LambO -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 17:18:36)
Dev's are jusy all hype, they get nothing done. They are useless. "No flaming the Dev's" releases like this, I'll do what I please. Seriously Dev's, next time you might aswell come to my house, knock on & just kick me in the nuts. YOU GUYS ARE ED'S FOUNDERS, yet you know nothing about this game, you don't give a crap what the players want, its just all about you guys & our money. Waste of space. Wish I could just freakin leave...but like always this game has my money in it. I know I'm gonna get a warning in a PM, guess what I don't care. Warn the Dev's for such a crap release. Like Gordan Ramsey, DONE.