RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (Full Version)

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xxmirxx -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/2/2011 22:35:04)

Guys why so hard stay on topic. I want change skills on CH and BM. instead nerfs.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/2/2011 22:40:41)

Anti nerfs. i hate nerfs just buff the other 2 classes. remove super useless charge for blood mage and replace any other skill and change the skill tree to make hybrid tier 1 or 2 skill. look wat happen when the devs start nerfing every1 becomes unhappy and another oped class will surface and this cycle will just continue it is called the money cycle. make every class have their oped build like back in beta. merc had their str build,bh had their str builds and mages had their heal loop. ok back to topic.

here is what a blood mage new skill tree should look like:

Tier 1: field medic, fireball, hybrid armor/defense mat or reflex boost
Tier 2: plasma cannon, blood-lust, overload
Tier 3: berzerker, intimidate,plasma rain
Tier 4: Assimilation, Field commander/ any other useful skill because sc sux and the devs still wont admit that sc is super crap,deadly aim

links of each skill remains the same. positions of overload and plasma rain swapped.

here is what a tactical merc new skill tree should look like:

Tier 1: Field medic, double strike, hybrid armor
Tier 2: Maul, blood shield, frenzy
Tier 3: smoke,Surgical strike , Artillery strike
Tier 4: reroute,atom smasher, poison grenade

yes i think technician should be replaced with with blood shield as hybrid armor is more then enuf to cover up for the lack in defenses. reroute to be shifted to tier 4 and smoke shifts to tier 3 and links with maul. surgical move to tier 3 and links with reroute, poison grenade and atom smasher.

skill tree of cyber hunter is reasonable. only thing which need changing is just static charge should be changed into a passive or they should add in another passive to help cyber hunter.

ND Mallet -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/2/2011 22:47:03)

Buffing all the classes will take a WHOLE lot longer than just nerfing just one class. Plus it will result in constant fluxing of buffs and 1 overpowered class. I'd rather the Devs nerf one class instead of wasting time(which they could be using to fix lag) buffing every class each time one rises above the rest.

Your choice; one nerf, more time to fix and update. Or 5 buffs, less time to fix and update.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/2/2011 22:54:24)

nerfing also takes time so it is bout the same and do u remember what the devs did to mages when they nerfed them. and i rather all classes have their oped build so it be fair every1 has thier own oped build and they will not complain. but i do agree that tlc merc's technician should be replaced with blood shield or energy barrier because merc gaining tech bad idea.

xxmirxx -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/2/2011 23:02:25)


Buffing all the classes will take a WHOLE lot longer than just nerfing just one class.

I never said all class. We never try bufing weak classes so you don't know how long it will last.

ND Mallet -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/2/2011 23:07:36)

@Luna Nerfing takes time but not as long as buffing would. With a nerf you slap it on ONE class, test, adjust if necessary, and implement. With buffing you have to do that 5 times over. When Mages were nerfed they were so dependant on Heal Loop that they all went into a denial stage. They didn't believe they could win without heal looping so they didn't. If you don't believe in being able to make the build then you will not find the way to make it. Mages were still great after heal looping and I did manage a couple hundred kills with an Overload Build. You heard me right. OVERLOAD. That means I used a spell. I also got a hundred or so kills as a Str Mage as well. The builds are there but most people prefer to copy pasta other builds instead of being innovative. I switched to Mage mainly because people said it was UPd and casting couldn't be done. I did casting and wasn't UPd.

ZirakogluED -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/3/2011 8:57:22)

Well,I don't see why not to giving it a try,Since We tried nerfing the strongest and that seemed to fail.

DeathForest -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/3/2011 9:25:09)

I agree, i hope they dont nerf TLM, only buff the other classes.

Ranloth -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/3/2011 9:37:54)

So nerf one class OR buff 5 others..
I guess first one is easier and will require less work. Outcome will be the same in the end.

Normy -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/3/2011 20:23:44)

I don't see the difference between nerfing and buffing. They are both essentially the same thing, just the other way around. Nerfing a class could potentially make it underpowered, while buffing a class could similarly make it overpowered.

xxmirxx -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/3/2011 20:46:31)

nerfs was major reason why agility was here and requirements. Because people want mages and bountys nerf. just create chaos and alot of fighting between non varium and varium players.

noobyhunter -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/3/2011 23:17:54)

no more nerf or buff..plsssss...[8D]

nerfing or buffing is not a solution..swap some skills maybe...

you guys should remember the new class also has the old classes skills...

if you nerf 1 or 2 of TLM's skill..who do u think will be more affected TLM or the rest of the old class..same for buffing

to make it more clearly

if you nerf/buff a skill like

reroute= tm will be affected
hybrid = merc
smoke = bh

and so on..

Angels Holocaust -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/3/2011 23:38:18)

EpicDuel has NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER, buffed a class before in it's history. All this game has ever done was nerf, nerf, and nerf a class till it dies. What's wrong with buffing the other classes to match the current one in power? We all know that the Devs can't balance crap for their lives, all they ever do is make overpowered stuff for the game so why not try to buff them? It is Delta, so it's time for change we can believe in.

Hun Kingq -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/3/2011 23:42:45)

One thing they could do is take away the Toxic Grenade that is one more powerful weapon they did not need. I got hit with one 32 critical damage then 14 right away so right off the bat 46 damage I healed then he hit me with the gamma bot laser 57 critical damage. So I was disgusted and left and next time they challenge me I will refuse and ignore the challenge. So much for the mage having all that power we have to have high health, high dex not too high, high tech not too high and low energy. Basically the Blood Mage have the option of one skill and when you use that skill at a high level you might as well forget about field medic because you have no energy to use it, only boosters. So congrats Titan and programmers for making an over powered class even more over powered and basically screwing over the Mage Class once again as with all previous updates.

xxmirxx -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/4/2011 2:19:58)

Angels Holocaust I agree nerfs what makes more people mad. We never try buff instead of Nerfs. Maybe its best to let us choose two skills we want replace.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: No to Nerfs and Yes to Buffs. (7/4/2011 2:46:56)


Wasn't the introduction of Shadow Arts to the BH class widely considered a buff to them? Moreover, when mages heal-looped you and bounty hunters with SA slaughtered just changed to those classes.

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