring skills, whereas mercs have three.

So long as you post comments, you are liable to being replied to and have no right to make me stop doing so unless I am being rude. This forum does not belong to you.


It is precisely because mages have a low 48 energy that assimilation may be more useful if it adds to energy. Some players are cunning enough to control their damage (e.g. gun instead of strike) such that the mage does not have enough energy to use their skills, then unleash their killer strike later. Assimilation could help in these situations, as there is a limit to how much you can control your damage.

TankMage -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 2:56:35)


If I am so bad at making builds how did I beat george Lowe 7 times with different builds or beat big tuna twice.

If you think thats the definition of a good build maker, Your dictionary needs to be checked.

endtime -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 3:07:10)

@sir lane
Strength is not a remotely decent option for mages. Unlike mercenaries, who are covered by hybrid armor, and bounties, who use their offense as a defense with bloodlust, mages' only defense is field medic. And do not forget that bounties use smoke screen, high dex, and shadow arts in conjunction, so a mage that strikes will meet many unpleasant blocks. However, making assimilation unblockable could make the build more viable, since an unblockable strike is possible, but without a defensive measure or super-move, such as berzerker or massacre, the build will still not go far.

@Silver Sky Magician

such that the mage does not have enough energy to use their skills, then unleash their killer strike later. Assimilation could help in these situations, as there is a limit to how much you can control your damage.

The really dire and strategic versions of this situation is extremely rare. Usually, an opponent will do this when hitting more damage will allow the mage, who has run out of boosters, to heal. However, assimilate requires one extra turn to rectify such a situation. And unless your opponent has a death wish by hitting practically no damage for two turns, then you will get the energy at the same time with or without assimilation.

Clearly, adding more HP is more advantageous in almost every other occasion. If such situations were so dire and frequent, then the majority of good mages would have more than their base 48 energy.

However, the really important aspect of my suggestion is to make assimilation unblockable. The HP transfer is a recommended suggestion, but not crucial.


When a player uses artillery strike does that player know the total damage will be the same each time, no, but you see energy go up after the initial hit not the last so with that the mage is getting ripped off with the amount of energy returned. Reroute should be given energy back with each individual attack.

The point he is trying to make is that reroute is calculated as a whole. For example, if a mage has 30% reroute and a mercenary hits 10 and 20 on his artillery animation, then reroute, as it is, gives 10 total. However, if reroute is calculated separately per animation, then reroute would give a total energy of 11 because 10/3 = 3.3 = 4 and 20/3 = 6.7, thus 4+7= 11 since reroute rounds up. The real advantage comes in attacks such as massacre where, I believe, 7 strikes are used, and thus mages would get 6 more energy than they do now, when a bounty uses massacre.

BTW I am not endorsing Hun's idea I am just explaining it.

This player, who has extensive experience and success with all three classes at high levels, has the balancing idea of making assimilation unblockable

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 5:14:10)


I'm not particularly against your suggestion, just that mages may actually benefit more with the energy drain, because 1/48 is ultimately worth more than the usual 1/110 and allows more versatility; one EP is the difference between a malfunction and a heal, defense matrix and bludgeon, overload and plasma bolt. Though, of course, 1-10 HP (most mages add up to 3 though) may be the difference between life and death.

As for the unblockable part, mages would be able to unleash a loop of unblockables, with common cooldowns compensated with defensive skills. Nothing inherently wrong, of course, but might assimilation then be a little overpowered, since it costs no energy, can neither be blocked nor deflected, depletes the opponent's energy, allows an unblockable loop, increases your (currently)energy/(suggested)HP and has 100% of a normal strike damage, which is comparable to a typical level 1-2 super charge?

On a lesser note about unblockability (invented new word for convenience's sake [&:]), mages have deadly aim, malfunction and bludgeon. Add that to an unblockable assimilation and a successful strength mage wouldn't be unthinkable. Again, nothing inherently wrong, just pointing out that the strength mage isn't as weak as you may think.

EDIT: wow, the line spacing increased because of the emoticon.

King FrostLich -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 5:40:40)

I don't see why Hun Kingq and Silver Sky complain about some % of stuff or whatever.

@Hun Kingq: Don't be typically smartass with your so called programming stuff. Even if some rates and numbers were to come along, some will be randomized by the digits thanks to the RNG. Oh and your so called "multiple attack regained hp theory" of bloodlust for multi of bounty hunters where to happen, your just trying to increase the hp regneration when they hit the enemy of the attack by slightly 1 or 2 hp for each hit since this game Nightwraith and Titan made is calculating and rounding off number starting from .05 to .99 rather than from our little math class which says we can only round off numbers when the tenths is .50 or .99.

jegaggin -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 9:21:40)

guys i know this is off topic but ill get to the on topic point later, I believe focus 5 shadow bhs are not impossible to beat but close to it (u have to be able to hit). This is because they can use their bots and 90% of the time hit the other guy but when other focus builds use bots against bhs u hit 33% of the time (remember the block chance is like flipping a coin every turn but the theoretical probability may seem like hit once and miss once but for some reason that never happens in game). Focus bh builds are Oped mercs arent OPed stop saying they are -.-.

Anyway back to the question: "Will mages ever recover?" I believe so even now there are some great builds that destroy most builds because nowadays most builds are quick builds. So if the mage can survive the first 2 rounds of onslaught they can normally heal up and kill the other person. because after all they have an ever recovering supply of energy. And though its not used anymore a caster build may work against a focus BH build because it doesnt miss. just something u guys can think about.
Dont troll me -.-

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 10:36:34)

@Whoever [lol]: the dmg is calculated the moment your attack is chosen. whether it hits once, twice, 3 times or blocked its already decided.
therefore anything you get back from reroute or bloodlust is also calculated at the same time. not really sure why anyone thought different.

i did see a high dex mage who killed me with a couple of overloads and they didnt even stun but presumably you need the E armor to make that work.
i got P armor personally cause having higher tech improves robot damage although I find it a bit degrading to have to rely on robots to do damage.

it seems unanimous that to be successful as a mage you need to understand your class+build and also every other class+build but if their was a basic
overpowered build that even a newbie could be highly successful with, would that really improve creativity ? mages just need some tweaking as casters.

look at mercs, nearly all support builds or 5 focus in 2v2, yet on the odd occasion I see a str merc its actually pretty devastating albeit underused but
no one seems willing to really create a 2v2 str build therefore stifling creativity. why bother when you can just win with artillery strike and aux right.

EDIT: I couldnt focus on one issue above, sorry :P

Atomic garden -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 16:48:59)

Do mages have a 5 focus build???

I could sort of see it now[&:]



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