RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (Full Version)

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Silver Xoven -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 9:28:00)

May I ask a few questions?
*pulls up a chair* sure, go ahead
Ever thought of.. SCIENCE?!
I think of majiks!
Lim or Tomix or True Mortal?
I thought so.. NOT!
haha - gotcha!
So..... you enjoying being an AK?
So I thought.
You think, therefore you are. Or ARE you?!
Me likey!
Bananas or monkeys? [:D]
It's B.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.'S!
Ever heard of SANTA CLAUS?!
Just rumors
Lad's from Finland. Where I come from. [:D]
Is that right?
Lad... I just called SANTA CLAUS a LAD!
*predicts you'll get a lump of coal for that one*
Anyway, byez!
Ciao! *glomps just for the heck of it*

Shaiyal -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 10:31:21)

You have to remind me to trap Silver in.. Something trap.. -y!
*nods towards Nix's cell*
He stole my idea.. See above..
rut roh!
Anyway I have these blueprints. But they need a lot of cheese to trap him in.
The cheez is a lure!
Got any cheese?
I do not
... No? ... Got milk?
Don't have that either (eww)
Thought not. Anyway, Alchemy, what do you think of it?
I want MORE! Like an alchemy class [:D]
Yeah. I think it's awesome too. (Doesn't matter what you say, you're always gonna think it's awesome .-.)
Great minds think alike!
Anyway, I'll let you get back to doing whatever you AKs do.
We pretty much goof off in the break room all day *PARTAY*
Byeeeeee! *waves*

Laos -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 11:11:35)

Hey, Melissa! :)
Hiya Laos! *waves*
Congrats, and welcome.
Thank you [:)]
That's all from me. Good luck and cya around. :)
*relaxes* See ya!

5rr5 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 12:03:37)

me: -Wha-- w-where am I?

you: You're lying on a therapist couch!
me: - Oh, hey there, little fellafairy. What's your name?

you: M4B
me: - Well, it's nice to meet you, Boris.

you: You're name is Boris?
me: - Oh, George

you: George Boris?
me: - Oh, M4B. Sorry about that.

you: It's ok if you forget your name!
me: - My hearing's just ain't what it used to be.

you: What did you say?
me: - You can call me Grandpa 5rr5

you: Umm....
me: - Who-Who said that?

you: You did. I think?

Rules, rules, rules!

me: [snoring]

you: WAKEUP!

me: - Whoa! Oh, what? Wha-- who are you?

you: A guest

me: - Well, what are you doing in my house?

you: I was lured by chocolate!

me: - What? I got a joke for ya. Why did the porcupine cross the road?

you: I dunno - why?

me: [snoring]

you: *laughs*

me: - Huh? What? Well bye.

you: Buh-bye!

Eric Greydawn -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 15:24:15)

Time to smile again!
Oh goodie!
So these two OSU fans were driving through michigan, going to the big game. They get lost, so they decide to try getting a good view from atop a nearby barn. They climb to the top, and start looking around. While they are up there, a strong wind comes along and blows the ladder down (oh noez!). one starts to panic but the other says "Stay calm." So the second OSU fan walked along the edge of the barn roof looking for a way down. Then he sees something. He calls to the other guy and says "I found a way down (YAY!). There's a pile of manure here. If we jump down here, we may be stinky for a bit, but we can get down safely (peeeyewww!). Now, since I found it, you can jump first and tell me how deep it is." The other man acquiesed (sucker!), and he leaped down. The first guy calls down. "How deep is it?" The other guy calls back up. "It's up to my ankles" So the first guy leaps down and ends up in manure up to his neck (he was in deep doodoo). He looks around and can't see his friend so he shouts. "I thought you said it was up to your ankles! This is up to my neck!" From around the corner of the barn he hears. "I dove in head first" (d'oh!)
Don't worry, I will run out of these.
*shifty eyes* uh huh...

Hope the AKing is fun!
It is, Sensei!

