RE: Will mages ever recover? (Full Version)

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xxmirxx -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 16:58:05)

most mages use 4 focus built

Atomic garden -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 18:34:36)

What would be exaple of a good 4 focus build?[8|]

xxmirxx -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 18:39:59)

I'd don't want to say cause I don't want to have people copy my built sorry.

SummonerBrandon -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 19:49:48)

^.^ I am a mage all the way! WHOO HOO! I have this one female mage and with her, I win at least 70% of my 1 vs. 1 matches. -.- I end up unlucky fighting against a Beta user or a membership person who use powerful items. Only won against 2 betas. Even so, my mage is surrounded on defense and support. All of her stats is around 35 and her health is 94 while her mana is 76. "Well, you are average and look kinda weak. [sm=zorb_smilie.gif] DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME! I have matrix, Field Medic, technician, overload, malfunction, reroute. The rest are one and I did not bother to use skill points on Deadly Aim and on Assimilation. What is the point in Assimilation? Wow. I just went and stole 1-3 mp points from you. Big whoop. I do not want to waste my points on assimilation. It will make me real weak where as to I can use those skill points on my offfensive spells. Deadly Aim was good up to an extent. After that, I retrain and changed some things around. My Auxiliary was more important than my side weapon after that.

What am I am suggesting? I say that the balance class suits me more. I can heal, annoying others to where they can call me noob (Which would not bother me at all. There is no shame in healing. [:D] ) and I can keep up my defense, where they will just become irritated to where they will do as little as 1-3 damage. -.- The class that I believe will be hard to defeat is the bounty huhnters. They are better healers than the mages. Even so, you still have your guns and auxiliaries. They can provide backup.

Well, that is all that I can tell you. Also, if there is no hope, I say to just use overload and hope that you can be lucky. Super Charge is a good spell but it takes up a lot of energy. Make sure that you can supply yourself. [:D] And remember when I said that there is no shame in healing? Health Boosters are good. Well, I hope this post helps you.

Zean Zapple -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 20:17:17)

Mages take time and skill to master.


BlueKatz -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 20:52:32)

It's caster side is just weak and need a buff
People always say how "creative" Mage are but I think it's only about gaming style. Mage build is not that creative. I hope they will update Mage right side skills soon, so I mess with more build

Atomic garden -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/2/2011 21:16:25)


Well that was quite a interesting post!

But right off the bat I can tell you that there is nothing powerful about beta weps (besides enhances)

I would love to fight you, and also at least know what level you are.

xxmirxx -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/3/2011 4:45:22)


But right off the bat I can tell you that there is nothing powerful about beta weps (besides enhances)

yah I agree

Atomic garden -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/3/2011 7:04:24)


Mages take time and skill to master.
Spoken like a true master[8|]

SummonerBrandon -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/3/2011 19:27:42)

-.- Well... let's just say that, due to me being such a butthead for trying to play while being so sleepy, that I went and accidentally made a miscalculation in the number of credits that I need and that my main is now screwed. She was level 27 and I was ready to buy an armor for her. DX SHE WAS MY BEST MAGE YET! -_- I am now using my alternates. *sigh* Makes me want to cry even more. DX I HAD OVER 17,000 CREDITS ON HER WITH A LOT OF 1 v 1 and 2v 2 wins! Still, whatever happens, never use Assimilation. To me, it is a waste.

XD OH YEA! There was this one leader of a faction who was level 28. He was a mage too. He had a little bit of reroute but the problem with him was that he had so much problem trying to get around my defense. I whooped him five times in a row. Whooped him in a fair fight, then whooped him without matrix and technician, then whooped him again without any healing, and the last two were fair game. He went, retrained, and fought me again. XD I would have won but he went and used health boosters on me and I did not equipped mine. To tell you the truth, my build has some flaws. If you do not have enough energy, you may be good as gone. Make sure that you have enough energy. -.- Also, since the Focus stat has lost the ability to give all players the extra stat boost and instead, gives people's robot's extra damage, I lost all hope in the focus stats. -.- I do not own any varium because I am a non-member.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/3/2011 20:17:47)

assimilate is only really used in 2v2 to save yourself from poorly made Support mercs so that three points off of energy will save you from a merc but thast all its good for

anyway my mage build will still stay a secret but i will say Assimilate is part of it becuase i had some extra skill points so that might just save me later but it is rather good against NPC's(if only more had a physical weakness[:(])

Deadly PoisoN -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/3/2011 20:25:12)

Why do people always refer to the good skills as useless?There are many combos on both classes that can be used without the backup stats which people THINK they need.Some people have been playing this game since it came out,yet they know nothing.This while guys like me with an even smaller amount of stats defeat these players and they shout LUCK!!!But hey...In that same battle you scored a crit and a block due to your abusive support.

