PumKing -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 20:38:24)
@Cindy pardon me, I am a BH in the game, but how is reflex boost, a third teir skill in any way supposed to be better when it is a teir 4 skill? That is a extremely poor move on the Devs part, assimilation was an awsome skill, if anything, remove Plasma Rain, who are you kidding, not even mages (those who have played the game and know how to play NEVER use it competitively, even tech mages never use it even when they use malf, they either use a gun (boosted but deadly aim) or plasma bolt. I know it might seem unprofessional to take sides, however, the mage class continuation to get nerfed, while the other classes remain reletively uneffected is a serious problem that has gone one for over a year now, and has not been fixed. I know this is a rather emotionally charged response, but I am rather disappointed with how little you care about this game that you work for (supposedly). @Titan, the reason you no longer log in to play with real people is because you would lose constantly to all the tacticle mercs, especially with your outdated armor, but most importantly because you are a tech mage.