Sandy Claws (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Sandy Claws (7/29/2005 8:48:17)

Sandy Claws

  • Frostval ( 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012: The Freeze-gion of DOOM! )

    Bio: He's an adult Klawg and minion of Zorbak, who kidnapped the Moglins during Frostvale. He was one of the many past Frostval bosses turned undead by Frigidere and sent to slow you down in Frostval 2012's war.

    Function: Kidnaps Moglins during Frostval. Often the protagonist in the Frostval saga, he serves as both an enemy and boss battle. Occasionally, he teams up with Frosty the Snow Golem to fight you. Also a mini-boss in Frostval 2012's war.


    Image from Ninja Paladin.

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