PyroPuppy -> RE: "Artist block" (6/20/2011 2:25:33)
I have this so called "Artistic Block" all the time! To get over it, I don't try to think harder on an idea, but I just let ideas come while I'm drawing. If I feel like drawing a sword, for an example, I'm starting by making a rough sketch of very abstract lines, until I get an idea for a part of the sword, like the blade. After I design what I have in my mind, I keep making more parts as I get ideas for them. In my opinion, to get out of a block you need to do something different from what you usually do, and not bothering yourself all the time with "what should I draw?! I got nothing!". Let your mind rest until you get an idea. But still, try to think from time to time about something. Oh, last thing, I found out that in school you can get some great ideas while doodling in class.