Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (Full Version)

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Melissa4Bella -> Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 19:18:02)

Hi ya'll!
I'm M4B, and for those of you who don't know, I'm the newest addition to the DF Q&A Forum *waves*

Before the madness begins, let's go over some rules:
1. All standard forum rules apply.
2. Only 10 questions per post, please!
3. Please post only once per page.
4. And I'll be editing your questions in this font [;)]

Ok enough of the rules and onto the madness, craziness and funniness that I know is sure to come!

chisagen -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 19:18:35)

what kinda fishies do you carry with you pal?
I never carry fishes!
I like goldfish?
can I have some fairy dust?
You can have 2 sprinkles!
does that mean I have to sparkle o_o?
Well congrats on your AKship Mlissy :D just remember that I shall ninja you ;)
And I'll make ye walk the plank, matey, arghh!

Death 13.0 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 19:19:28)

congratz on AK
Thank you very muches!

Therril Oreb -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 19:22:46)

as i do with every MtAK there is, ill post a few decent question... perhaps[:D]
You are most kind!
how did you wind up in this madness?
I'm not sure. I think I was hoodwinked!
do they treat you well?
Yes they do. Sometimes they even let me ... LEAVE!
if you could wish for anything in Lore, what would it be?
A town just for fairies
if you could change in any animal, what would it be?
Do butterflies count?
what was first? the fish or the sheep?
Neither. Buffalo was first! [:D]
well, gratz with your AKship and ill ninja you AND chisagen[;)]
And I'll make ye shiver yer own timberz!

BloodyFrozen -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 19:27:31)

I agree
Question 1
Are you a noob?
Question 2
Are you a newb?
Question 3
Are you a nub?
Question 4
Are you a neeb?
I am not, but my 4th cousin, twice removed was
Question 5
uhhh... strawberries!
Again gratz, no troll intended.
Trolls are welcome!

Eric Greydawn -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 19:28:02)


Me no trust that grin
Congratz on AKnessnessnessessess!
Thankies, Sensei
Hmmm Let's see here.... how can I have some fun with this?
This worries me
I KNOW! So this Ohio state (best collegiate team evah) player wanted to play football, but his english professor refused to pass him just because he played football (what a newb). The coach was desperate, as the player was a very good linebacker. So he went to the english professor and begged for just ONE chance for his player to be passed. The professor considered it for a long moment and said "Fine. Bring him in." The football player was determined to pass, so he went in the english professors office with a glint in his eye (and a buckeye in his hand). The english professor said "I will allow you to play if you can get ONE letter right in the word I want you to spell. The word I want you to spell is the name of a hot beverage with caffeine in it, that most people drink in the morning." The linebacker screwed up his eyes, thought deeply for a moment, then carefully spelled the word. "K-A-U-P-H-Y" Lies! and Propaganda!
You KNEW I was going to tease you with that joke didn't you?
I'll never admit to it, nevah!
You laughed though.
Shhhhhh... The Buckeyes have eyes!
I will be back later with a question.
Hah! (Buckeyes > Crimson Tide)

Drake Amatsu -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 19:35:00)

Well, well, well. If it isn't Melissa, the new and improved AK. May I say congratulations?
You may, good sir
Well, Yes or no, congratulations!
Definitely maybe[;)]
My first question would have to be, how do you explain yourself?
I think, therefore I am!
In detail, what is your character all about?
She was fostered by a certain noble Lady after her clan was wiped out. And so now she just makes her way to whoever is in need. Currently, Lore
My second question is, how are you enjoying the Beacons of Hope?
I enjoy it very much! The people there are very inspirational and have alot of knowledge about the game, pluse they want to help others!
My third question, What's the story behind your login name?
It's not the vampirz! Actually, Bella was the shortened version of my Granny's name, whom I named my cat after. I couldn't figure out just what name to come up with when my cat came in and plopped herself on my lap. Voila! Inspiration sometimes comes by suprise!
My fourth, would you kindly fight with me one of these days on this war?
I'd be honored to :)

My fifth and final question is, how happy are you to be with AE so closely and to be a part of this forum community?
Very happehs. It's really fun to help people out and make the forums an easy place for people to use.
Well, that's all for now.
Really? Time flies by so fast!
I'll see you around either on the chatroom or on the forums, Melissa. Happy AKing!
Si, muchas gracias, thank you!

