Battle Rewards (Full Version)

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Sipping Cider -> Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 11:50:41)

Hello! THis is my first post on a new subject, so i hope i am not breaking any of the rules.

When winning or losing a battle, you get a reward. That can be gold, experience, battle tokens, or influence. Obviously, the rewards are different for solo or team battles.

Based on the amount of time it takes to play a battle mode, are the rewards for the battle modes equal?

More credits for solo battles?
More Influence for team battles?
Whatever your thoughts are on this subject, please post them here!

He Who Lurks -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 12:04:35)

I'm not sure if I follow you but here it goes:

I suggested about 8 months ago I believe, that the more turns that pass, the more credits one should receive. 2vs2 is much more dynamic than static(opposite with 1vs1) and takes much longer. 2vs2 should gain an increase credits IMO.

ajs777 -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 12:20:00)

Rewards are fine right now, in fact, its almost to much, the only rewards i would change is the rewards for juggernaut mode, i think the rewards for the team side are to low and for the jugernaut side to high, other then that its perfectly fine

He Who Lurks -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 12:29:30)


Looking at the numbers, players are actually on a very tight credit budget as they level up.

Listed below is the total experience required to get to a level, the total number of 1v1 or 2v2 matches it would take, and the total amount of credits earned.

		Matches		Credits Earned	
Level	XP Req	1v1	2v2	1v1	2v2
25	10290	1029	515	22638	20168
26	12620	1262	631	27764	24735
27	16200	1620	810	35640	31752
28	21030	2103	1052	46266	41219
29	27110	2711	1356	59642	53136
30	34440	3444	1722	75768	67502
31	48020	4802	2401	105644	94119
32	61600	6160	3080	135520	120736
33	75180	7518	3759	165396	147353

Going on the model that a player would buy a new Primary, Gun and Auxiliary every 5 levels a player will on average spend 30,109 credits by level 25 and 81,609 credits by level 30 solely on equipment. This is without buying armor at level 15 which many new players do make the mistake of doing, leaving them even further behind on credits.

Actually, based off this scale, it isn't.

~Numbers provided by Ashari.

Fixed up the table spacing so its readable. :) ~Ashari

AQWPlayer -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 12:46:50)

They should give more credits for each battle. And also, it doesn't make sense that you get more experience from winning than from losing :s

DeathGuard -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 12:51:42)

Yea, they don't fit anymore to high levels, credits have raised in items. I say credits percentage increase everytime we level up. What do you think?

AQWPlayer -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 12:53:15)


DeathGuard -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 12:57:20)

I earn to 10k to 15k credits each week so many would say its enough but, we can't spend too mcuh varium on enchancements. It helps all of us because it is fair.

Drakadh -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 14:19:33)

@cyberbakio ryugan


Yea, they don't fit anymore to high levels, credits have raised in items. I say credits percentage increase everytime we level up. What do you think?

OMG... Did you read my mind? Thats the first thing that went to my mind when I first played ED :D!!!!


DeathGuard -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 16:50:35)

^IT has always been a problem.

xxmirxx -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 16:59:14)


More Influence for team battles?

I agree I think 2vs2 should get 10 influence since hardest one.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 17:08:42)

wasnt influence originally 12 in beta? then lowered to 5?

edwardvulture -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 17:47:27)

^Thats true but theres more players now.
I think the influence for 2 on 2 should be 7

xxmirxx -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 17:57:53)


wasnt influence originally 12 in beta? then lowered to 5?

No it was always 5 your think of experience that was raised to 7 if you lose it was 5.

frosty123 -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 19:14:27)

@ He who Lurks Creits increase over howm uch rounds. That would be a horible idea. ONe can make two accounts make them sit there until 20 rounds and then kill the oppenant get tonbs of money for 5 rounds.

Snaipera -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 19:38:30)

@mir , dear mr know-it-all (means you don't know ,yet you answer , I'm saying it simply so that you can understand) PLEASE when you do not know something ,shut up . Influence was indeed 12 per battle before flags came . Then they lowered it ,so that flags would be more useful. Also ,about the scale , how the heck did you calculate the credits per level this accurately ?! Do you know in advance how many matches you're going to win and how many to lose . You might as well lose them all but still level up ,what do we do then . Seeing the varium enhancements are way too expensive , IMO they should raise the credit rewards so that all players can enhance their weapons easier :)

xxmirxx -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 19:48:08)


Influence was indeed 12 per battle before flags came .

LOL your very dumb it has always been 5 in beta times.


means you don't know ,yet you answer , I'm saying it simply so that you can understand) PLEASE when you do not know something ,shut up

I think you should you just do same since your don't even have right facts because faction and flags were introduced at same time.

Snaipera -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 19:54:13)

ROFL , please , shut up and don't make a fool of yourself :) Factions have been here since .. probably alpha , not sure . Though I'm sure they were there before the AE merger . Flags were introduced about a week after Battle Tokens were .That was I think ... around March 2010 . Then influence was nerfed to 5 . Pause at 1.00 . Do you feel stupider now ?

AQWPlayer -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 19:58:29)

Well...I have been there when influence was introduced, but I forgot how much it gave for each battle. My guess is that 1vs1 win gave 5 influence and 2vs2 win gave 12 influence.

xxmirxx -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 21:01:13)

I actually did not know it was 12 influence in 1vs1. Well I was mistaken. but your still wrong because flags were introduced in january. I do apologise because I never in faction in january I join my first faction in february. But still was same for 2vs2.

