(DF) Loremaster (Origin of Alanna) (Full Version)

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Alanna Zelen -> (DF) Loremaster (Origin of Alanna) (6/14/2011 21:45:32)

Introduction - Little Girl

One dark and gloomy day, as many tales begin, a young infant girl was abandoned at an orphanage. Hideous monsters attacked the town and the girls parents wished to flee. However the caravan that would escort them to the far safer Falconreach refused to take the squabbling infant, saying the child would attract the attention of the monsters. With regret in their eyes, they left their darling daughter behind. Her mother carefully set the child down and kissed the child lightly. “Death, watch this child. Her life is not to be wasted.”

The girl was silent, seeming to watch the caravan leave; then the brawling begun. Wood creaked near the infant’s ear as a stone faced lady looked around, then down. Burly arms swept the swaddled child up, and then pulled the slip of paper from the folds of the fabric. Alanna. “Come on then Alanna, let’s get you inside.”

Alanna Zelen -> RE: (DF) Loremaster (Origin of Alanna) (6/15/2011 1:51:23)

Chapter 1 - Exploration

Mean nasty brats! Alanna screamed silently, being punched by the nastiest of her attackers. She curled up tighter and refused to whimper. Heavy footfalls signaled the arrival of one of the adults. “Hey, leave off! Stop behaving like feral monsters!” The woman sounded drunk, shouting every word. The attacking orphans scampered off, going to wherever they hid in the orphanage.

“You, girl! Toughen up!” The woman waddled off, running into the wall. Alanna waited until she was gone to move. Her small body was covered in an assortment of nasty bruises, some from other such attackers and others from exploring. Uncut brown hair hung over her face, which was brushed away by the girls hand to reveal her stormy blue eyes. Carefully the youngster got to her feet and ran for the nearest shelter.

Alanna kept moving, careful not to stumble into the domain of the gangs. If you didn’t belong to a gang, you were on your own. She left the cluster of buildings near the dorms and went into the more desolate areas. The orphanage was underfunded, meaning these buildings would likely never get repaired. Most of the money came from the shifty characters who bunked in the dorms, for a small fee. The ladies who run the orphanage were almost always drunk, and spent most of the money on grog.

She squeezed through a boarded shut door, ignoring the rats. They hadn’t bothered her at all so she wouldn’t bother them. The little critters ran around her feet, scampering into the next room. Alanna followed, moving carefully now. She had no candle to light her way, just the rats scurrying to guide her. Alanna had explored the various buildings during her short lifetime, using them for shelter and a refuge from the other orphans. The others had the same idea though, so finding a good place to hide was vital.

Rats and girl passed through areas they had already scoped out, heading towards the areas in the depths of the building. Before most of the buildings had been ruined, the orphanage must have been a splendid place to live. But all the worthwhile clothing, food and tools had been taken a long time ago.

Light spilled through a hole in the roof, lighting the hallway. Alanna moved more swiftly now, wanting to see what was on the other side. Rats scampered out of the road. A simple set of stairs chiseled from the earth lead down below the ground, winding out of sight. She cautiously went down, step after step. Darkness greeted the girl. Alanna breathed softly as she moved across the basement.

Oww! Alanna ran into a solid metal door, cold as the hearts of the ladies who run the orphanage. Small fingers ran across the metal, finding the doorknob. She twisted and put her weight into opening the door…

Alanna Zelen -> RE: (DF) Loremaster (Origin of Alanna) (6/22/2011 2:29:34)

Chapter 2 - Wakening

The door gave way, swinging open enough to let the girl in. She walked through the doors and straight ahead to the pedestal in the middle of the room. Alanna stood stared at the book lying on the cold marble, hesitantly looking at the glowing illustrations. She reached out to turn the page… the light flared, then faded out. Blinking in surprise the young orphan looked around.

Slowly the shadows advanced until all she could see was the intense silver-blue glow from the runes marring her left hand. Alanna shivered and curled up underneath the pedestal. The runes eventually stopped glowing as the girl fell into the embrace of sleep.