1412. -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 16:32:09)

(I tried putting your color in, I think I got it right, but if not. Sorry!) You got it perfect, thank you!
*I appear on a nitroglycerine powered motorcycle coming into the thread, but I accidentally go past it...and leave fire that creates a explosion on the thread.*
*frantically looking for the fire extinguisher*
*I race back to the thread and this time, it doesn't explode!* Hope I'm not too late! *Looks around at burned up thread.* Did I do that?
Yes, got insurance?
Well, anyway time for *pulls out a notes.* Insane pain, and torture that makes Death look pleasant! Prepare to be Impaled by thousands of swords and burn in a everlasting fire.
I KNOW you're not talking to ME [;)]
Oh wait... That was for Sepulchure... *Pulls out different notes and starts mumbling.* "Prepare to be destroyed by Nitroglycerine to turn blue! *After several mumbling of extreme pain.* Here it is!
bracing myself!
Prepare to be glomped by Moglins, followed by Questions! *50 moglins glomp you to the floor.*
*is glomped, and I can't get up!* didn't think I'd hurt you? Even though...I kinda did tell people that Fairies is the source of pink (Its true I tell you!)...and made them want to go to War with Fairies.
Liez and Propaganda!
...Don't look at me like that, Pink is evil! Although...I did help stop the blood-lust for fairies. *Looks at ground and sees a book. "100 ways to destroy a pink fairy by Burning--" *Throws book all the way to the other side of Lore.*
Luckily for me I'm a purple fairy! [:D]
So, what do you think of "The Final Friday the 13th?"
I wuvs it
What do you think of the War of Colors! (Here on DF/GD)
umm.. purple means royalty?
I'll be back... *Throws Katana into the air and it transforms into a new jet motorcycle. It comes all the way to the ground, and I prepare to fly.* You can have that old motorcycle, but whatever you do.. don't--- *I blast off before I can finish saying what not to do.* (Aren't Dramatic/Suspense Endings Great?)
hahaha! Don't forget your helmet!

Condor -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 17:40:37)

*pokes head in*
I see you ED!
um are you still sore about when I poked you with a lightsaber???
*rubs sore arm*
*mellisa is glaring at me holding a large hammer*
Who me?
*starts walking towards ED*
*gets smacked into the middle of next week, but being a chronomacner just pops back*
*flexes muscles*
that really hurts you know *m4b is smilling evilly*
Sorry, sometimes I don't know my own strength! took hammering lessons from dooms didnt you
thought so

*tries to run*
haha, I can outfly your running!
right I see where this is going *teleports*
*sprinkles ED with "return dust"

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 18:37:49)

Hey again!
*glomps tigerlady*
and even so
lot of random question here, isn't there?
Just a smidgen
well, I'll add mine!
oh goodie!
Perhaps you've heard of Tinker Bell? If so, whatya think of her?
She's from another clan
Ugh, I personally like her better in her own movies. Anyways; favorite fairy besides yourself?
Maeve [;)]
Really? cool. Mine's silverstream.
Excellent choice
What is fairy dust good for, and where do fairy's get it?
It's good for lots of things and we get it from our mines!
Perhaps I'll have to find some... where do fairies hang out when not... doing anything?
In the banquet hall. We like to eat. Alot.
Liezs ;) jk. What do faries do anyways?
haha! We (my clan) live to help others
Enough you say? fine, last one: what is YOUR purpose as a fairy?
To avenge all evil and make things tidy. We can't abide disorganization!
did you notice what I did there?
wink wink, nudge nudge
did you notice the other thing I did there?
*looking around*
oh, where does the melissa part of melissa4bella come from?
Take a wild guess [:D]
okay, all silly questioned out. Shadow away! *flies away*
Hey! You can fly too!
p.s. purple FTW! soon we will rule the world! Mwahahaha!
*high fives tigerlady*
*flies out again and leaves a mysterious locket that can summon clones of anything*

Hmm... this might come in handy *grins*

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 19:04:03)