~Drake Amatsu

BloodyFrozen -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 20:02:55)

One last question,
Rulez man, we must follow dem!
Free Fairy Dust Pl0X?
Just for the record I owned[;)] you in pvp.
Screenie link or it didn't happen!
How did you get so high resistance, blocks etc, melee, range magic, bonus and crit?[:'(]
I was born with it [;)]

Dracojan -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 20:17:36)

hi :)
congrats :D
bye (:
Ciao! *waves*

dr_j_26 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 20:18:31)

Okay, let me try to not be like Patrick (poor Patrick) and lose half of my wishes whoops questions. I'm not that mean lol!
Oh and before I start, CONGWADUWATIONS!!!
1. Do you like it at AE?
2. Who would you say is your favorite character out of all of the AE games?
That's a toughie. I'd have to say Maeve, Galanoth and Pointy Hair
3. Favorite color :D?
Purple, of course [:D]
4. Favorite item?
Midsummer Knight's Blade
5. Doom/Evil or Destiny/Good?
6. Pie or Cake? Cupcake or Muffin?
All, please
Glad you like them lol
8.Cheese OR NO Cheese?
That's a yes
9. Favorite music genre :o?
I really can't name just one

skydrite -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 21:24:44)

Hiya Sky! *waves*
No questions from me as I'm sure you'll get a lot of those already,
Whew! I got lucky here [:D]
So just congrats and welcome and we're glad to have you on the team,
Thank you very much, and I'm glad to be on the team!
Have fun

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 22:04:12)

Hi! Congrats on becoming an AK!
Hiyas and thank you Tiger!
Ya, I'm being slightly evil by keeping my color here. there will be much writing code later...
You? Evil? Nevah!
anyways, question time!
I'm ready
1) How did they chain a fairy anyways?
Ya know.. shhh... I think they hypnotized me [:)]
And what color are you shackles?
They are definately purple with shinies
2) Whats your favorite game outside of AE? and favorite AE besides DF?
Outside of the interwebz I would have to say euchre. AE = I dunno, I'll pick AQ
4) favorite tv series/cartoon?
Does History Channel count?
5) Any reason why the Q&A section?
They haz cake (and it's not a lie!)
6) Favorite song/music gene?
That's a hard one Tiger! Ok... rock, country, classical, pop, bluegrass
alright, can't think of any more. Bye, and congrats again!
Ah goodie, I can relax now haha! Thank you *waves*

Mortarion -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 22:09:22)

Hi congrats on AKness
*glomps Mortar* Thankies
1) Why do they say Ak are shackled
Because they hold us prisonah - haha, not they don't, they let us leave (sometimes) [8D]
2)What do you think of Chile?
I would like to go there one day!
3)what is the meaning of hte meaning of being evil?
I wouldn't know since I am all that is good muahahaha!
4)Why do I amke so many stupid questions?
Because it's fun?
5) do you like to read?
Love to
6) Have you read Dune?
No, but I've watched the movie
7)The catcher in the rye?
8) Did you liked it?
I did!
9)Do you know about Augusto Pinochet, and what he did?, if you don't answer this correctly you'll be slapped with a fish *readies salmon*
I do and I do and now I hide *flees*
10) What do you think of The lord of the Rings?
One of the best books of all time!
Thats all, bye *dissapears in a warp portal*
See ya on the battlefield, Mortar *salutes*

golden1231 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 22:40:08)

Yays, my first MtAK thread!
I really don't know what to ask...
You're doing fine
Ummm...Would you like some swiss cheese?
How about some brie?
I'll be back when I think of a valid question! }:)
Yikes *is scared*
Byes for now, and congrats again! ^.^

UltraGuy -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/26/2011 22:53:15)

Do you play AdventureQuest
I have played it minimally
You a girl?
Of course
I wanna be an ArchKnight :P
Fear the shackles, run while ya can [:D]
What country are you from?
United States
Is UltraGuy awesome?
I'll pick "Yes" for $200, Alex

PS: I am, don't deny it :P
That is all ciao!

Joe10112 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 0:01:39)

Hmm...I saw you as a regular member JUST TWO DAYS AGO -.-
Has it been that long [:D]
Don't edit this message.
*looks innocent*
So, did you use your AK powers to do sumthin yet? (Besides edit these posts...)
I'm sworn to secrecy!
Have a cookie and sum faerie dust!
Ahh, my favorites
I beat you in PVP.
I wasn't feeling good that day *grins*
Now can I take your awesome AK weapon as loot?
If you can catch me!
Congrats! See you sparkling around the forum!
Thank you and yes you will!

Lady Greydawn -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 0:21:51)

Hi sweetie!
Hiya Lady *hugs*
Thank you!
Now for my questions.
*is afraid*
1. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Well, it haz chocolate, so almost anything
2. Which would you rather be... a koala or a kangaroo?
Kangaroala for the win!
3. Why don't you root for a real team? [:D] GO BLUE!!! [:D]
*covers eyes* She did NOT just say that *lalalala*
4. If you could meet anyone... living or dead... who would it be and why?
Mr. Darcy because... umm...
5. Do you have any Grey Poupon?
How did you find out?!
That's it for now... have to think of some funnier ones.
Whew! I can relax now [;)]
Love ya!
Right back atcha sweetie!