Mage child… Child, wake up…’ Voices spoke to her, some kind and others harsh. Hesitantly she opened her eyes, seeing nobody. ‘Loremaster, here...’ The voice came from the book. Alanna slowly came to her feet and stared at the pages. The beautiful illustrations were still there, lacking the blue glow. She looked at her left hand, the hand marked by runes. ‘Yes little one. You heard me in your heart, and accepted my gift.’

“Wait, what type of gift?” The book had called her loremaster. While she tried to recall why the title felt so familiar, the voice chose to reply. ‘The gift of knowledge child; knowledge of the arcane and the commonplace.’ The voice paused for a moment, before continuing on. ‘With the power comes the title of Loremaster.’

Alanna thought about it. “How can I hear you, then? Is it the magic?”
No little one. I am the Register of Loremasters. When I was alive, my friends called me Book.
“So you’re a human who has become a book, correct?” It sounded a bit weird to her, but so did the rumours of the mage known as Cysero who turned a Guardian Tower into a fish.
Correct. I was the first loremaster. This was my grand library. If you take care of the library for me I will help train you, Alanna.’

“Anything is better than being beaten up. Can you teach me how to defend myself?”
Ah child, but I do not have to. Just imagine a shining wall of magic surrounding you.‘ The pages of the book flicked to the end, where glowing blue lines painted an image. Alanna gasped as a likeness of her appeared on the pages. A small girl stared back at her, with eyes of blue and silver.
Don’t be startled child. Your gift was dormant and I woke it as well.

I have magic... and I’m a loremaster.
Alanna thought, before fainting in shock.

Alanna Zelen -> RE: (DF) Loremaster (Origin of Alanna) (8/11/2011 2:45:45)

Chapter 3 – Blue

Small beams of light filled the room when Alanna next woke. Her eyes adjusted to the low light enough to be able to see the full expanse of the library. Alanna judged it to be as large as the orphanage would have once been, back before it was left to rot. Dust rested on all of the books and caused her to sneeze.

So you are awake little one.’ The powerful voice of the Register remarked.
“Of course I am awake, its daylight.” Alanna’s stomach grumbled. It was so peaceful in the library, but she needed something to eat. They were down to one meal a day again, and she could not afford to miss it. “I’ll be back!” She called, going to leave the library.
Wait.’ Called Book, ‘You will need light to make your way out.’ An incantation was written on the open pages. Alanna knew she couldn’t read, but she tried making sense of the words. Deep within her she heard the incantation being spoken by a much younger flesh and blood Book. Startled, she looked away. The voice faded. This must be magic…

Alanna looked at the pages again, letting the sound of the spell flow over her. Without fully realizing it she whispered the strange words along. A blue mage light popped into existence next to her left hand.
Alanna, open your eyes…’ She obeyed, jumping in surprise as the magical light filled the room with a strong blue luminescence. “Why is it blue?” The moment the words came out she knew it was a stupid question.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers.’ Book sited, in a way that spoke of years spent saying those same words to many others. ‘Blue is the colour of your ‘loremasters’ magic. Silver is the colour of the magic you were born with. It is common that a person’s magic will manifest with a colour if the spell is not elemental.

Alanna Zelen -> RE: (DF) Loremaster (Origin of Alanna) (12/6/2011 19:29:21)

Chapter 4 – Freak

Alanna made her way back through the ruins, her surrounds bathed in blue light. The rats peeked out from piles of discarded junk to watch the young mage silently. Light seeped out from the holes in the wall, and it was through one of these holes she peeked. The courtyard looked deserted as the early morning sun lit the dull expanse.

Her mind still scrambled to comprehend what had occurred. She was now a mage, and a loremaster. Magic flowed through her veins; a force she still did not understand, even though she felt a lot wiser then before. Glancing down at her left hand, she saw that the light had faded to nothing. Right, Alanna thought to herself, I get my serve and return.

The other orphans disregarded Alanna as she snatched her meager offing of food. Stone, the carer from the day before, stopped her at the door before she could escape. “Look at me. Ah, it seems we have a mage in our mists.” The other orphans turned to look, seeing the silver glints for the first time. Her runemarked hand was covered by the loose folds of her ill fitting tunic. They all hated mages. Once a year, any orphan who showed magical aptitude would be collected from the orphanages to be trained in the use of magic. They were also the first to be adopted.

