RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (Full Version)

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Feral Ninja -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 20:45:40)

Cindy@ Yes, we know.

And yes, it's the hardest boss fight yet...
But to be honest:
1) There is no achievement for it.
2) The mission where you need to kill him is pretty unclear (Nobody knew it was for a mission)
3) The mission only gives 1800 credits. Which tbh, is a joke.

I think I speak for most of us that we'd rather have an achievement than 1800 credits...

Also @Cindy:
Since you know far more than us at this point... Do the developers even listen to our suggestions concerning Balance?

Tactical Mercenary is still overpowered, Blood Mage got a nerf in some cases, and a buff in other cases and Cyber Hunters got the worst buff EVER.

The developers say that they want our input in Balance. items, etc... Yet, they refuse to listen.

Might I suggest they take a day off and read the messages on the forum concerning Balance issues? That way, they might actually understand what the problem is with the classes/builds and then they can actually work on balance.

Hell, for all I care I'd rather wait a month for the proper balance adjustments than have a crappy weekly release.

I hope you'll atleast discuss this with Titan/Nightwraith,
Thanks up in front, Cindy. ;)

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 20:46:43)

We'd intended it to strengthen caster builds, and I'm apologizing.

And I do care about this game. I would not be giving up so much of my life if I did not care about the game.


They do listen. Blood mage NEEDED a defensive skill, and we'd intended Reflex Boost to work like Technician in the Tac Merc skill tree. It wasn't intended as a nerf, really.

I actually compile the suggestions into a document, however, I can't guarantee that a suggestion would be used. All I can do is give my honest opinions.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 20:48:46)

lolz the buffs an the nerfs were a joke. they did not do anything useful or changed anything at all.

the devs should have replaced super crap srry i mean super charge with reflex boost. and ch should get static charge to be passive. and tlc merc skill tree should be changed to this

Tier 1: field medic, double strike, Hybrid armor
Tier 2: Maul,Blood shield/energy shield, Frenzy
Tier 3: atom,surgical strike, artillery strike
Tier 4: smoke,reroute,poison grenade

field medic-maul-atom-smoke
hybrid- bs/es-surgical-reroute
hybrid- bs/es-surgical-poison grenade

Bm skill tree should be like this

Tier 1: field medic, fire-bolt,reflex boost
Tier 2:plasma cannon,bloodlust, overload
Tier 3:zerk,intimidate,plasma rain
Tier 4:asim,technician/field commander,deadly aim


Field medic-plasma cannon
fire bolt-blood lust-intimidate
fire bolt-blood lust- zerk
intimidate-deadly aim
intimidate-technician/field commander
Reflex boost-overload-plasma rain

Nebula -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 20:52:52)

@Cinderella Even though Blood Mage isn't mean to be a caster class?
And Casting skills are weak, other than overload they have no bonuses, and all have base damage and not % damage.

T.600 -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 20:54:08)


We'd intended it to strengthen caster builds, and I'm apologizing.

And I do care about this game. I would not be giving up so much of my life if I did not care about the game

@cindy: Blood mages are supposed to be strength based, but if you wanted to buff casters then you should of added a 10% defence ignore to fireball. I would still like to see a buff for caster tech mages though.

Anyway, the new boss is good fun to fight, it's good to see some balance changes but to be honest I expected some sort of a surprise new weapon due to the slight delay of the release :P.

I can't say I liked this release (except fighting the boss) but atleast I can look forward to some EPIC AQW and HS releases because I know they will never let the players down [:D].

Feral Ninja -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 20:54:55)


We'd intended it to strengthen caster builds, and I'm apologizing.

And I do care about this game. I would not be giving up so much of my life if I did not care about the game.

1) I'll perhaps make a thread about Balance Suggestions soon, and if you can/want, I would love to hear your input.
2) You know, Cindy. I admire you. Even though people are yelling at you and that sort of things, you still stay neutral and even apologized.

I want to give my thanks to you, Cindy. Thank you for caring about us (Although alot of people apparently disagree on this... >.<) and thank you for caring about the game.


Luna_moonraider -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 20:57:05)

caster bm lolz give them fc and they will certainly be casters. plasma rain and super crap srry did it gain i mean super charge are useless skill for a blood mage. why plasma rain is stupid because its dmg sucks. super crap ops i said it for the 3rd time i mean super charge is useless cause bm have blood lust why the hell would they need another life steal skill.