*Shrides forth from the shadows.*
Who goes there?
We meet again ....
Drake Amatsu remains ever ignorant it seems ....
I did NOT just read that! [;)]
Do you know of my legacy now?
Bits and pieces
What is it like to share a hall with the Black Dragonlord?
I don't share it. I rent that space out
Do you know of her legacy?
Isn't there a confidentiality clause?
Farewell ....
Au revoir!
*Bows while backing away into the shadows.*
Told you the "Return Dust" works! ahahaha!

bsteiny16 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/28/2011 22:57:21)

*Emerges from the shadows....*

Heidere! (Took TM's intro)[:D]
Hello there bsteiny!
I've been on the forums since 09, and am welcoming you to the AK family.
Congrats and thank you!
So, What type of fish and ice cream do you like? (courtesy of Twig)
I like fishless ice cream
Anywho, what do you like about bein' an AK?
Helping other players and making the forum nice and tidy
What do you like about AE?
The great forum support and feedback it provides to its players!
Has True Mortal ever eaten your Spirit Fire?
No, and he better not *grabs dust pouch* [:D]

Are you a NOOB???!!!
I was once a newb, but am no longer
Do you like my sig??!!!
Very nice!
Why am I asking so many weird and random questions?
Because you can!
Why am I still talking?
'tis fun
I'm going to stop now.
Well, Cya! And congratz! :)
*Leaves so fast it's unreal...*
EDIT: It spells Sawhadww! YAY!
Nice work [:)]

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/29/2011 1:35:38)

Hi again [:D]
So....I heard fairy are hot right?
You did?
That's because they're FIRE-ry
Sweet, tasty fiah!
What would you become if you weren't a fairy?
Maybe some sort of morphed butterfly
Do you know there's a game where whale can breed with kitties?
I did not *imagines*
Do you wanna know what games is it?
What kind of pet do you have?
a dog, cats, birds and horses and 1 pet human *winks*
I have an army of pwnies and a few other pets.
Are they trained well?
I'm gonna use them to invade Xan's place? Wanna come?
Alright I'm ready!
Well see ya.


Therril Oreb -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/29/2011 4:47:30)

en guard!
And you thought i was gonna make it so easy?
I was hoping you would lol!
I know it is hard but you gotta press on[;)]
Endurance is key!
Right, you have no idea what i speak of
I have my ideas *shifty eyes*
You have entered a life from which you can never go back.
Oh nooooes! Nevah?

Fight and you will survive
I'm ready
That will make the portal to succes
Thanks for the instructions
Well, thats it from me for today. cya[;)]
Ciao Signore!

P.S. I like what you did there!

bsteiny16 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/29/2011 8:43:28)

Oh! I almost forgot!
Ooopsi daisy!
There was once a man, who loved ice cream so much, that he bargained his*Scratches head and thinks for a moment...*
potato? Potato?! [:D]
Anyway, so the man bargained his pet potato for ice cream. Lets just say it ended with the man eating potato ice cream for breakfeast. [;)]


Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/29/2011 10:16:46)

*I have seen you before*
Me too!
Another Arch Knight huh...
*Searches some questions from my mind* Results of my questions: OVER 9000!!!!
*drops to the floor*
First question:...... um..... *Stares at your Avatar* Fairies?! =O
Pretty great, huh?
Nine Thousand and one question: um.... nothing good question for you D=
anyways, Congratz on being an AK
*Stands in the Shadows and Apparates into another place wile laughing like pure evil...*


SKYWEE955 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/29/2011 16:19:17)

Knocks on Melissa's door !
Who's there?
Woah an AK! congrats! /still knockso n melissa [image][/image] ---/Stares
Whoah! Thank you
/Pokes avatar! Hello fairy!
Hello, SKYWEE *waves*
Is fairy dust not included? to this avatar?
No. Fairy Dust sold separately!
me want some i can turn into a......COOKIE speaking about cookies want one? But dont take me !
Double chocolate chip?
Hey what was it like on your first flying test as being a fairy?
It was FUN!
So again congrats on the AK-Ship! WOAH i just found out that im on the Dragon fable board!
Thanks again ... and WHOAH yes you are here!

jream -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/29/2011 18:00:16)

Hello M4B
Hiya jream!
congrats on becoming an AK
Thank you very much [:)]
why did you join DF?
It's my favorite and the forums are the greatest!
Do you play the other games?
what are your favorite kind of question?
These kind ;)
Byes and enjoy yourself:)
So long, and you too!

nightslayer321 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/30/2011 4:25:28)

Fairy lady at sight! *Megaglomp to u* [:)]
*is megaglomped!*

Hi Melissa, and like I said in the past, congrat in your AKness!
Hiya nightslayer and thank you!