A rock hit her in the back of her head, thrown by a jeering giant of a boy. She raised a hand to fend off any more attacks, mistakenly revealing her runemarkings. Another rock came flying, aimed at the shins. It halted an arms length short, before dropping to the ground. “Hit the witch between the eyes!” called a voice from the gathering crowd. Alanna turned and ran, dropping her meal in the rush to escape.

She ran through the ruins, heedless to the glow emanating from her hand. Reaching the metal door she forced it open, slamming it behind her. From above the sounds of angry orphans was barely audible. ‘It did not bode well with the orphans, I see.’ Remarked Book, not even seeming slightly surprised. ‘Mortals are always afraid of what they cannot understand or control. I wish we did not need to leave so soon, but it seems we must prepare for a journey if you wish to live a full span of years.

"Book... where though?" Alanna queried, feeling uneasy about recent events. 'Ah child, where would you like to go?' Book countered, in a manner that suggested a smile.
"Well, I would like to find my parents. Or learn my magic..." She frowned. Her knowledge of the outside world was sparse, only covering the bare basics. Book seemed to realise this. 'Open your mind child. This library is full of knowledge. Think of what you wish to learn, and let your feet go their own way.'

Alanna Zelen -> RE: (DF) Loremaster (Origin of Alanna) (12/7/2011 2:40:02)

Chapter 5 – Listen

Alanna felt somewhat stupid standing in amongst the books, listening for a clue. Book had told her to open her mind but she had no idea how to achieve that. Magic had come easy to her before, but she didn’t have a clue exactly how she did it. Humming tunelessly she placed one small foot in front of another, walking through the books. Slowly her thoughts and doubts trickled to nothing and the whispers begun.

Little dear one, would you like to know about herbal remidies?’ a voice inquired out of nowhere. Another soon joined it. ‘No no, I’m telling you healing magic works better for soothing the ills of humans, not herbs!
Why heal when you can defend?’ remarked another voice, further away then the first two.
The voices were all different, yet shared a similarity to her communication with Book.
My dear! Why don’t you sit down and listen to some tales of the great explorers!’ called a more commanding voice, from several rows over.
“Uh hello, I’m looking for some books about... places I guess.” Alanna spoke timidly, breaking the silence.

A more elderly voice spoke above the undertones of chatter between the books, ‘You don’t need to talk out loud dearie. Just think what you wish to say, and think of speaking it out loud but not. That is how you use mental communication young mage.
She closed her eyes, following the instructions and tried to think her words out. “Thank you for your advice ma’dam.
Almost. Try not to actually speak, or you might come to regret it.

Uh, hello everyone... where might I find books about places?’ Alanna tried again, feeling rather stupid.
A clamour of voices came from the second row to her left. She quickly relocated, standing in amongst the mass of voices. ‘Sandsea is quite lovely at this time of-
-a lovely place full of rare flowers!
Many heroes are known to frequent Falcon-
They all fought to be heard over each other, their collective voice driving Alanna to her knees. ‘Everybody quiet! Where am I currently?

She was surprised when the clamour of voices stopped, and a rather young voice remarked. ‘You are in the Library of the Loremasters, founded by the one known as Book. The grounds which the library is located in was once a centre of learning, but was forgotten some three hundred years ago when a war broke out and several of the faculties were damaged. Since then, I do not know what happened.
“I believe this is what happened. The faculty was converted into an orphanage and the library forgotten. I found it though. But where exactly on Lore is this place?”
Three days march from Falconreach, next to the town of Ashmire last time anyone cared to record details in my pages. I am but a small handbook given to new arrivals, and Book usually tells me about any changes.
Alanna found this interesting, and thanked the book. She now knew where she would be going.

Alanna Zelen -> RE: (DF) Loremaster (Origin of Alanna) (12/7/2011 3:59:30)

Chapter 6 – Change

Book seemed surprised to see Alanna so soon. By all reasons, he was quite shocked that she was coping so well. But then again, he remembered a younger mind would be more capable of accepting change. Still, he was very worried about the young girl’s mental wellbeing. ‘Alanna, are you ok?’ She blinked once, not expecting the inquiry. “Fine... I guess...” Without noticing it, she rubbed the unfamiliar runes on her left hand. A slight tingle went through her fingers at the contact, but the marks were not raised from the skin.

