Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (Full Version)

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Tiago X -> Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 16:16:31)

So, between the three promo weps we got, Frostbane is the worse?
Celtic Cleaver has the 7% conect thing, and Azrael's Bane has a 5% crit chance on STRIKE.
On the other hand, it has the lower level and stats required?
In my opinion, it also has the best design and animation.
Discuss what you think about these, try not to brag or flame and

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 16:20:31)

just give frost 1 more dmg, and a special ability then its good 2 go

Tiago X -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 16:23:13)

And what wold that ability be? A FREEZE chance on strike?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 16:26:18)

wldnt that be a stun? maybe an increased chance to deflect

Tiago X -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 16:38:01)

I was really thinking about that, z man.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 16:39:33)

Frost weps need % dmg more or % more block chance , this will make all weps equal but next year after frost weps get buff the others will get buff too so frost wepa always will be the less powerfull in % things.

8x -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 17:07:17)

I have an idea, give frostbane +5% to stun next year, since its "frost" bane it should be able to "freeze"(stun) people.

Edit: Oh nvm, I didn't read posts above so I didn't know that you already suggested that.

Shocka -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 17:48:12)

5% stun is op i think for a primary. Either make it +3% or make it have a 5% chance of reducing their defense and resistance by like 5 for a couple turns. And btw I have a frostbane.

Rayman -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 22:22:31)

5% its not op stun guns JUST stunned me 1 time of 50 so 5% is fine

Is need 8% for stun becuz is blokable

goldslayer1 -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/29/2011 22:27:14)


wldnt that be a stun? maybe an increased chance to deflect

we're trying to reduce the luck factor, not increase it.
just put a 5% freeze chance on it (stun) when it comes. same as the other weps.

1/50 is 2% not 5%

kittycat -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 1:37:55)

maybe a 5% chance of dealing 2x damage is a good idea or 5% chance of ignoring 25% of the desired target's resistance.

edwardvulture -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 1:48:08)

I think Celtic Cleavers are the best because it has 1 more damage then all the others and a strength boost with connection bonus.

DillBagel -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 3:07:08)

If another OPed sword is getting a special, Rixties need a special too.[&:]

Lord/Fredd -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 3:13:08)

If Frostbane should get a buff, then give Founder Armour, Beta Weapons, Bunny Zookas and Rixty Weapons a buff too, nothing else would be fair.

DillBagel -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 3:15:12)

Freddy, that's a very good idea.[:D]

The Cardclasher -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 4:15:02)


So, between the three promo weps we got, Frostbane is the worse?
Celtic Cleaver has the 7% conect thing, and Azrael's Bane has a 5% crit chance on STRIKE.
On the other hand, it has the lower level and stats required?
In my opinion, it also has the best design and animation.
Discuss what you think about these, try not to brag or flame and

You did a big mistake,FROSTBANE IS BEST WEAPON HERE.

Cuz if u have good build and FROST WEPS u can defeat george lowe and earn 3000 rating points


Just do it

MrBones -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 6:39:11)


you don't need frost weapons to beat Lowe

The Cardclasher -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 8:38:27)

But its easyest.

ace1092 -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 14:34:32)

Frostbane is also the only energy one out of the three, so depending on your build. Frosty might be better or worse than the other three.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 14:41:13)

celtic cleaver is energy

ajs777 -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 14:55:20)



ha i love it

@above yea celtic cleaver is indeed energy

I have to vote for frosty... well the first one anyway, cuz its like uber rare and stuff and i like rare [:D] plus it looks coolest with founder armor :3

im going to have to agree with freddy as well, mainly since i have all of that lol especially the beta weps those do need a little buffing

goldslayer1 -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 15:12:47)


you don't need frost weapons to beat Lowe

dude yeah u do.
he was nerfed badly when diminishments came, but they fixed him.
i mean u can do it without frost weps. but that requires luck and skill
and alot of people just use copy builds.

Nebula -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 15:28:03)

Oh no Freddy, they simply can't buff the founder armour. It is obviously the most overpowered and broken thing in this entire game. All other armour fail compared to it because its has 4585683858385 more stats and +7000 defense and resistance. It should obviously be nerfed a million times and be left to die. Then the staff obviously should release an armour even better and give it to every non-founder for free and make founders pay 7949539593954959496395693 varium for it.

At least, that's what non-founders want, right?

Anyway, lookwise, I'd say Frostbane. Stat wise, Celtic Cleaver is the worst. Azael's bane is in the middle since it's just a physical, bad-looking Frostbane. Bonus-wise. the bonuses are so low it doesn't even matter.

Tiago X -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 16:14:17)

@Nebula: I don't get it... Are you being sarcastic? xD

Gotai -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 16:58:26)

Why buff a new weapon that will b always worse and worse when they can make a new weapon???
Srsly id better buy a new weapon than use the same for years...

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