Radiant Solaris Blade (Full Version)

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Koree -> Radiant Solaris Blade (5/28/2011 7:00:14)

Radiant Solaris Blade

Also see other Solaris set items:
  • Weapons: Illuminated Blade, Incandescent Blade, Luminous Blade, Brilliant Blade, Dazzling Blade, Blazing Blade
  • Armors: Illuminated Plate, Incandescent Plate, Luminous Plate, Brilliant Plate, Dazzling Plate, Radiant Plate, Blazing Plate
  • Shields: Illuminated Shield, Incandescent Shield, Luminous Shield, Brilliant Shield, Dazzling Shield, Radiant Shield, Blazing Shield
  • Misc: Illuminated Helm, Incandescent Helm, Luminous Helm, Brilliant Helm, Dazzling Helm, Radiant Helm, Blazing Helm

    Level: 110
    Power Level: 110, Mastercraft for Guardians
    Price: 321,300 338,555
    Sellback: 160,650 169,277
    Location: Solaris!

    Type: Magic
    Element: Light
    Damage: 12-27
    BTH: 14

    Hits: 2
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light
    Damage: 626% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 413% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +46
    Rate: 20%

    If you are a Guardian, the above special deals *7/6 damage* (730.3% Base, Random, and 481.8% Lucky Strike damage per hit instead).

    *The blade channels the sun's power!

    This powerful blade powers up even more for Guardians!


    Image thanks to BlackAces. Name and description thanks to bszoke88. Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Correction thanks to Xrai.

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