So ready to ma randomly questions? *Evil laugh MUHAHAHA*
I thought I was, but then you laughed evilly haha!

How did u do when u get the Ak invitation?
Through top secret negotiations *shifty eyes*

Why a lot of people like the purple color?
Cause it's the best color evah!

How are going ur italian lessons?
Going slow the past few weeks, but I haven't stopped

In the meantime, take a magic cookie!
Ohhhhh me likey!

By the way, can i get too some fairy wings to fly, or are they an only-fairy thing?
Well I have no extra wings to lend out, sorry!

Or maybe u can sprinkle me with Pixie Dust like Tinkerbell with Peter Pan?
Let me try *sprinkling*

OMG i'm flying!!! * tries to fly higher ad fails, falling [&:]* Ouch, i think i need more practice...
*trying not to laugh*

Finally, the question what i do to everyone: what's your favorite music and film?
I can't really pick just 1 genre of music or movie. Hmm...

Well, that's all. Ciao bella!

Ciao [:)]

Stray Cat -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/30/2011 5:39:59)

Hi there Stray Cat *waves*
Questions, eh?
lots and lots!
How's the AKing going for you?
Going pretty good, thanks [:)]
haha, surpised?
Since I don't have any real questions, I guess I'll just say "bye" and be on my merry way.
Thanks for stopping! [;)]

Oh and P.S., thanks!

Mritha -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/30/2011 10:07:19)

*speeds her warthog through a wave of undead and leaps out of the drivers seat while the warthog skidds to a stop. pushed onward by the foward momentum the black dragonlord tackles her favorite purple fairy in a hug of happyness and congratulations*
Whoah! *is glomped and hugs Mritha back* Thanks Signora Violetta!
Yay your an AK now! :D
Yep I is *looks at all the buttons*
When did you start playing DragonFable?
Years and years ago when I was a young lass... oh... no tall tales? Alright *sadface*
Last year lol!

If you could have anything you wanted in the game, what would it be? *is still hoping for a darkness elemental pet and/or a void/pellow village background for her house*
A permanent town of fairies WITH an alchemy class!
What is your favorite class in DF?
I'm still partial to base warrior. But for war I'm currently using SW with an eye towards DmK
How do you like being an AK?
It's a pretty fun job helping people out and keeping the forums tidy clean! So, I like it muches!
What is your favorite book?
The Bible is first and foremost. After that... hmm... there's about 4 or 5 different faves for different reasons. Pull up a chair one day and I'll tell ya [;)]
Tis all I can think of right now, Congratulation Melissa! See you on the battlefield :)

Thanks again and you sure will!

Lady Greydawn -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/30/2011 18:10:36)

I haz returned! Muahahahaha!
WB Lady, not sure if I like that laugh though lol!
Can I tell a joke?
Sure go ahead *pulls up a chair*
I will take that as a yes and continue to me joke [:D]
Yep, it was a yes
Three guys are hiking up a mountain pass. They are fans of MSU (frowns), UofM (grimaces) and OSU (smiles); and they are arguing about who is the better fan to their respective teams. They reach the top of the moutain and the MSU fan says, "I will show you how good a fan I am." At which point he yells out, "GO SPARTANS!" and jumps of the mountain. The UofM fan looks at the OSU fan and states, "I can top that!" He then shouts, "GO BLUE!!!" and pushes the OSU fan off the mountain.[:D] ZOINKS!
You know you laughed. Admit it.
*whispers* I did
Would you like some double dark chocolate fudge cookies?
I would LOVE some!
How about some chocolate cake?
Yes, yes, please *nods*
Am I asking too many questions?
Will your Fairy Dust help my headache? Nothing else is.[:(]
Let's try! *sprinkles Lady with "Get Well Soon" dust
Can I haz some pizza?
What kind would you like?
Do you think TM will give me his kitty cat?
As long as I get the left one! (you could always make some Mortal Stew) [;)]
Oh... I forgot to answer why the Tog crossed the road. The answer is... To get away from the CMC...either that or because he was stapled to Rolith... your choice.
I choose ... Stapled to Rolith for $1,000, Alex
I think that is it for now.
For now? For NOW?!
Love ya!

