endtime -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 3:07:10)
@sir lane Strength is not a remotely decent option for mages. Unlike mercenaries, who are covered by hybrid armor, and bounties, who use their offense as a defense with bloodlust, mages' only defense is field medic. And do not forget that bounties use smoke screen, high dex, and shadow arts in conjunction, so a mage that strikes will meet many unpleasant blocks. However, making assimilation unblockable could make the build more viable, since an unblockable strike is possible, but without a defensive measure or super-move, such as berzerker or massacre, the build will still not go far. @Silver Sky Magician quote:
such that the mage does not have enough energy to use their skills, then unleash their killer strike later. Assimilation could help in these situations, as there is a limit to how much you can control your damage. The really dire and strategic versions of this situation is extremely rare. Usually, an opponent will do this when hitting more damage will allow the mage, who has run out of boosters, to heal. However, assimilate requires one extra turn to rectify such a situation. And unless your opponent has a death wish by hitting practically no damage for two turns, then you will get the energy at the same time with or without assimilation. Clearly, adding more HP is more advantageous in almost every other occasion. If such situations were so dire and frequent, then the majority of good mages would have more than their base 48 energy. However, the really important aspect of my suggestion is to make assimilation unblockable. The HP transfer is a recommended suggestion, but not crucial. quote:
When a player uses artillery strike does that player know the total damage will be the same each time, no, but you see energy go up after the initial hit not the last so with that the mage is getting ripped off with the amount of energy returned. Reroute should be given energy back with each individual attack. The point he is trying to make is that reroute is calculated as a whole. For example, if a mage has 30% reroute and a mercenary hits 10 and 20 on his artillery animation, then reroute, as it is, gives 10 total. However, if reroute is calculated separately per animation, then reroute would give a total energy of 11 because 10/3 = 3.3 = 4 and 20/3 = 6.7, thus 4+7= 11 since reroute rounds up. The real advantage comes in attacks such as massacre where, I believe, 7 strikes are used, and thus mages would get 6 more energy than they do now, when a bounty uses massacre. BTW I am not endorsing Hun's idea I am just explaining it. This player, who has extensive experience and success with all three classes at high levels, has the balancing idea of making assimilation unblockable