Iv'e found that the best players in this game doesn't really post here,you find them in game.They don't TALK about what they can do,they show you.With that said,NO MAGES ARE NOT WEAK.

@Burningflames,you're the weak one trust me.Mages have valuable skills,if you're too blind to take advantage of them and pwn your opponent,then keep on calling others weak and keep on saying your build is weak until it hits you that you are capable of taking out any player.I get that mercs are the brainless spammers,they don't have my respect,it's against mages and bounties that i have my hardest and most exciting duels.

I'd call my fellow bounties and the mages about equal in terms of how hard i find them.It's a bit hard to keep your cool against an experienced booster mage.All you true mages,laugh at this thread because it's all you can do[;)]

SummonerBrandon -> RE: Will mages ever recover? (5/3/2011 22:06:32)

??? Uh... I have read through these posts... and I am shock. I think that the mage still overpowers the pure brute mercenaries and that they are still rivaled by the bounty hunters. Actually, the bounty hunters are the ones who we have equal rivalry to. Here is what I have to say:

Strategy: Well? What about it? This is our greatest power here! I am not ashame of using strategy. That is what I am all about anyways so the techmage suits me fully. Besides, if you read my posts about my main (Well, used to be main. My other characters will have a different build shortly that is different from hers.), you will see that I have used whatever I had at my disposal and combined that with strategy. I have already did some planning. That way, I will win most of my battles than what some of you are having problems with. It has its flaws but it is good to use them every now and then. If you are not a strategy person, THEN MAKE THE TECHMAGE INTO SOMETHING ELSE OTHER THAN A STRATEGY CLASS! Mages can try to become a brute too energy-wise.

Agility and skills: You cry about agility but the mages are the second fastest. I do not bother trying to have my health to the point where my agility drops. Agility do affect your stats and you really do not want to go into the negative range (unless you don't care and are more experienced). Why should we get rid of agility. I love it! That way, anyone who want to have the most health can just suffer from the penalties. I love penalties. As for skills, why should we complained. Last time that I did research, I remember that the mercenary class had the most skills that had been removed from the game. Also, skills are also affected by our stats. All of us should be able to find some way to play with them in one way or another. The skill tree is not messed up.

Enhancing and Arcade: ??? Ok. If anything else fails, try enhancing your weapons. Don't look at me. I never tried them. I want to save my credits for something better. Try fighting in the arcade some and try your luck. My suggestion.

Mercenaries: Well? What about them? They are all about dishing out some pain. No need to complain about that. They are slow though. ;D There are three secrets to taking down a mercenary but I am keeping all of that to myself. Not telling you.

Bounty Hunters: Meh. This is the class that everyone should be scared of instead of trying to say that the mages are weak. SERIOUSLY! They have some side effects and their poison skills makes it even harder! They can also heal themselves with a simple attack. They can also take out your energy. What they do not have is strategy. We can use strategy to lower damage even though they lower our dexterity. Also, take advantage of their skills.

Others: And here is a side note. We cannot do much about the varium players. We can knock down a few but even so, we cannot do much. Just try your best. A mage can still have some fighting spirit left in them to stand up against them. I am just a regular non-varium user, especially on Dragonfable and AQWorlds and I have been doing great by myself and still do good. Also, mages are not slow killers. You do know that there are guns, right? USE THEM! Also, I do know that a mage have a physical skill in there somewhere. Also, if you read my post, you would realize that I told you that my build has a weakness. Why? My build against someone who have strong technology and endurance or have two spells that can easily take me out is my end. Oh well. I just have to get over it and try to win the next battle.

I hope that this post helps anyone.

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