No AE games admin in Epicduel? (Full Version)

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Raizuken -> No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 1:43:22)

So far all the Npc's i see in Epicduel are either the admins from epicduel or fictional characters. Why are there no other guys from DragonFable,Adventurequest,AQworlds or Mechquest?

DillBagel -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 1:45:41)

Those characters have no place in the storyline.
Plus AE barely has anything to do with EpicDuel other than paying for servers and wages.[>:]

LunarWarlord -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 1:46:48)

^ ikr

PenyihiR -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 1:52:52)

I've long been thinking about this (since I first played this game)
But I never look for reasons why [:D]

Ashari -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 2:01:07)

Well the Slayer is supposed to be Galanoth by another name. He seems to be the only AE NPC that made the trip to Delta V so far.

I agree with DB, most of the AE NPCs wouldn't fit into the world of Delta V. Having a paladin, like Artix, wouldn't make much sense among Mercs, Tech Mages and Bounty Hunters. If we see any more AE personas popping up, they'll probably be alternate versions like Slayer.

I think it's great that ED has kept its own universe. Lore is a nice place, but having a completely new story is refreshing too. :)

Edit: Doh! How could I forget Charfade! >.<

PenyihiR -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 2:06:50)

Ohh yeah..,
Cz the sword really similiar [:D]

Raizuken -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 3:45:32)

There is not much to do with them in the storyline bu thaving them would be awesome

altimatum -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 7:55:04)

mreh I'd prefer the actual Ae people to get help for ED rather than beat them up in NPC form

RKC -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 8:03:47)

Everybody seems to forget about charfade who is also in MQ.

pinoy idols -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 8:07:57)

@RKC Oh yeah. I was about to mention that. So that makes 2 AE NPCs in the game.

Lycus -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 12:09:14)

Though CharFade is in MechQuest because she was originally part of the MQ art team, and she was transferred over to the ED team :) So that's why she's in ED, she is Official ED Staff.

veneeria -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 12:51:07)

Agreed with Ashari, it makes epicduel special for it to be like that.
Though you can always think epicduel as the galaxy from far far far away.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 13:49:17)

I think having our own NPC's based on our own in-game characters would be fun alternative over having other game characters/admins. :)

I think, other then an else-world story-line, the games should not mix too much.

Eukara Vox -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 14:22:52)


I agree with DB, most of the AE NPCs wouldn't fit into the world of Delta V. Having a paladin, like Artix, wouldn't make much sense among Mercs, Tech Mages and Bounty Hunters. If we see any more AE personas popping up, they'll probably be alternate versions like Slayer.

I haven't played ED much, but at one time I used my game character to walk around a bit, look at stuff. I was woefully... inept. I figured I needed a good amount of time to learn stuff, which I don't always have. My poor character. [:(]

But I do kinda agree with Ashari. I look at my own NPC in AQ and laugh, mostly because she would totally not fit in the Delta V world. I really don't know how she would. I mean, do you really have room for a multiverse librarian - teacher with dragonfly wings... probably not. [:D]

There are several others in all the other games that would look woefully out of place. We probably have some that could be finagled in there somehow, but the ED universe is very unique. It's pretty cool the way it is. Perhaps the other AE personas would have to change too much? I don't know.

Now, I don't speak for the entire AE staff, only me, so no quoting me on that. Last thing I need is in the future if ED gets a some weird versions of AE NPCs in-game, people yelling "BUT EUKARA SAID!!!!!"

Digital X -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 14:29:25)

I doubt it's easy to "import" if that's the right word, an AE NPC into ED from another, such as AQ or DF as the artwork is drastically different, they would have to go through a complete revamp just to fit into ED art style.

Hence why I said weird versions. :P

Firewallblast -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 14:53:46)

My Prometheus armor would go great in epicduel lol

Digital X -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 15:07:36)

@Eukara, ah you did yes.

I'd like to see how different AE NPC's would look in ED style, especially Cysero or Warlic :D

MrBones -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 16:20:34)

They should make me into an npc.

I could be a corrupted Legion commander helping Exile. That would fit my name perfectly.....

frosty123 -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 17:14:01)

They simply cant, not without different names. HAd i ever thought to you that we are on Delta V not lore. If you want to add people form Lore you have to take out thep eople you added from lore. Also one more thing. How old is Warlic? and the other NPCS. I see them in Mechquest which is in the past. They are in The present, and are also in the future. So that must make them over 1000 years old. Does Warlic have some immortal potion?

DeathGuard -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 17:37:27)

Epicduel npcs are fine the way they are :P

Retrosaur -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 21:24:44)

Not to mention you own a corporation. And you're CEO.

MrBones -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 21:35:13)

Sorry to tell you that Dirtbags Corporation is dead.

But you never know when my company will be resurected....

Wraith -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 21:45:08)

@frosty123: Warlic is some sort of Wizard right? He could concoct that with no problem. Wait, in DF Warlic's dead.

Ashari -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 22:07:09)

^ Actually he got better. :P

Come to think of it, a few of the main AE NPCs would fit right in. Cysero's mad weaponsmithing is just what we need to fight Baelius. Nothing like one madman to fight another.

frosty123 -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 23:01:11)

^ but then again if cycerso arrived he owuld have to live lore and in AQW and AQ and DF theyre wont be a cycerso to heal frost moglines

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