RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (Full Version)

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Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 23:04:54)

Player inspired NPCs would be a really fun idea. Maybe once a month, 2 new player inspired NPCs would be unveiled in the Legion Arena. One would be for all players to duel, and the other would be a special exclusive for players who purchased an "Arena ticket" Both could contain drops of player inspired weapons both in-game and exclusive to that months selection. A real limited rare for 30 days.

Both NPCs would have spoken text made by the player who was inspired.

This would be a truly exciting and fun way to represent our Epic Duel community and to show the players are not only playing the game but also a part of it.

frosty123 -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 23:06:48)

^ the player who made the text can write inaproite stuff or stuff that isnt kid friendly.

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 23:08:45)

Intergrated NPCs are pretty cool, they may come and appear when Epicduel fully develops its storyline but as of right now, it has nothing to do with the other AE games (Storyline-wise)

BlueKatz -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/2/2011 23:16:05)

Uh have you buy played MQ? It has AE NPC, but they are different
I believe we can put them in ED easily with few tweak

as an example: Artix is a mutant slayer :L
Warlic is some kind of super tech mage

not too hard, however with ED bad quest system and lack of story developing, I'm not sure if they can have good background for them

frosty123 -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/3/2011 2:02:31)

Warlic = Caden lv 33 or Tian lv 40
Artix = overlord guard or hank lv 35

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/3/2011 5:19:48)

I connect Cysero to Hank....

MrBones -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/3/2011 6:53:32)

Good idea JZaanu.

To push the idea further, we should have a 'player of the month' feature. The player would be made into a npc and stay for i month in-game.

fhiz -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/3/2011 12:49:32)


Epic duel has a story line???????

I know that Baelius attacked and took over but what else happened?

ClaytonPoweredUp -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/3/2011 13:14:32)

I think Artix could fit in, a heavily armored melee fighter that uses the power of light to fight.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/4/2011 4:08:29)

Dbag, I think that would be a fantastic idea.

A special character store and maybe some fun missions created by the character as well.

And if the player completes the missions, buys an item from store and defeats the Character NPC, it would be nice to award them an achievement.

It would indirectly give players a chance to collect an achievement on a monthly basis, so they would be interested in the game just on this player collectable. This would be a fun layer to add to the game.

Drago9999 -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/4/2011 4:40:45)

Well, what if a dimension rift between Lore and Delta V happened. The characters from Lore would change attire because of the effects of the rift.

DillBagel -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/4/2011 11:29:06)

@Drago Genius. Pure Genius. If a rift happened we could add ED stuff into AQW and vice versa.

Street Halo -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/4/2011 11:39:13)

On the note of Charfade;
Charfade's version in MQ is different than it is in ED.

Cinderella -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/4/2011 12:11:50)

We do have a storyline- it's just more... subtle. ;3

DillBagel -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/5/2011 2:56:27)

It would be nice if someone could find archives of BigTuna's story write-ups. They were sort of awesome.

Sky Drifter -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/5/2011 16:46:16)

i miss the old epic duel. i dont like baelius. :L

Tiago X -> RE: No AE games admin in Epicduel? (6/5/2011 17:17:43)

Since MQ , Char may have grown a bit.
@Ashari post 24: LOL, that was a nice pun !

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