Right back atcha, Lady! *hugs*

raylas -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/30/2011 21:39:07)

Sorry I took so long M4B!
Hiya Raylas & no worries!
Have you ever played D&D?
Long, long ago (not saying how long ago lol)
Where do you buy your fairy dust?
Fairies get their dust from the local mines (secret locations) [;)]
Am I allowed to use capital class weaponry to fix a roach problem?
Yes you are... whatever it takes [:D]
What's your favorite book?
The Bible and then about 4 or 5 others after that!
Would you like to pet my chinchilla? *holds up Toby*
Awww, look how cute *pets Toby*
Well I must be going, my GF is calling and I can't ignore that!
See ya Raylas, thanks for stopping *waves*

enjoibro4 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/31/2011 6:27:24)

Hi there *waves*
How are you?
I'm fine thanks, and you?
Congratz and have fun!
Thank you very much, and I will [;)]
Do you play AQW?
No, I do not.
What other AE games you play?
I've played a little of all the games, but I've found my niche in DragonFable!
That's the great thing about AE games, they've got something for everybody!
IF you play it, We've gotta meet!
I'll keep that in mind [:)]
Thanks again!

chisagen -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/31/2011 21:59:56)

I'm back *smiles evilly and glomps you*
*is glomped by the neighborhood fishmonger who sells quality fish at an affordable price!*
So how do you like your job?
I like it very muches
I find it kinda hilarious that everytime someone asks for a fish slap you or Army lock it instead haha don't you?
It's very funneh, I laugh everytime
I got the first post to ^_^
Indeed you did! You must have spiez *shifty eyes*
so to which color do you align yourself with?
The magnificent, awesome, royal, might color of PURPLE! (I get a percentage from Mritha for saying that [;)] )
Blue shall prevail!
Blue will nevah win!
So fish or nyan cat?
Oh jeez. This question is now about checkers!
would you be mad if I were to post the song Friday?
Yesh :)
you got anything to say for yourself Mlissy?
I haz wings!
you got any fish for me to eat?
Walleye or Grouper?
question #8 you ready?
Read and able!
now it's question #9 :D
*counts on fingers* You're right
Why did pluto become doomified?
Because Kermit was not worthy [:D]
because he was so "cold" XD
Cold hearted!
yeah yeah I know that was lame :P
Not as lame as Teletubbies (wink wink nudge nudge)
Well congrats again and glad to have you on the team ;)

Thanks Chis and I'm glad to be working with ya!

bsteiny16 -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (5/31/2011 23:11:28)

Me: Heeeeeelllllooooo again!
You: Hello bsteiny16 *waves*
Me: Do you like Germany Fries? (French Fries are SOOOO 5 milli seconds ago....)
You: I like fried fries :)
Me: Are you good, evil, or purple potato faery thingy?
You: I'm a good fairy, of course!
Me: One last thing: What do you want to have for the Dragonlord's gift this year?
You: I think I want to be suprised!
Me: Well, I should probably finish studying for my final now. Cya!
You: Buh-by!

Congratz Mellisa!
Thank you!

Sinis -> RE: Melissa4Bella = MtAK! (6/1/2011 9:40:59)

Haidere Melissa
Hiya Sinis *waves*
I told you to close your eyes [;)]
Favorite monster?
Never met a monster I didn't like lol!
Most hated quest?
Hmm.. I didn't like 1 or 2, but none are hated
*sprinkles "FRIED" dust on potato*
*is blinded and falls of a cliff*
Oh! Sorry about that! *waves bye*

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