=MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (Full Version)

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chisagen -> =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 15:08:39)

Hiya guys, Welcome to my MtAK :D

Might as well introduce myself to people who don't know who I am [8D]

For everyone who doesn't know me yet my name is Chisagen and I'm the new AK in the DF Q&A, and I like fish..... a lot :D

Now that the introduction is out of the way now it is time for the fun to start :D but there are some rules of course haha
1. All standard General Forum Rules and Guidelines apply.
2. Only 15 questions per post please.
3.Only 1 post per page please

Basically this thread is for you guys to ask me questions and for me to answer them, so make sure to have fun and ask away :)

I'll be editing posts in this "this color and font" the color of the sea where the fishies live [8D]

San Robin -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 15:11:45)

Yay Mtak :D
yay party time :D
*puts angler armor on*
time to start fishing huh?
Ah look its a Chishy :o
:o it's a Robin
How are you?
I am great thanks for asking, and yourself?
How did you become a AK, Did you get caught in their nets?
Something like that *has a flashback of getting kidnapped*
*insert original question here*
*insert original answer here*
Favorite Fish?
That is a tough one :P I'm going to have to go with Tiger shark
Are you gonna Fish-slap me?
I dunno depends do you have some food?
*pushes you off of the cliff*
That's all... for now [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]
Later :D
bye bye :D

Sainsbo -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 15:12:58)

i told you i would drop in [:)]
Yup you sure did haha
and congrats (again) on your promotion ;)
Thanks again :D
How long have you been on the forums?
like 2 years almost 3
How old are you ( dont answer if you dont want to give that info )?
I am 10000000 years old ;)
Favourite orb saga in DF?
I am going to have to say energy orb with fire orb in close second only because I loved the Popsprocket war more then the fire war
Favourite class in DF?
Tied between DMK and base class
How's the shackles?
Pretty tight haha *get me outta here!*
Favourite food ( other than fish :) )
I'm going to have to go with pizza for sure
Favourite drink?
Blue mountain dew :D
What music do you like?
My favorite music has to be from the 80's-90's
What films do you like?
I love action films :D
well thats it from me... until i think of new questions
Later :)

ChainSword -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 15:18:55)

Oh yeah... It's not in DFGD...
You were pretty close just two letters off :P
Well congrats of your "mAKeover"
Thank ye kindly Chainy :)
I'm not gonna apolochise that pun.
not this punishment again!
Try to manage with this one. TM didn't realize to close his thread, and now he must pay. Don't you do that. Bye.

I'll be sure to learn from his mistakes haha

Peachii -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 15:24:34)

Hi Chisagen! Congrats for your Ak-ship!
haha thanks Peach :D
I don't have a fish right now, but you can have some peaches!
ohh peaches, I love peaches :D
/hands over some peaches
*noms on the peaches*
Anyway, no questions from me, so enjoy and have fun! See ya!
haha thanks again Peachii,see you later :D

epic pie -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 15:28:14)

*shoot face with a flounder*
XD yes more fishies!
*Screams in terror*
congrats on AK chisagen
Thanks Pie :)
you like pie?
I love pie :D
What kind?
Well I love chocolate,Apple and strawberry the most
Did you know the cake is a lie?
Yes I sadly found that out last year :P
Its true...
Or is it?
Your ten million??
yesh but don't tell anyone ;)
Your face looks like a flounder...
probably because you shot me with a flounder haha
Later :D

Bustichia -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 15:31:26)

Congratulations, my Fishmongering, demi-aquatic friend, on your promotion to ArchKnight!
Thanks Reki :D
I don't really have any questions to ask you, but I just told you I'd look at it! Gotta have some proof I did, huh?
Haha yes that would help support your case :P
Anyway, if you decided to post your MtAK today, that means you're in a good, non-stressed mood, so I'm happy for you!
Yup finally not so busy :D
And like, Fish-MONGER UP!
I will *puts on his fishmonger armor*

Voodoo Master -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 16:31:34)

Hi there
Hello there Woodoo :D
So MtAK huh?
Yuppers :P
cool. So... do you think fish will rule the world?
Only if I command them to ;)
good to know. Umm... no more questions I guess.
k :D
Later [:)]

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 16:53:09)

YAY! A new Archknight and a New MTAK :D
Yay I'm the noobie :D
Salutations Chisagen
Salutations Dragon :)
What brought you to Ae?(ie which game)
AQ brought me to AE :D
What games do you currently play?
I currently play DF,AQ,and AQW
Do you have any profile pages(of said game chars) you'd like to share?
What is your favorite color?
Blue for sure :D
What do you think of the shackles?
They sure are tight haha
Well, Welcome aboard :)
thank you :D

skydrite -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 17:27:09)

heya chisagen,
Hiya,Skydrite good seeing you again :D
I have no questions so just congrats and welcome
Thankies :D
Have fun
I will :)