Cometwo -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 20:57:33)

This idea isn't for balancing the class's but I think it would be cool if each move had a sound to it instead of being silent all the time me and my bro were talking about this. Kinda like in Dragonfable mq aq etc each move has its own sound right? If they had that in ed that would be awesome!!

Razen -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 21:00:52)

@Luna_moonraider: You do recognize that Super Charge was likely the idea that sparked the entire class, right? Besides, Malf+SC=You're Dead. Unfortunately, BM lacks a way to regain energy, so add a renamed Static Charge and BM should be alright.

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 21:53:40)

To all tact mercs since you are strong why do you just use the gamma bot to do your battles? In a 2vs2 my partner was a tact merc and when she did the bot punch she got 54 total damage so with each update why is the Gamma bot given more power?

Under the thread Improving the Blood Mage I came u with two ideas that did not replace a skill on the tree and did not cost energy, one was a combo armor boosting defense and resistance and the other was the cool down for Assimilation be reduced and instead of getting only half energy back I suggested 4x energy return could be 2x or 3x. This way no skill is replaced causing this backlash, defense and resistance would have been boosted without energy or health cost, Assimilation energy return would have been buffed and Intimidation should have more than just strength basically all the stats that improves powerful skills weapons and bots. Especially bots since tact mercs are afraid to fight any other way.

*Nova* -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 22:27:54)

The only thing with Tact Mercs that I think should've been nerf is either Hybrid Armor or Technician.
And I personally think that it's technician that needs to go, and be replaced with blood shield. That was what I was looking for.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 22:32:37)

yup, u can have max hybrid and max technician, use technician, smoke then use gamma bots phys atk=destruction (considering its 5 focus)

rej -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 22:35:46)

ok, now that last fridays release is out of the way, i wonder whats in THIS fridays release [:D]

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 23:08:41)

Blood mage is starting to sound like a balanced class now. (Relative to the first 3 classes.) Tactical Merc is still slightly OP, and Cyber Hunter is still slightly UP though. Server and art improvements are good too, though. Thanks, devs I appreciate it. Keep up the good work and devotion to making epicduel the best you can.

Also, replacing assimilate with reflex boost is NOT a nerf. You get way more energy from a good reflex boost than assimilate. Not to mention it gives +3 dex every level to max. As a long time bounty hunter, trust me. This skill is far more formidable and useful than assimilate.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 23:10:43)

The multi shot and plasma rain sucks they should get replaced.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 23:22:32)

@Edwardvulture I really don't see why CH has multi-shot, besides it looking kind of technology-ish. Even with a dex based bounty hunter build, there are WAAAY better ways to spend your energy. Believe me. I guess they decided each new class needed a two person attack, though they could've tinkered with the skills a little. Why not have a skill like Static Cannon, which would deal lower dex-based damage but have a 10% chance to stun both enemies?

Luna_moonraider -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 23:23:27)

Nope sc is crap and malf +sc = nonsense

Razen -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 23:29:39)

^: So, then you're saying that my build should never be able to win, but I'm easily able to defeat any Str BH or basically anyone that isn't a level 30 Full Varium, and if you come up with a Tech Mage build able to kill people 5 levels above you and are varium users, I might listen to your point of "Malf + Super Charge = Nonsense", but as it stands, my win rate is actually pretty high, for my time only in Tech Mage.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 23:30:38)


This Update Was Horrible.

I'll Be The 1st To Mention What No One Else Has Yet...The Graphic Changes To Fortune City Are HORRIBLE!

Moving The Flags Was Unnecssary. I Don't Appreciate MY Flag Almost Being In The Garbage - Outskirts Of Fortunce City Now...Wow. Just Put It Behind A Trash Can, Why Not?

The Valestra's Area Looks Alot Worse Now, Seriously. The Flag Move Near Armor Hazard Was A Poor Choice. That Area Is Usually Crowded Enough.

And Now The Entrance To Fortune City Looks Bad As Well. Almost A Blank Screen Before The Bike Shop. Simply Trash And The Graphic Changes/Flag Moves Makes No Sense.