Baffler -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 0:24:52)

Hello, Im Baffler nice to meet you!
Hi Baffler *waves*
Do you like Power rangers/and fried chicken?
(singing) You know I like my chicken fried...
i liek power rangers[:)]
Doesn't everybody? [:D]

Womba -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 0:25:49)

Yep... I'm here. *is nervous*You know what happens next right?
Uhhh... well...
Spam nuke!
I KNEW that was gonna happen haha!
Meh... I got nothing to torture you with right now...
*relaxes just a smidgen*
Maybe later.
I'll leave the light on for ya!
I think you DO know
So you're safe...
Or AM I?!
For now... Meheheh.
I KNEW it!
Congratz and prepare for madness!
Thanks! I'm preparing as we type

DarkRae54 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 0:37:12)

first of all-
So, thanks for help with my question earlier~
You're very welcome
To demonstrate my thanks, I thought I should let you know-

I am Batman!

I suspected that
Do you believe that muenster cheese is essentially lactose gold? Please state your opinion.
I was chased by a monster cheese once
If Artix were to evolve, what do you think he would turn into?
Color Custom Evolved Artix?
QUICK! A gorillaphant suddenly plows into your room at the inn! It's twice your level and you are trapped! WHAT DO?
Scratch it behind the ears and give it a Scooby Snack
Are you a nublet?
Would you help me take over the penguin empire one day?
For chocolate cake, I'd consider it
What is your opinion on carrier pigeons as a method of communication?
Highly underused
Hmm... well, congrats and have fun with your new POWAH
Thank you!
try not to make everything explode :3
I don't try, it comes naturally lol!

Peachii -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 0:45:10)

Hi Melissa!
Hi there Peachii! *waves*
Congrats on your AK-ship!
Thanks and same to you [:D]
No questions from me, enjoy!
haha, thanks

HellsWolf666 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 0:45:45)

1)a killer gives u 3 potions to die(u have to choose 1)
A)he will shoot u
B) spoon killer
C)choking from your sparkles and then explode
I choose " 1 "
2)math time
the distance from point A to B is 2 km
a guy started to walk from A to B at the speed of 1 km/h
when he was 1/2 way there he speeded up and walked at the speed of 2 km/h
how much time it took him????
The time it took him to hail a cab!
3)video time
what do u think on 3:40???
Wait, what?
4)video part 2
now your cursed what do u gonna do??
*sprinkles Uncursed Dust over self*
7)pizza or bacon?
Pizza with bacon on it
8)jumping from the top of the grand canion or jump form the top of everest?
Grand Canyon
9) kimberly or pink
10)am i annoying
the correct anser is:

yes yes yes yes yes

My lips are sealed haha!

~Cursed Hero~ -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 1:25:24)

Awesome!!! MtAK! Just when iam done with chisagen[:D]
Congratz on AK-Ness
Thank you very much!
1.How Do you like your new job?
Me likey
2.When you got the PM, What did your face look like?
3.So you liek mudkipz?
Guilty pleasure
4.Pokemon or supermario?
SuperMario fur sure
5.U Mad?
I prefer the term: crazeh
6.Wanna know a secret?

I stole a fish from chisagen

I didn't see anything *whistles*
8.Do you think my guides are helpful?
I think so, as ALL guides help people [:)]
:: dodges ::
10.Ask me a question and ill answer it in the next post.
*sits on hands* neener!
Next time, more annoyance.
YAY for me!

Sainsbo -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 2:17:33)

Hey, congrats on your promotion :D
Thank you Sanisbro! *evil laugh*
1. Did you expect to become an AK?
Not at all
2. Whats your fav food?
3. Howz the shackles?
Is THAT what these thingies are?!
4. What color iz they?
Take a guess *wink wink nudge nudge*
5. If it's not too personal, where iz you from?
6. You wana hear a secret?

I stole the fish from chosen, that he stole from chisagen[8|]

I didn't see it, I'm wearing mah sunglasses!
Well, i guess thats it frome me.. for now, Byez :D
Bye bye Snaisbor *waves* [8D]

SKRALL213 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/27/2011 3:23:15)

more AK's by the time i see
We're In Your Forumz...
Evil or Good?
Doom Or Destiny?
want to here something Weird?
Always hehe!
I can use both elements of Destiny & Doom
congrats on Your AK Ship
Long live Doom & destiny good bye Ill be back! when i can think more of what to say

*looks at schedule* Tomorrow at 5pm work for you? haha

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