Icy -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 17:33:22)

Ohai Chisagen! Congrats and welcome! :D
Hiya,Icy thanks :D
What happens if you're scared half to death twice?
you would be 75% dead ;P
Ice Cream with hotsauce? :o
Yummy I ate that 2 nights ago actually :P
What genre of music do you like?
Usually I listen to pop
Where does your name come from / how did you decide on it?
you know I have no clue where my name came from,One day I decided to make a random name and poof there was this name :P
'tis all! Good luck! :)
thanks :D

Doom Desirer -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 17:34:41)

Hello there Doom :D
I assume I'm one of the lesser known people on the forums.
I think I've seen you once or twice
But that won't stop me!
Haha don't let it stop you!
Do you have a fishmonger hammer?
nope but I do have a fishmonger fish :P
What's your favourite colour?
Blue for sure
Do you like pie?
I love pie :D
Am I annoying you?
nope not at all :D
How long have you been answering questions on the Q&A?
a while now, can't really remember when if I had to guess I would say maybe like 1year-9months timeframe
later :D

ZanpakuTô -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 18:14:50)

D: Yew are getting too close to my avvy :O
That's because I'm leveling up :D

But on the other hands, congratulations. If you're the latest addition, then it looks like you took my place in this section =D
Haha thanks :P

Are you enjoying the position?

Yes I love it so many things to learn :D
Well stop it

._. darn just started to XD
I'm sure you've got work to do, so I'll let you go for now. Buh-bye now
Later and thanks for stopping by :D

Tiago X -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 19:41:37)

Hello there, smelly fish lover :3.
Hiya Tiago :D
First of all , congrats and good luck.
thanks :)
Now , to the best part... SPAMFUL QUESTIONS.
hurray can't wait._.
If you are a DFQ&AAK, that means you'll answer tons of questions right?
I'll try to answer what I can
Like the one above, right?
And that one aswell.
What's your favourite fish?
Tiger Shark :D
Smelly or non-smelly?
non-smelly :D
Df or 3 million dollars , CASH MONEY D:?
it's obvious I'll take DF :D
PS3 or Wii?
PS3 since I don't have a Wii
Best storyline in DF?
The Orb Saga
Did you enjoy the AQW release?
haven't played it yet
Can I spend a question here?
sure :D
no prob [;)]
How big do you think TM's role wil be in DF?
Oh I think it will be pretty big ;)
Ok , bai bai.
later :D
May the smelly fish be with you.
thanks :)

Razen -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 19:49:02)

Can I waste your time?
yeah sure I am already reading this XD
I'll assume you said yes, and continue to waste your time as you read these pointless spans of words.
Yay let the partay start :D
*Deletes Post* :P
Now, I ask, what is your favorite distraction?
shiny stuffs
Do you like the pointless, shiny, red button?
I love those does it come with a destroy the planet button?
*Deletes Post* :P

Noooeezzz!! no more partay :(

Dragonman -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 20:04:53)

Hi Chisagen
Hiya buddy good to see you again :D
You sooo desevered being an AK
thank you :)
Good Job Btw
thanks :D
On to the questions....
yay my favorite part :D
Fishey Pancakes? (Even I'd say no to that...)
bird waffles :D
So, what color are you're shackles?
blue :P
Fish colored?
I wish XD
What is the best non-war quest in DF?
hmm that is a tough one I think that Entropy quest was pretty good
What was the best war?
Popsprocket for sure :P
Use this space to ask me a question... And I'll answer it in my next post.
let's see how did you come up with your forum name?
Bai now!
Later :D

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 20:15:58)

A new Archknight?... *Stares at the time*
yup haha
I think i'm corrupted... from AQWorlds o.O (Since i barely head down to the DF Q&A section, and i noticed this topic)
It's ok pal happens to the best of us :P
And i can see that your corrupted by fishes, since you slap the users with them wile locking the topic = Epic win
XD thanks :D
Soooooo..... what other games do you like besides AE games [:)]
Well I play Dragons of Atlantis sometimes but most of the times I play on newgrounds
So if you like fish... do you like crabs and lobsters?
I do but not as much as fish :P
Sometimes, the blue that you put in makes me remind me about my friend who retired DF a few months ago =/
:/ that's a shame hope your friend decides to come back :D
Well... i guess... its done? my mind is empty now, so it means = nothing else to say =D
awww :/
Congratz on being an AK, and be doom... i mean... be really.... *forgot the word he was about to say*
haha thanks :D
Your doomed >=D

my life long goal finally accomplished :)

black thief11 -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 20:19:01)