Speaking Of Which...The Pointlessness Of The New Boss Battle...If You Were Too Lazy To Design An Achievement, At Least Give A Good Amount Of Battle Tokens (Like 400-500)...

Something Useful For The Mission Complete...I Mean CREDITS?!? Wow. Lame. Really Lame. Why Even Bother Fighting It?

No More World 7 Was Yet Another Negative Of This Update. Again, PLZ Explain Why This Was Necessary? And Lag Is Still A Big Issue.

I Won't Even Speak Of The Nerfs/Buffs....Yet.


You Runied MY Fortune City. It Really Looks Horrible Now. What's With All The Green There Now? Is Valestra Celebrating St. Patty's All Year Now? Seriously? Wow.


Giras Wolfe -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 23:48:25)

@Luna Why is that nonsense? High dex and support work together very well, and a 30% hp gainback isn't something to ignore, especially when hitting noobs in juggernaut. Not to mention it only costs 1 skill point to have supercharge.

@Buffy Agreed on the boss npc and mission. More achievements and battle tokens would've been nice.

However, I do not like how you have the attitude of "owning" fortune city and being the one to judge how it looks.

I disagree. The new background on the first map nicely sets up the kind of area fortune city is built in. The second screen gives a nice full view of the city from the outside. Valestra's new bar is very impressive, granted a little heavy on the green. In fact, I love the biological feel they're subtly working into the city.

It gets under my skin that the dev's can go through all the trouble of redrawing fortune city to its fantastic new look, and all you notice is that your flag is near a trash can. I find it hard to believe you honestly don't appreciate having a new backdrop behind you. You've been looking at those map screens for two years. How could you not be tired of them? Maybe, for you, it's more of a matter of principle.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/14/2011 23:54:59)


Fortune City Has Been My Flag Location Since Eartly Beta.

18 Months Of Having My Flag Fly In That Location More Often Then Not.

When You Click On The Flag, It Says...This Area is Controlled By The Girls Of Buffy.

Need I Explain More?

As For My Judging The Graphics...I Have Spent More Money On This Dam Flash Game Then Most Players Ever Will...Or Should.

If I Am Unhappy With What The Designers Do Or What I Visually See... I Am Just As Entitled If Not MORE As Anyone So To Voice That Opinion Freely.

Let's Be Honest...Nightwraith Has Done A HORRIBLE Job Graphically With This Game For Months.

It's Looking Worse, Not Better. Perfect Example: The Armors. One Size Fits All. All Classes. All Genders. That's Just Lazy And Uncreative.

Most Of The Players Dislike The Look/Style Of Bunny Borg And/Or Space Armor...And The Fact That They Are Not Class/Gender Changable.

We Are Customers Of A Game That Pay Alot Of Money For It. We Have Been Expressing Our Displeasure In The Lack Of Quality Looking Artwork (Armors Being The Key) At Times...

I Happen To Think The Changes To Fortune City (Valestra's) Are Disgusting And Poorly Done. It's My Right As A "Customer" To Say So.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/15/2011 0:00:39)

I think the graphic changes are new and very pretty and need no more changes as most would not mind it looking like after testing is over.
@Razan: Supercharege is like only good at low levels...Yes level 30 is low, takes more than half your leveling up quest to get it to level 33.
But I still hope they remove enhancements from guns, auxes, and armors.

Baron Dante -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/15/2011 0:09:16)

@Edvadr: Agreed. Of course, if we share the same thought that level 30 is low.

Razen -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/15/2011 0:12:08)

@Edwardvulture: So, being able to defeat level 30 Varium Toxic Gren and HA Tact Mercs with supercharge is 'like only good at low levels'...I'm sorry to say, but me and Baron Dante have separate effective builds utilizing the power of Super Charge. Because, Malfunction and then Super Charge is quite deadly...almost a I win button.

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= Delta Update 1.3.0b is Live (7/15/2011 0:18:07)

I used reflex boost at max used a lot of energy and got back very little energy and block was the same percentage with it on or off and it only last a couple of rounds, you have to waste a turn to activated and against NPC when they struck it was like it was not there.

Each class is unique and the skills should match just because one defensive skill is good for one class does not make it good for another.

We had enough skills that uses up energy without good energy regain and to add one more that did not make any sense at all, 15%, that is a joke.

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