“To be truthful; not fine. I go to explore one of the most rundown buildings at the far edge of the orphanage, follow the rats down I think it was four floors to a room I had never chanced upon before. I was supposed to still be searching the third floor for anything of worth; something I could barter for more food.” It occurred to her it was rather strange to be able to converse with a book, even if it had once been a living being.

“I mean, I could be going crazy. Bonked my head, feel over and imagined all this.” Another thought occurred to her. She was normally unable to speak this fluently.
“But I don’t think my mind could have thought this all up. So it must be real... it sure feels like it. I mean, I’ve seen the magic myself... I must be beyond shock...” Alanna shook her head in disbelief.

She paced around, “Book, I want to get away from the orphanage. I can’t live down here forever, and the other orphans know what I am now. And this,” she held up her hand, “marks me as different, forever. I guess Falconreach is a good enough place to go. One of the books says it’s pretty close to here.”
Alanna swore he would have smiled, ‘All roads lead to Falconreach young one. It will be hard going since you have no food, but we will make it. I know there is a fellow loremaster in the Guardian Tower there.'

Alanna Zelen -> RE: (DF) Loremaster (Origin of Alanna) (1/23/2012 2:22:50)

7 – Forseen

Darkness set in, casting the orphanage into an abyss absent of light. From the main building where the caretakers resided, the sounds of rowdy drinking could be heard. Alanna quietly walked past to the main entry to the orphanage, occasionally removing her hand from underneath her clothing to shed light and avoid running into objects. Book was mostly silent under the orphan girl's arm. She had no supplies, but remaining now the other's knew she was a mage would be even more difficult.

Walking what felt like hours in the dark after managing to leave the orphanage undetected, signs of a village started to appear. Fields full of produce were visible under the feeble glow cast by the moon whenever the cloud cover parted; different from the sparse lands she has seen around the orphanage. Her bare feet were starting to ache from walking on sharp stones littered along the road.

Without fully realising it, Alanna had managed to walk into the middle of the village between moonset and sunrise. From the shadows a young boy ushered her to follow as the village slowly woke. “Hurry, before they decide to take you back.”
Clutching Book she quickly followed the boy into one of the houses, surprised to see an elderly lady ushering her to sit down by the barely flickering ambers in the fireplace. “I knew I sensed a young mage approaching. You left the orphanage, correct? And you carry an item which contains a magic similar to your own... a book, it seems.”

Looking into the lady's eyes it was obvious that she was blind. “How can you tell?”
Book decided to break the silence he had observed since leaving the library, "She is a mage Alanna, with the ability to sense magic. I believe she was once an orphan like yourself. Is that correct?"
The boy jumped, surprised, “A speaking book? What type of magic is that?”
The old lady grinned, showing that she retained most of her teeth still. “That is correct, wise one. I did not think I would ever find myself speaking to an incanted book though. Alanna dear, tell me what you know.”

Alanna shyly recounted the last two days, explaining how she had came to be a loremaster. The boy, who was named Nam, offered food. “No surprise they didn't come after me then. Snuck off when the supplies came. Brooke here woke to find me hiding in her house.”
Brooke smiled again, “He's been a helpful young lad since then. But I won't be around for much longer... you should both leave here and find a better place. I'm too old to teach magic. Nam knows where I keep my funds. Take anything you need and go.”

Nam hugged the old woman before going upstairs to retrieve what they would need. Brooke held out her hand. “My powers may not be what they once were, but I have gained an insight to the world I lacked before. Give me your hand Alanna; the runemarked one.”
Alanna offered her hand, which started tingling on contact. Brooke didn't stir even when she sneezed, breaking contact after a few moments. “You have potential to be many things child. I see you learning much, and losing what you hold dear. I saw you amongst others fighting for something you believe. Your path isn't certain as of yet; but you have great potential as a mage. I advise you look into the past to find the future.”

Nam returned, tossing a cloak and laden bag to Alanna. “We will have to get you fitting clothes later.”
She hastily put on the cloak, pulling the hood over to hide her hair before putting Book into the bag. Nam finished talking to Brooke before she was ready, pulling his own hood up to hide golden eyes and brown hair. Wordlessly they left, begging the first of many journey's they would both go on.

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