GZ whit your AK rank
hiya, and thanks :D
1. you really like fish so verry much?(cuz i don`t like them all xd)
Yup I love fish :D
2. you like ALL fish in the world??
Yesh I like all fish :)
3. did you ever eat a shark?
nope not yet :P
4. maybe a whale??
nope :/
5. a shrimp?
yup tons haha
6. ooooooo
he's in trouble :P
7. i really need 15 questions?
nope not really :P
8. no? ow great cuz i dont know any more questions...
Yay XD
9. i already told that i dont have any more questions
10. can`t you read? this is the 3rd time i said i have no more questions!
11. ok, you know... nvm, i just don`t answer back
12. you know... i`m bored... i`m gonna make more questions!
Hurray :D
13. do you know a questions for me?
umm what is your favorite weapon in DF?
i think my favorite weapon is Dire Twin Blades Of DOOM or Necrotic Sword Of DOOM ( i like DOOM :D) and youurs??
14. do you know a shrimp isn`t bigger than a whale?! i really get shocked when i heared that...
yesh :D
15. i really though a shrimp was the biggest animal in the sea... did you know that?
XD I found that out like 8 years ago haha

Pyzie_Julie -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 22:22:40)

Hiya :)
Congrats on your promotion!
thanks :D
I'm sure you are smart [;)]
I wouldn't say that ;P
because eating fish can make people smart [:D]
Yes it can :D
Don't know if its true~
Not to sure about that myself haha
I like fishes too~
Fish lovers unite!
Mostly just Tuna xD
XD well it's better than nothing haha
Ate it with pizza or bread! hahaha XD XD
:O I need to try that
How 'd you like your fish prepared?
pan-fried :D
Well, that's all
k :)
Thank You for your time~
no problemo :D thanks for stopping by

Mortarion -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 22:24:49)

kdasjdlkasdjjalskjdlaksd, that means in my secret languaje, hi [8D]
bloop bloop bloop means hi in fish ;)
So from what show, and what does it represents your AK profile pic?
My profile pic is from the show Bleach, as to what it represents I have no clue XD
What do you think of the weps that lim showed on his twitter?
I love them I hope we get to keep them :D
What do you think about me?
I think you are pretty cool person,although I don't really see you much :)
thanks :D
b,ñksldkjfdsfn, that in my secreet languaje means enjoy your akness [8D]
bloop bloop bloop bloop mean thanks in fish ;)

nield -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 22:29:02)

*waves* Hello there.
*waves back* hey there Nield
* offers <*}}}>< *
thanks haha
All my fishes are belong to you... because I don't like fish [:D]
Aww thanks pal :)
Aaanywho... That shall be all.

later :D

Womba -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/6/2011 23:16:21)

*waltzes into the thread with a sphere in hand*
Do you know what this is fishboy?
a sphere?
Comeon guess...
You know you want to.
I did :P
Did you figure it out?
Yeah :D
darn so close XD
I think even you saw it coming buddy. XD
Not really haha
Hooray for blue! More blue = more power for the bluemites. The forums will be under our control very soon.
Buahahahaha we shall take over the world!
Just dropped by to drop a bombshell and-... *poof*
:o poof? does it have sparkles?
Nosrsly g4u and seeyah later.
thanks abd seeya :D
Typed this on my wii... Oh the... irony? *For realz Poof*

the irony is strong in this one....

UltraGuy -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 0:05:06)

Hello Chisagen!
Hiya Ultra!
Congrats on you AKship!
Thanks pal :D
I wanna be an AK [&:]
I'm sure your time will come one day :)
It's friday, friday gotta get down on friday :)
everybody is looking forward to the weekend
Later :D

Stelios -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 1:43:27)

Hiya Chizzy!
Hiya Doom :D
Congratz on your AK-ship :)
thanks :)
*Steals Fish*
I should warn you...
After being brutalized, *Gives Fish Back*
That the bear doesn't like it when.... guess I was to late ._.
Cya round.
Cya :D

~Cursed Hero~ -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 3:50:54)

Gratz on AK-ing Buddy :D
Thanks pal :D
Now off to questions.
Yay time for the party to begin!
So U Liek Mudkipz?
I lovez de Mudkipz!
Wat About Fishez?
I lovez dem more dan Mudkipz!
thanks :D
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
:o good question maybe like 50000000000 tons of wood :D
Y So Serious?
Y u no serious!
Y u Liek Fishez?
Cuz day are awesomez!
thanks bro :P
Kay Kay, Off i go D:<
Later :D
*Disappears Doomishly*

*looks Destinyishly*

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