RE: Gold Card (Full Version)

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Calogero -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 18:56:52)

yes but those other rares don't tend to have a credits counterpart
after merely a week ( beside of the Achievement ).
To give those that bought a 10 dollars worth of Testing card, it would have been nice if we got to test something
that lasted longer than a week.

In my opinion it should have gone rare the second the Silver card got released.


cards will have multiple purposes in the future.

This kinda make me cringe... So you mean there will be more cards that release other battle options that
we have to pay for + making our inventory bag even smaller?

Also, would the Varium cards give ' better ' somethings than the Credits one?

I really hope there won't be to much of these ' cards '

Charfade -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 19:14:45)

^ Your opinion is valid need not to worry on that. Also like I said I can't not go into detail. So I apologize if I can't answer your questions. It wouldn't necessary mean for future battle modes though.

Edit: char needs to learn how to spell. T_T

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 20:16:54)

Since this seems to be a running joke. Why not tag them as ultra-rare xD

goldslayer1 -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 20:46:08)

i doubt there will be new mods.
but for example that old fortune city card, i think its gonna be required to access a certain part of fortune city

Wraith -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 22:04:41)

I feel super ripped off. Least to be said, I was seeing the forumresponses on Gold Card, and they were armors, weapons, and awesome stuff that was perma-rare. I wanted that, so I bought card.

SCAM(14)SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM! 18 scams now!

Vick Vega -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 22:10:21)


Or Limited Rare and bring them back every Friday. Lol.

I think its funny that you guys are beating up people in the forums like they are being rude about this when you are the ones who announced what you planned to do and didn't follow through with it. Also, I'm curious about how this ask Titan about it system works because I missed a few key items on a couple accounts that I wouldn't mind having more time to buy! I'd also like to point out that I never used the word scam.

Cinderella -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 22:14:11)

@Lord Sianstr- we didn't promise any of that.

As Char said, the skull cards will have more uses in the future, not necessarily battle modes.

unQualified -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 22:48:59)

Scam scam scam scam scam that's 22 times

Wraith -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 22:55:54)

@Cinderella: I was hoping the devs would be listening to the forumsers for once.

Anyways at least me has cheevo :D

Charfade -> RE: Gold Card (5/27/2011 23:01:32)

Keeping the game safe from hackers and exploits is one of our top concerns. Also fixing any Bugs that arise. So depending on how long this takes determines how long we have time for new content for releases. Some weeks unfortunately there are problems that take longer to solve. Thus we spend less time on the new content. That being said... getting the current system to be feature complete is taking longer then expected. We are working very hard each week regardless. The result and the nature of abiding to a weekly release schedule is that we have to break up the features we want to implement fully over a span of several weeks.

This is just an explanation as to why its taking so long. We have future plans for the cards... however right now we are focused on getting a few needed mission elements under wraps first. This will tie into cards at a later date.

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