Do you feel stupider now ?

Nope but you did correct me I just knew it something was nerf and had feeling it was influence but wasn't sure but as you can see that wasn't only thing it was credit as well. But still there was no need to rude you couldn't just show me post. But instead you were rude may I remind you when I was ban off forums. You openly said you like flame on me. I do not find appropriate when you do it just shows how immature you are nuff said.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 21:14:45)



Do you feel stupider now ?

Nope, but you did correct me. I just knew something was nerfed and had the feeling that it was influence, but I wasn't sure. However, as you can see, that wasn't only thing nerfed; it included credits as well. But still, there was no need to be rude. Couldn't you just show me the post? Instead, you decided to be rude. May I remind you when I was banned from the forums? You openly said that you like to flame me. I do not find it appropriate when you do. It just shows how immature you are, nuff said.

Grammar corrected to make it more read-able :)

Ashari -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 21:19:06)

@Snaipera: To answer how I calculated the credits earned at each level, I took an average win rate of 60% in those calculations. This was a rate I felt was fair for less experienced EpicDuel players who would be the ones that have mismanaged their credits. That was originally posted in this thread to show that the average player would be very strained on credits as they level up.

In any case, every 10% increase in win rate will get you approximately 5% more credits so you can calculate the credits earned by each level for whatever win rate you wish. Fighting team battles does wind up earning less credits overall since you gain more experience and level up faster (arguably) than solo battles. You can see that as a trade-- trading off credits earned for leveling speed -- but overall both 1v1 and 2v2 do need some sort of credit boost.

Now let's get back on topic please. We all make mistakes sometimes, so there's absolutely no need to insult another poster for being misinformed. Correct him or her if you feel it's necessary for the discussion and move on. If the personal attacks continue in this thread, I will lock this up.

xxmirxx -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 21:19:34)

thank you AQW

AQWPlayer -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 21:41:28)

No problem. Want fame? :P

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Battle Rewards (6/20/2011 22:14:09)

btw the ed wiki is wrong we do not get 14 exp whne we lose in a 2v2 we still get 7 exp. well as for the battlle reward i think 2v2er should be able to get more influence for thier faction. ok when a factions want to win wd the will have to :

1) get 2 flags of more(relatively easy for a 2v2 faction but 1v1 faction can do that too)

2) play lots and lots of 1v1 since 1v1 is the fastest way to get influence(2v2ers will not feel happy doing 1v1. well i did not fell happy when my faction a 2v2 faction had to do npc to just win wd why can we just play normal 2v2 where is the fairness here)

3) fire cannons to make sure legion/exile will win for the day(firing cannon is not needed if there is no bugger from the other side which is firing cannons like mad cause he did not know there is something called gorg lowe)

4) active members on the day.

ok that is what u will have to do to win wd every1 know that but i m just listing everything so that i can compare a 2v2 faction and a 1v1 faction when they are going for world domination.

Pros for a 2v2 faction going for wd with the current battle reward system

1) getting more tokens so that the flag is easily sercured

2) nothing else

Cons for 2v2 faction going for wd

1) they will have to do more 1v1
2) they might not be able to get a 2v2 faction badge because members are doing npcs and wasting time doing so.
3) 2v2er do not feel comfertable as they are basically forced to change builds or do 1v1 to just get a wd because 2v2 are just too slow and the give the same ammount of influ to the faction.

Pros for 1v1 faction going for wd

1) they will not mind doing 1v1 becase they will just get another 1v1 faction badge if they do so
2) 1v1 are faster and they are used to doing 1v1 so they are not like a fish out of water
3) since they win fast flags would not be much of a problem too

Cons of 1v1 faction going for wd


well i suggest X2ing the number of influence gotten in 2v2 because 2v2 are slow and 2v2 faction should be given the same chances when they want to get wd. let 2v2 players play in thier water. do not let them feel like a fish out of water doing 1v1 to just get wd.

now for some calculation lets use the leaders for 1v1 and 2v2 today to calculate the ammount of influence a faction can get.

Calcuations for the current battle reward system

1v1 daily faction leaders: Control alt Death
1v1 wins:3439

2v2 daily faction leaders: Xx SuPErIorsssS xX
2v2 wins:630

now lets times the numbers by 5

CaD influence gained: 17195

Superios influence gained:3150

compare the diffrence:14045

look how much more a 1v1 faction can gain by just playing 1v1. ok u guys might say this is not accurate ok i will use Ed world record the most 1v1 wins and the most 2v2 wins.

DSX:11,232 1v1 wins

KOTR:1918 2v2 wins

DSX influence gained:56510

KOTR influence gained:9590


yet again 1v1 faction wins the day by getting like 5 times more influence than a 2v2 faction. is this fair. hell no i m in a 2v2 faction and it is so dam bloody hard to get wd.

if the did X2 the influence gain by a 2v2 battles 1vl faction will still get more influence. the fact is this game is kinda unfair to 2v2 factions. yes i know a 2v2 faction can fire cannons to get its side to win but imagine a 2v2 faction vsing a 1v1 faction of the same side. the 2v2 faction will lose. i do hope the devs adress this issue before delta. 2v2 faction have been suffering for so long. pls at least consider to increase the influence gain whne doing a 2v2 match.

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